Chapter 41 :Troubles

Perhaps, my action this time, in any other time, would have felt extremely stupid, but at this moment, I firmly believe that I am right, or that this is what I have to do, is my only choice.

I felt that my voice was already high enough, but unfortunately, because of my biological condition, the system also judged my hidden attribute "volume" to be the lowest, which is many times different than the voice of Wales, which can penetrate thousands of people, and the thunderous lion roar of monks.

Welles couldn't hear me, of course, but a lot of people on the outside of the Hawk Cult turned to look at me, and then a group of people greeted me.

A dozen paces apart, I saw the leader, Paul.

Why is the vice president of the Eagle-slayer Church out there hiding, and why is he wearing silver? I thought he was a set of gold.

Paul, red as if he were about to burst out fire, roared at me: "You have come just in time!"

A white light across, is chivalriles 28 can learn the dark weapon "flying star".

My subconscious flash, but not quite, hit me on the shoulder, and unexpectedly, I only lost 40 blood. Just as I was about to speak, another gust of wind blew in my face, and it was Paul who used the "wind and dust" skill, which Tom often played in front of us, saying that he loved to use the move before level 30, how Paul also used this move.

I lifted a silver shield, the grid art took effect, "wind and dust" hit the shield, only let me take 50 damage. Then, countless sand covered me.

Oh, my God. That's all a Level 42 fighter can do? I shouted: "Vice Master, please calm down, I was trying to stop the mage!" While blowing away the sand.

The sand dispersed, but I found myself surrounded by dozens of eagle slaughtering teachers.

Paul gritted his teeth and said, "Chris, well, I remember your name, not only today, but in the future, people in this church will kill you every time they see you, killing you until you become level 0!" And that companion of yours, we will also hunt down to the end!"

I smiled sadly: "He is not my companion..."

Before I could finish, a dozen spells of all kinds, seven or eight long arrows, and all kinds of weapons fell upon me.

I'm not a pervert like Wells. Why do this to me.

A clip of the horse's belly, I rushed to the front, the back was instantly hit by a lot of water, fire, wind, electricity, earth and sharp objects, although the key flashed, and there is a super Luperz suit, but my more than 400 blood was immediately drained.

I seized the last moment to call Albert back, and there seemed to be a loud shout behind me: "Don't touch my brother!" And then there's the screams of the players, very close.

But I didn't get a chance to look. Paul burst into my arms like lightning, and the sword plunged into my chest. At the last moment, although I did not use detective skills, my intuition made me appear a caption: "Paul, Level 28 knight." It turned out that the vice president had hung up 14 times...

White, I rubbed my eyes, for a long time to see, in front of the village, is the lost village. Since I didn't set up a resurrection point in Eagle Town, death came straight back here.

Hang up ah, I smiled helplessly, as if the heart relaxed. This could have been a predictable outcome, but did I just act like I wanted to die?

No, I'm just trying to do what I can to stop a bigger killing.

In fact, even if God opened his eyes and that Wells posted my words, this fight will not be over, so much hatred, how can the eagle Slayer stop? To put it bluntly, I just died for nothing.

Whether it's atonement or self-abuse, dying once seems to make me feel better.

But, checking myself, I can't laugh at the loss of Luperz's right ring and boot...

The Luperz suit suddenly became a normal equipment, which made me very uncomfortable, and it was actually iron equipment. Since I've been reduced to level 29, Luperz equipment automatically goes down one level.

I patted my head in distress, I will not do this stupid thing again, and now it is too late to regret, anyway, it is a death, why not put the good things in the hotel deposit oh.

When I had it, I already felt the importance of the Luperz suit to me, but once I lost it, I knew that this suit was so spiritual, losing it was like losing a friend of my own, although not completely lost, but, friends were dismembered, is not more miserable?

The heart suddenly became more and more uncomfortable, with "God" word of the best equipment, but also the relic of the dead Sark patriarch, but also the sacred relic of the Sark, because of my impulse, so gone!

Now what do I do? And go back to Eagle Town to die? Well, it doesn't matter. With Wells, I might be dead by the time I get there. Did I really go over there and ask the Hawk Slayer to kill back to level 0?

I walked out of the resurrection site, and suddenly I heard someone call me: "Village chief, you have come back just in time!"

I looked up and saw a black player running, it was black, I had bought his wood when I built a house before, senior woodcutter.

Sunspot a brain of grief and anger: "Village chief, I was logging in the east, found a BOSS wood, just want to cut, someone came to rob my wood, they four or five people, I can't beat, had to run back, village chief, you can give me Lord ah!"

I ah a sound, looking at the sunspot, he should be serious, this person has always been quite honest. But, I'm the mayor, I'm not your boss, am I responsible for this?

However, I can't sit back and watch this happen in my territory, if people in the village are robbing each other, sooner or later, the village will be in chaos, which is not what I want to see.

I nodded and patted Sunspot's shoulder: "I don't have time now, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Looking back, I saw two new players in the transfer array, carrying mining shovels on their shoulders, and ran to me as soon as they came out: "Brother, I heard that there are many mines here, which direction is it?"

I simply told them, and the two players ran excitedly out of the village. Looking at their back, I suddenly had some worries, the lost village suddenly became so famous, it is not a good thing, if those big cities "mine protection team" also came, what should I do?

Suddenly worry up, now he is only the village chief, if this village really sealed to me, I will have greater responsibility, then also not worry about death?

A few steps further, I saw Alan sitting in the sun not far from the village guard.

I frowned. "Alan, why are you doing this again? Is the road to the river full of monsters again?"

Alan shook his head: "No, there are so many players in the village, I dare not go out again, the players are very terrible, do not know when, they will attack you, I will not Kung fu, when the time to run away, or the village is safe."

I am not angry: "I am not also a player, why did not see me attack you?" Who will kill you, you have nothing precious, killing NPC but to add the crime value ah."

Speaking of evil value, I think of the pregnant woman I killed, my heart is sad.

Alan sighed: "I don't know, before wandering to other villages, I have seen players cut NPCS."

I pulled him up: "how can you find such an excuse to be lazy, I bag you are OK, go fishing."

Alan reluctantly left, but my heart is not steadfast, so many players, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will be out of curiosity or perversion, no reason to attack NPC, ah, annoying ah.

Then I saw the last person I wanted to see: the king's messenger.

Looking at his fat body and the mean smile on his face, I wondered why no player thought of attacking this guy, he definitely has a lot of oil ah. But if you think about it, killing him would make you a wanted man, which would make it a mercenary mission.

The messenger smiled and said, "Chris, how is your mission going?"

"I may not be able to finish that task," I sighed.

The messenger smiled: "In fact, the task of merit is not high, you don't do it worth mentioning."

I ah a voice, puzzled to look at the messenger.

The emissary smiled more contemptiously. "Chris, you know those Sark herdsmen, don't you?"

My heart, with the fastest speed to turn around, the "patriarch badge" on the body to take down the pocket, and then turned: "Yes."

The messenger looked at me strangely and then smiled, "You know, our country has been oppressed by our neighbors for a long time, because the cavalry link is too weak, I think, with your relationship with those shepherds, it is OK to ask them for hundreds of horses?" With these horses, you are worthy of a knighthood."

My heart secretly called very dangerous, if the emissary knew that I was the chief of the Sark, it must not ask me to send thousands of good horses ah?

Hundreds of horses, is hundreds of gold coins ah, this messenger is really greedy, even if he is really dedicated to the king, the merit value of the big head, is not to give him.

What is today, the day I've been waiting to take up my lordship? Why? Why is there so much trouble?!

I suddenly got a shock, these hundreds of horses, not my private property, it is the result of the hard work of the Sark people herding ah, why I always think of myself, would actually consider giving horses to messengers, just to get a small Lord's position!

I don't want such an annoying Lord! I'll go back to being my free, normal gamer!

A sudden surge of breath sprang up in my chest and I shouted, "No!"