Chapter 45 : The Eagle's Nest

The moment the battle ended, my heart seemed to be a bit lost, and even more so the Eagle Slaughter Cult players, if they could still remember what happened at the moment when Wells was about to be killed, I wonder how they would have reacted?

 However, my thoughts were immediately interrupted, the surrounding thousands of players like a tidal wave towards the center of the battlefield to charge, the target: the equipment on the ground.

 Tom also rushed up, I and Ace looked at each other and laughed bitterly, these people, simply heartless, people died so badly, you still pick up people dropped things.

 However, think of me picking up the Sark's equipment to sell for money, is also the same despicable it.

 Speaking of which, as long as players don't need to exchange cash for game currency, most of them are still very poor, picking up a piece of silverware is worth half a gold coin, not picking up for nothing ah.

 The center of the battlefield, suddenly became chaotic, some people began to fight, soon developed into more and more intense PK, Tom see the situation is not good, a smoke and ran back.

 Now these people fighting, even more nothing to see, the three of us toward the direction of the secret passage.

 By this time there are already eagles appearing in the sky, we find evil eagles along the way while advancing, two hours later arrived at the secret passage.

 In the room, only Jimmy was already online, but since he couldn't level alone, he had to stay there and learn the mural.

 In the room left a note to Rilion, Bill, the four of us first went out to practice, to say the least, leave a note of "writing skills", they also saw the first time, a strong envy of me.

 Unconsciously, another hour of practice, Bill finally came online.

 Called everyone to wait for me, I briefly explained to Bill, want to pass the stone eagle, I got on the horse, ran back to the town of Eagle, take the teleportation array back to the village of the Lost Village, the stone eagle deposited in my home.

 Returning to Soaring Eagle Town again, I find everyone, it's already past eleven, and Leon is sobered up and online.

 Looking up at the sky, the eagle flock seems to have decreased a lot, it seems that the stone eagle is really the reason for the gathering of the eagles.

 Ace and I had to hurry up to kill a few more eagles to earn merit, Leon and the three of them took Bill to other places to practice leveling.

 I've never been a man of many words, and I was even more bored with Ace, the time seemed so long, just then a ringing came to my ears.

 Surprised, I listened to the system prompt, "Someone pressed your helmet's wake-up call, is it time to exit the game now?"

 The wake-up caller was convenient for people in reality to find the player, and the other caller ringing was to indicate that someone was looking for you to talk to.

 But how could someone be looking for me? Could it be that the sweeper lady accidentally touched the button?

 I hesitated and said, "Ace, I'm going offline for a bit."

 Ace said, "I'll eat." After saying that, he went offline first.

 Exit the game, ears immediately came a song, feel quite familiar, thought for half a day, turned out to be a very old song: "Fairy Tale

 At this time, I heard a soft voice in my ear gently said: "Chris, my name is Lisa, can you hear me? Yesterday I talked to you for half a day, maybe you didn't hear me, then I remembered that you can't hear me if you're inside the game, so today I pressed the wake-up call first. Can you hear it now?"

 The voice drilled through my ears and into my brain, tickling my heart with how much I wanted to tell her out loud, "I'm listening! How could I not hear such a beautiful voice!"

 Lisa added, "Well, since I'm still in my internship, I don't want people to say that I'm relying on my family's connections, so I'm working very hard every day, and I can only come to keep you company at lunchtime, but I've chosen a lot of songs for you, and I've set it up as a half hour each time I put them on for you to listen to, so will you find it noisy? I don't know what songs you like, and I chose these old songs that I think are good."

 Speaking here, it seems like someone is calling her outside, Lisa answered and said to me, "I'll leave first today, you have to pay attention to rest, don't stay in the game every day."

 The sound of footsteps gradually far away, my heart sour, what a good girl ah, if my girlfriend has been so gentle would be good, slowly listening to the "fairy tale", I used to hear a lyrical song, will be thrown to the side, but this is my beautiful angel Lisa favorite song oh, I have to listen to.

 Enchanted in the world of music, an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and only then did I reluctantly enter the game world.

 Ace is sitting on the ground slowly peeling wood, it turns out, he is actually a carpenter profession ah, look at him with a professional woodworking knife peeled out of the hundreds of long arrows, has come a long time ah.

 I picked up one, actually is a silver level arrow, awesome ah, actually can use wood to achieve such a level, too strong, I also did, with better wood can only make bronze level arrows only.

 Raising my head to look at the sky, I actually couldn't find another flying eagle anymore, I was ecstatic in my heart, the stone eagle was really effective!

 However, the system didn't prompt us to complete the quest, there should still be evil eagles present, we looked around, but the sky was empty all the time.

 In front of us was a mountain peak, as if it was the highest one in this neighborhood, Ace suddenly reached out and pointed, "Nest."

 We climbed up the cliff, and sure enough, there was a huge eagle's nest here, it was still the archer's eyes that were good, it would have been impossible to find it with my 1's eyesight.

 Ace suddenly pulled me to a halt, only to see that from the eagle's nest, a huge evil eagle slowly stood up, Ace scouted it and said with a grave expression, "46!"

 Level 46, this is the highest level of evil eagle we have seen, why it did not fly away like the other eagles, look at its appearance, it seems to be a little weak, we carefully send an attack to it, for some reason this eagle's ability is very weak, the two of us together for a few minutes to kill it.

 Suddenly heard a hawk call, another evil eagle flew from a distance, and in its talons, it was still holding a pig.

 It turned out that the evil eagle ran out of food and had to go to the town to catch domestic animals, but did this eagle even break through the town's shield?

 Without waiting for Ace to detect it, I already checked it out, "Evolutionary Evil Eagle, level 50."

 Usually the level of a monster BOSS, is 5 or 6 levels higher than its kind, and this Evil Eagle, is not far from being a BOSS, perhaps, it won't be long before it evolves into a BOSS.

 In the battle of the Ox Head God, facing a magical beast level monster whose ability has dropped by half, we didn't dare to make a move, now do the two of us have the ability to kill it?

 With a loud shout, "Xuan Turtle, Armorize!" I held my shield and blocked in front of Ace, at the same time a gale spell blew over, the purpose of using the wind was to affect the speed of the Evil Eagle, judging from its agility, it was much faster than me even though it was grasping a prey.

 The wind hit the Evil Eagle, removing 40 of his blood, and Ace's "Five Star Arrow Formation" also hit the target, "-70, -70, -100, -70, MISS", strong!

 However, the "Five Star Arrow Formation" consumes a lot of MP, so only a mutant elf archer with high MP like Ace can use it twice in a row, and then, he has to take medicine.

 The Evil Eagle had already seen the other eagle that we had killed, and with a roar, he threw down the dog, and with a powerful dance of his wings, dozens of wind blades stabbed at me.

 Too late to dodge, I was hit by more than a dozen wind blades, and even though I had a shield and the protective shield of my suit, I actually lost more than 400 blood furiously!

 Horror, we know that magical beasts can use group attack magic, but we didn't expect that the Evil Eagle would focus the group attack magic that originally dealt with a dozen people on me alone! By the way, the intelligence of the monsters above the Wraiths is quite high, it can't be that it just realized the battle method from Ace's "Five Star Arrow Formation", right?

 If Ace gets hit once, even if he's 11 levels higher than me, he might not be able to survive.