Chapter 33 :The Town of Eagle

Eagle Town was bigger than I had expected, at least ten times wider than our lost village, but still a far cry from Sunset City.

There are a few of every kind of shop in town, but there is also a lack of more high-end shops such as pet shops and carving shops. There are some buildings in the town that cannot be built by village units, such as hospitals, churches, schools, etc. Hearing the singing in the church and the children reading in the school, my tired heart became relaxed.

It is strange that the town with such perfect facilities seems very cold, and there are no players walking in the town, are they out to fight strange? But there should usually be a fair percentage of living pro players trading or building things in town.

But I knew I was on a time-limited mission, so instead of wandering around town, I went straight to the mayor's house.

The guard at the gate saw my "village chief" badge and immediately let me in.

The mayor of flying Eagle Town is also an old man, it seems that all villages and towns like to choose a highly respected person as a leader, and I am a special case of this village chief.

I cut to the chase and said to the mayor, "I have come to inquire about the Eagle."

The mayor said, "Have you heard about it there? Well, our eagle town has always been famous for its eagles, and our eagles have always been very kind and never actively attack humans. The eagles used by the princes and nobles for hunting are donated by us, and many hunters from all over the country come here to choose falcons. However, since the birth of a large number of players in the town, things have changed."

I wondered, "Did the players attack the eagles, and the eagles rebelled?"

The mayor nodded: "Yes, at the beginning, these players are low and dare not attack the eagles, but as their strength increases and they can kill the eagles, it becomes more and more wrong." At first, some eagle species, like owls and harriers, became active in attacking players, but these eagles were not of high rank, so the situation was not serious. However, later, the eagle group began to mutate, among them, there were a large number of new species of "evil eagle". Because of the high level of these evil eagles, and actively attack players, miners, woodcutters and other players can not collect materials, so most of the players have moved away from the living profession, ah."

I said, "Well, what can I do?"

The town sighed: "The king has ordered the destruction of the 'evil eagle', as long as you can kill all the evil eagles, the system will award you merit value."

I said, "No way, all the evil eagles? How many? What grade is it?"

The mayor shook his head: "I don't know, the number of evil eagles is increasing every day, and now I'm afraid there are hundreds of them." The usual Evil Hawk is level 40."

Is that something I can do at level 30? You are too much of a messenger, charging me so much gold, but asking me to do such an impossible task!

While I was secretly scolding and walking out, the mayor said behind me: "Yes, the day before yesterday, there was also a player to take this task, according to the regulations, you can complete the task together, according to the actual number of eagles you killed each person's merit." The player's name was' Wells. '"

When I hear that, I have hope, in this case, when Leon and they come online, we may be able to finish this task.

I went to the town bookstore and bought up all the books I didn't have, and I got six more skills and two books on the formula. He sold his useless materials, made room to buy enough blue medicine, and rode Albert out of town.

A town to see the sky full of eagles, with reconnaissance to check, only a dozen levels, and then go out a paragraph there are more than 20 levels of the eagle. There are some low-level players on the ground three or two teams with spells and arrows to shoot eagles, these eagles will only be hit will rush down to attack, it seems that there is no evil eagle appeared.

Then a very thin voice was heard crying, "Don't kill the eagle, don't!"

I followed the direction of the sound and saw a thin figure chasing some players around, Shouting not to kill the eagle.

I walked over and saw that this small player was actually a small glass. Looks like only a teenager, looks like a very poor physique, wearing the most common novice equipment.

Due to the success of surgery to treat myopia, glasses were rarely seen in our era, and when the game created characters, it would only simulate the player's original appearance, and no glasses would be added. It was the first time I had seen a player wearing glasses in a game, so I was curious to see what he was doing.

The little boy shrieked as he pulled the hands of the falconers to stop them from using magic and shooting arrows. The players are troubled, want to hide, this boy wants to chase, hit him, he also refused to go.

Finally, a mage impatient, two ice arrows let out, the small glasses hang up.

I secretly laugh, this game is really what people have, actually someone wants to stop people from killing monsters, playing the game does not kill monsters also play ah.

I couldn't help but ask several players in front of me: "What are these little glasses doing, why don't you kill eagles?" He can't be from the Humane Society."

Several players also laugh, only the murderous mage does not want to laugh, after all, the value of sin plus 1 is very depressing.

An archer smiled and said, "This boy said that eagles are human friends, they eat mice, snakes, sparrows and so on, have a great role in the protection of the grassland, if you kill too many eagles, those harmful animals will grow faster, and one day will affect human beings."

I touched my head and felt that what the small glasses said was not unreasonable, and there was a sense of ecological protection. To know that human society's destruction of nature is indeed very terrible, destroying the food chain, disrupting the ecological balance, will cause very serious consequences.

However, here is the game ah, the ecological environment of its own game console adjustment, any monster will die out will spawn new, a monster breed too fast, the host will give them a natural disaster or limit its growth, here is not the reality of the situation. However, this little glasses at such a young age with such a sense of worry, I should not laugh at him.

I shook my head and continued on the road, and finally, there were more than 30 eagles in front of me.

In this area, the player level of killing eagle training is usually more than 30 levels, and basically a group of more than a dozen people, or mainly to long-range attack personnel, where fighters and other close combat occupation is not useful, so each group of up to two or three melee players and a priest.

In my line of sight, there are six or seven groups of players, they are wearing a badge on the chest, I approached to observe, it is a gang badge, these people originally belong to a gang "eagle slaughter".

There are already gangs in the original game, ah, I remember to build help should be more than 45 level players, with a considerable reputation to establish, and now such a town also has gangs, indicating that 45 level players have quite a lot of it.

When they saw me approaching, they shouted at me: "Don't disturb us, son, if you dare to lead monsters, we will kill you!"

I secretly frown, gang people are different, will kill at every turn, forget it, do not care about them, and I do not have the ability to care about them now.

Under the pressure of anger, I lightly said: "I am looking for the evil eagle, may I ask here?"

The players in front of them all laughed: "With you? Level 30, looking for the Eagle? Get yourself killed! There are so many of us who don't dare mess with them."

I asked patiently, "Have you ever met a player named Wells?"

The crowd stopped laughing: "Oh, so you are with that pervert on the road ah, you have a good backer, the guy is in that direction."

It seemed that this "Wells" was not easy, and I ran to the direction they pointed.