Chapter 43 : Purple Light Rain

The monk's Extraordinary Sealing Technique finally reached Extraordinary First Class after repeated use, it might only be able to seal Wells for two or three seconds, however, with so many attacks falling at the same time, a fraction of a second would be enough for Wells to die dozens of times!

 At this very moment, something strange happened, all the objects in front of my eyes suddenly twisted, the mountains were moving, the sky was moving, the human form in front of me was also changing, the whole space seemed to be distorted, some of the player spells passed through Wells' body, some inexplicably landed elsewhere, and the melee players did the same. No reaction appeared on Wells' body!

 A voice rang out in the sky, "Attention, the server is under attack, the strain program is activated, please don't panic players!"

 At this time many players' people had already turned into two halves, or their shapes were extremely deformed, some abnormally swollen ones, while some were alienated into beast shapes, waves appeared on the mountain, and a few dragon shadows even flashed in the sky, the Shepherd God suit on me even turned into wood level at times, and heaven level equipment at times, looking at me dumbfounded, everyone was too scared to move around for fear that they would fall apart.

 Only lasted less than five seconds of chaos, a flash in front of my eyes, the system prompted, "The attack has been lifted, the server is back to normal, the system will be extracting the game archive from ten seconds ago, please be prepared."

 There was darkness before our eyes, followed by a flash of light, and when we opened our eyes, the terrible mutation had indeed been eliminated, and the scene literally jumped back to ten seconds ago, where Wells had just shifted to a dead center and had not yet begun to chant a spell.

 All the players looked at each other in surprise, but by then, Wells' chanting had already begun.

 The Eagle Slaying Cult players were stunned for only a second before they started moving again, but they strangely realized that Wells didn't take advantage of the stunned time to send out a sea of fire, but instead released the "Dance of the Fire Wheel" around his body, and then once again, he chanted another spell.

 The monk's sealing spell and the players' spell attacks were sent out again, but only by a fraction of a second, Wells used Space Shift before the sealing spell fell. However, all the players didn't care about the fall of the seal this time, now that the monk had the Extraordinary Sealing Spell, there were plenty of chances.

 But in the next second, everyone was stunned, and from the Priest Corps, there were continuous screams.

 Wells this transfer, unexpectedly turned to the center of the priest group, the fire wheel around Wells, in less than a second, burned to death several priests, the monk only zero seconds more, then turned into white light.

 The target place of the spatial transfer, is absolutely no people or things, otherwise, the person who makes the spell will be stuck in the alien space, instant death, but Wells actually in the dense crowd of priests, to find that almost impossible to find the gap!

 What followed was a ghastly massacre, dozens of priests, except for the three who ran fast, the rest were all chased and burned to death by Wells.

 By the time the attacks from the mages and archers turned around, Wells disappeared once again, and this time, he shifted to the center of another group of players, and once he appeared, he caused several more mages to turn into white light.

 With such a battle style, the Eagle Slaying Cult could no longer support it, and almost all of the players watching the battle sucked in a breath of cold air.

 Tom opened his mouth wide, "Man, this perverted guy, if he had made such a tactic earlier, I'm afraid that the Eagle Slaying Sect would have given up long ago, but he has been giving hope to the Eagle Slaying Sect, slowly grinding the other side, this, this is really too ruthless!"

 I frowned tightly, "However, the sudden server attack just now is by no means normal! Could it be that this person has the help of an expert hacker behind him?"

 Ace slightly jawed and spat out two words, "Weird!"

 At this time, many of the surrounding players also began to shout, "It must be cheating! Let's file a complaint! Strike the game!"

 Just then, the sky suddenly clouded over, my heart was surrounded by a familiar feeling of tension, I couldn't help but look up into the sky, but I didn't see anything, maybe the fire had been burning for too long causing the sky to be polluted?

 I was just about to look down at the battlefield when I saw a purple aura in the sky, followed by a fine rain of purple light showering down from the sky.

 I reacted almost immediately - forcefully exiting the game!

 That purple light, that feeling of nervousness and fear, I had already encountered it twice!

 Staying in the black space, quietly listening to the sound of cicadas and wind outside the window, I was a bit bewildered, what was that purple light? Could it really be spirit magic? Who has the ability to send out such grandiose magic? Judging from the scope of the violet light rain just now, it at least enveloped the entire Flying Eagle Town in an area of no less than a hundred miles!

 I silently counted my faint heartbeat to about two hundred beats, and I decided to return to the game.

 Re-entering the game, the scene in front of me seemed to have changed a bit, but I couldn't tell what it was, looking around, the dark clouds had magically disappeared, and the violet light rain hadn't left any traces behind, the players were still staring at the battlefield with passionate emotions, and their mouths were still discussing the battle situation.

 But what was wrong?

 Looking at Tom and Ace beside me, I suddenly realized why all the players had stopped cursing "cheating". Why did everyone's anger disappear?

 I gently touched Tom: "Just now ... what was it like when the rain hit you?"

 Tom ah, turned his head to look at me: "What rain?"

 My heart skipped a beat, "That's, that purple rain of light."

 Tom looked me up and down for a while, "Big brother, you're lost in thought, right, I do think that you just seemed to have been in a daze, it turns out that you're hallucinating say?"

 I stared at Tom's eyes, could this kid be joking with me again?

 But Tom had already turned his head to look at the battlefield.

 I looked at Ace again, "Ace, did you just see Purple Rain?"

 Ace glanced at me and faintly said, "Nope."

 I only felt my whole body tingling, and an indescribable fear rose in my heart, could it be that I was really hallucinating just now? No, it couldn't be!

 Raising my head to look at the sky, looking around at the crowd, I had a feeling that my undershirt was wet with cold sweat, the purple rain and the weirdness of the spatial mutation just now seemed like it had never happened before, everyone's energy was focused on the battlefield.

 My hands shook slightly as I pulled Tom, "So, the server went out just now, do you remember?"

 Tom impatiently swept a glance at me, "Big brother, you're quite rich in fantasies ah, this computer will have problems? This is the most advanced computer in the world!"

 My head buzzed, oh my god, it was that rain of purple light just now that erased the memories of all players within a hundred miles for a few minutes!

 Even though I was facing the battlefield, I couldn't see anything in front of my eyes, my brain was in a state of confusion, as if it was stuck in a state of deadlock, and there was no way for me to figure out this matter with my IQ.

 Did such an advanced computer create a terrible malfunction? It can actually erase the player's memory!

 If I had a choice, I would have decisively left this horrible game, but unfortunately I didn't have a choice.

 If I could report it, I would immediately go to the computer management center to report it, but unfortunately I can't.

 Looking around, who can I trust? I didn't have any evidence, who would believe that a computer could erase a player's memory?

 I don't know how long it took, it was Tom who forced me out of the chaos, he looked at me worriedly, "Big brother, are you tired, did you sleep during the day? Yesterday you had an all-nighter just doing the quest, and today you came to Flying Eagle Town so early to do this quest, now it's, oops, it's past two in the morning, you'd better go down and get some sleep."

 I secretly sighed, it's rare to see Tom being so considerate, I didn't know what to say, I only sighed, "I'm fine, let's talk after watching this battle."

 I turned to the battlefield, just in time to see that the monk who was resurrected and rushed from Soaring Eagle Town had just entered the attackable range when Wells suddenly arrived behind him with a spatial transfer, and killed the monk in seconds with a Fire Wheel Dance!

 Tom sighed, "It's already the third time, the monk has hung up three times ..."

 In the sky, the Eagle Slayer Sect Leader had returned at some point, and came down with another fierce charge at Wells, Wells didn't turn too far this time, flashing to Rachel's back, two fireballs were sent out successively at the fastest possible speed, and then shifted again.

 Two fireballs plus the fire field on the ground, Rachel's head emerges "-300, -300, -20", but at the end of the day is a level 46 knight, less than 620 HP, still did not hang, he yelled, while eating medicine, while turning sharply to look for Wills, more than a dozen healing spells also rushed to fall on his head. However, Wells was already on the other side of the field.

 Now what else is there to play, unless which time Wells miscalculated and shifted a fraction of a second later, and was hit once by Rachel or the mage swarm, he could be hung, but, this Wells really didn't make a single mistake ah!

 The Eagle Slaughter Cult's players did not know when, there were already a lot less, I don't know if it was because the deaths were too fast, or some people had deserted, the outer encirclement had all become loose. At this time, even if Wells couldn't beat them, he could always leave through spatial transfer.

 In fact, judging from the precise technique that Wells used to transfer to the center of the Priest Corps just now, he could actually leave at any time.

 Listening to the surrounding players' discussion, it seemed that the only thing that the Eagle Slaughter Cult could count on right now was to hold on for a few more hours, the arrival of the peak online time for Americas players, which still had two masters in it, however, I'm afraid that that wouldn't be of much use.

 Just then, a high-pitched chirp in the sky, a huge figure appeared, it was the Phoenix, Wells' pet had returned!

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