Chapter 26 : Death Fight

The plague god bit the shield, snorted, and leaped backwards out. The hard lump on the silver shield was bitten with two white marks, and I was knocked out of 70 blood by the force of the impact.

Because of sharing my experience in battle, the turtle is now level 5, and armor increases my HP150, shield defense increases by 30.

I felt the breath of the sea turtle connected with me on the shield, and the small sea turtle seemed to blame me for not summoning it earlier. With no time to communicate with it, Albert had rushed to the spot where Leon and his men had died, and I bent down and quickly picked up the gold longsword and several red and blue pills on the ground.

The wind came back to my head, and I raised my shield sideways, and my right hand was replaced with a golden longsword, and at the moment when the plague struck my shield, the golden sword struck him.

The system says: "You are not high enough to use the power of gold."

The golden sword cut the back of the plague God, did not lose blood, the original gold equipment to 30 level to use. While I was there, I was knocked off my horse by a tremendous force.

The plague came at me again, only to hear a long hiss, Albert stood in front of me, and took a blow for me, I clearly felt that Albert had lost at least half of his blood!

We can't let Albert die! I hurried him back to his pet space, and I couldn't summon him again for three hours.

I put the golden sword into my arms, put on the silver sword again, and with such a simple action, the plague God had rushed to me again, raised the shield, and I was hit again.

Laboured to climb up, the whole body like to fall apart, continuously hit, I really can't hold on, but I must hold on ah, not only to hold on, I must also win, can't lose!

The pain from various parts of the body came together to stimulate my brain again and again, and a kind of madness that was stored in the depths of my heart seemed to be about to break out, and I screamed wildly: "Kill!"

It was as if a powerful force had filled my body for an instant, and I felt my blood boil and my whole body burst into flames. The Plague god seemed to sense the change in me, and could not help taking a step back, his eyes flashing with surprise.

The system prompts: "You enter the 'Hot Blood' state, your explosive power is currently 5, so your strength is increased by 100%, your physique by 50%, your agility by 50%, and your state duration is 50 seconds..."

That's great! Without hesitation, I took two blood pills and rushed to the plague God.

Under the effect of "acceleration", in the "hot blood" state, I was only slower than the plague God, with my fighting skills, I could avoid most of his frontal attacks, and my sword almost all hit his vital parts, each sword cut off more than 100 of his blood!

"Forty seconds... Thirty seconds... Twenty seconds... Ten seconds..."

Hot blood is about to disappear, I quickly flashed to a pillar, the ear came a reminder: "' hot blood 'state failure, you enter the' weak 'state, strength reduced to the original 50%, physique reduced to 75%, agility reduced to 75%... It will not return to normal within three hours."

I almost spit out a mouthful of blood, just let me prestige 50 seconds, cut the plague God more than two thousand blood, let me wait for death in the next time! If I had known this, I would rather not this "hot blood" state!

The plague God rushed to me, I instinctively moved, but, clearly in my mind, the action was half a beat behind, I was caught in the chest, the blood volume dropped rapidly.

I cut the back of Plague with a backhand, this time, only six blood!

The plague god also found that I had become weak, and this time he did not let go, but increased his force on the teeth, and I clearly felt that the rat teeth had chewed through the Wolf King's skin armor and penetrated my body!

With a bang, I was struck hard by the plague, and my back slammed against a large pillar, and the pain as violent as the waves of the sea flooded me for a long time, and a word flashed through my mind: "Death 1.

Fighting for the last bit of consciousness, I made my last move - "Meow!"

The cat, like the ordinary mouse, was the fear that lurked in the depths of the plague god, who almost like an electric shock let go and flew away dead.

I fell to the ground, consciousness little by little back to the body, the blood has seen the bottom, I slowly eat the blood medicine and use the treatment, slightly opened my eyes to the distant trembling plague God, can not help but smile: "If I knew so effective, why bother to use now."

However, a mere imitation of the meow, how can be overcome by this highly intelligent creature. The plague god soon recovered. There was anger in his eyes, which soon changed to a cruel smile. Yes, I saw him smiling!

With this strange smile on my face, I seemed to receive a message from the plague God: "You dare to tease me, then watch how this God tortures you!"

Instead of sprinting, Plague trotted toward me, as if he wanted me to experience a growing sense of fear. Plague had evidently found me in a "weak" state, and in his eyes I was now little more than dead.

If you want to humiliate me, I will make you pay! Holding the death of grief and anger, I launched the final struggle.

However, now the gap between our strength is not by fighting spirit can be narrowed.

The plague easily grabbed me and threw me out again and again, each time biting off more than 150 points of my blood, and falling down and dropping dozens of points. The blood and blue I had just picked up were consumed in a twinkling of an eye, but I still didn't give up, whether I could win was one thing, whether I could do my best was another.

War to a soldier, never retreat, this is the ancient famous men commonly used sonorous language, every time in the TV can not help but surge. Today, I finally personally experienced the tragedy of it!

If at this moment a portal appeared that could carry me to safety, I would still not leave, only for the sake of my heart!

The silver sword has long been out of my hands, and in response to the evil smile of the plague god, I waited quietly, waiting for the arrival of the final blow, the silver shield on the turtle felt my will, actually pulled my arm up, the shield held in the chest, at this moment, I clearly realized that the turtle and my life are integrated.

The plague god, who probably knew that I had run out of medicine, actually stopped and looked at me with a mischievous expression, as if admiring his prey.

Perhaps, he is trying to imitate the game of "cat and mouse", mice have been played by cats for thousands of years, and it is sad enough that today I met this desperate guy, dare to pretend to be a cat, he of course to me as the object of good "revenge" in general.

So humiliated by a rat, but I was surprisingly calm.

As long as I am not dead, I still have a chance, although Plague has more than ten thousand blood, I only have fifty. But in my eyes, the chances of winning or losing are always 50-50.

Insist will not necessarily succeed, give up will certainly fail, I firmly believe this.

Anyone who has ever seen a laughing mouse, it is really a creepy face, I am afraid that many years later, I will never forget this face, especially when the strange smile is frozen in the face of the mouse...

A light of lavender hung over the body of Plague, a light that looked familiar, like the spiritual magic of the great Ox head, but different. Finally, I remembered, this is the "taming" of the light!

Behind the plague God, slowly stood up a bent figure, I looked carefully, is the old patriarch, he actually did not die!

To be able to immobilize a highly intelligent BOSS, it is at least expert level above animal taming ah! Worthy of being the chief of the Sark clan, I just don't know how long his spirit can support this spell?

The old patriarch said only one word in a husky voice: "Kill." Then he closed his mouth and locked all his mind on the plague and did not look at me again.

The whole body of the old patriarch radiated a kind of light that I had never seen before, which was not like a treasure light, nor a natural light, but like a flame. The old patriarch's body, face and voice were noticeably older than before, but I did not put all this together for a moment, and I only knew what I had to do now: "Kill the plague god!"

Without going to pick up the silver sword, without taking out my best bow and arrow, I slowly took out the newly acquired weapon from the bundle - suction blood vessel.

Walking slowly behind the plague God, I slowly inserted the suction vessel into the back of the motionless plague God's neck.

A taming monster will wake up as soon as it's attacked, and the harder the attack, the better the chance of waking up, which is why I chose this unremarkable weapon.

I felt the blood of the plague flowing slowly down the suction vessel, turning into a warm stream in my hand, which was sucked into my body and replenished my HP, which had reached its bottom.

I stared intently at the back of Plague's head, and at this moment, the whole hall seemed to be frozen in time, and I could not even hear the sound of breathing...

My hands and body are as stable as sculptures, perhaps the result of twenty years of training in the dark space. If I shook my hand even a little, the chances of Plague waking up would be much greater, and in a second, perhaps only a second, the course of the war would be completely reversed.

I did not hear the old patriarch's breathing and heartbeat, I never thought that the old patriarch also had such a stable will, but I could feel that the faint light emanating from his body was still beating continuously, like it was burning.

Time went by little by little, and when the plague God in front of me suddenly fell forward, my whole body was already stiff, and my heart could not think for a long time.

Hearing the system prompts, I ask myself: "Really win?" Did you win? Have you won..."

The sound of my body falling woke me up, old patriarch, falling on my back.