Chapter 63 : New facilities

The two people who appeared at the resurrection point were both from within the group of people from the Haitian Society just now, one was a sorcerer and the other was a monk.

 The sorcerer said angrily, "This Wells, as if he knew we were going to be there, we had just entered that area when we were ambushed by him, as soon as he appeared, he was right beside the two of us, and used the Fire Wheel Dance to hang us!"

 The monk was dressed as a Mongolian Lama, he gritted his teeth and said, "He could also get away with it once at most, luckily, Bernie is still around, I don't believe he could escape after killing us!"

 The blonde magic warrior was still a bit in disbelief of the facts in front of her, this was the first time she had seen a high ranking figure in the group die, and asked urgently, "Are you guys just going to wait here?"

 The two of them nodded, and the sorcerer said, "His trail has already appeared, our mission should be completed soon, by the way, what about the church in this village?"

 The monk grunted, "How can this poor village have a church with a temple, let's go to another village to resurrect our pets."

 I hurriedly said, "We have the Temple of the God of Light in our village."

 Both of them were dumbfounded and looked at each other, but then shook their heads, "If that temple of yours is upgraded to a high level, it can have the function of resurrecting pets, it's still early, but it's indeed strange that such a poor village as yours would have a temple of light."

 I laughed somewhat smugly, "It's more than that, I also have a sound transmission table, magic fireplace and magic pillars here!"

 The two of them looked at each other, "In that case, we can suggest that the Chairman set up a sub-station here."

 My smile froze, if the Haitian Society really extends their power to me, with their strength, they will soon take up all the profiteering industries and rare resources, ah, what to do.

 While I was fuming, the resurrection point flashed with white light and another monk and a mage appeared in front of us.

 The mage said in annoyance, ''It was our carelessness, after that guy sneak attacked you guys, he immediately used spatial transfer to escape to the depths of the secret cave, we chased after him, but we found three branch paths, so we split up into three paths and chased down. Our way, we were again sneak attacked by him with spatial transfer ..."

 The four of them waved their hands, and together they sat on the teleportation array, looking for a place to revive their pets.

 The fifth one to appear, was a priest, who said to the Demon Warrior, "The president has already found out that scattering and searching in the cave will only make us prey for that person, and has ordered all of them to exit the cave, and practice and build formations just outside the cave, to fight against him. There shouldn't be any more casualties at the moment."

 The Demon Warrior said, "Then you ..."

 The Priest blushed, "That darn guy, deliberately threw a golden weapon at a fork in the cave, I saw it when I was leaving, and once I drilled into it, I fell into his path, I believe the others won't fall for it again."

 I sighed in my heart, dozens of experts from the Haitian Society, still unable to help this Wells, this is actually in my expectation. However, as soon as Edel saw that the situation was not second, he immediately decided to withdraw, this temperament and calmness, still called me surprised, it seems that there is still a difference between him and those impatient princelings, of course, it could be that Bernie, the military advisor, persuaded him well.

 I also looked at the map, near the most suitable for Wells levelling place should be "Ancient Pit", where the monsters are "Copper-skinned Beasts", "Iron-bone Beasts", "Silver-faced Beasts", "Silver-faced Beasts", "Silver-faced Beasts", "Silver-faced Beasts", "Silver-faced Beasts", "Silver-faced Beasts", "Gold-armoured Beasts" and so on, with levels ranging from 30-60, and Wills' Fire-type method is suitable for practicing in a place with Gold-type monsters.

 Now that the Haitian Society had surrounded the cave, and it was said that they had built a formation, which could restrict space magic. Wells couldn't leave, then, and now it was up to both sides to see who could survive.

 Wells should have much more than enough medicine, but Haitian would always be able to call someone to send medicine for them to practice, not to mention that the level of the monsters outside the cave were not high, purely just killing time, not using any medicine at all.

 Such an approach was simply pointless against other players, spending dozens of people's time trapping one person was just too much of a loss. It would be even worse if Wells simply went offline in the cave and went out on leave for ten days and half a month.

 However, if one knew a little bit about Wills, they would know that this method was correct, Wills was never someone who was afraid of things, he would definitely come out to fight.

 At this time many players got the news and rushed back to the village, and were busy going to the sound transmission platform to send messages to their friends. Most of the income from the sound transmission platform went to me as the lord, although I was only charged one silver coin, a little goes a long way, but it can't be underestimated.

 Looking at these people sending messages, it suddenly occurred to me that Wills was able to know that Haitian would go looking for him, and knew that the enemy this time was much stronger before he ambushed them in the cave. Then, Wells should still have an accomplice to tip him off, right? This accomplice, should be in our village.

 But I don't have the heart to pull this person out, Erin seems like she doesn't care about her brother's sea and sky meeting, pulling me to the theatre to perform.

 Looking at Bill's somewhat strange gaze, I was suddenly a little embarrassed to be too close to Irene. Even though I was just being her little sister, Bill obviously cared about her.

 How can I get the two of them to play together, with Irene as a bard and seamstress and Bill as a soothsayer and gardener ...?

 I had only to excuse myself by saying that I had village business to attend to, leaving Irene to sing alone, and also giving Bill a job: "Listen to the songs."

 Originally, Erin just wanted to practice her song alone in the theatre, but I didn't expect the players to be bored in the village, so they all wanted to go in and listen to the songs.

 The songs in the game were different from the songs in the small resting space, although the two hidden attributes of happiness and cultural literacy hadn't been researched by the players yet, it was certain that they were both good things, and it wouldn't hurt to raise them when there was nothing else to do.

 The theatre performance cost was raised to 10 silver coins, but it was still a full house, 200 silver coins, this was the first money Irene had earned with her bard profession, and she was so happy that tears came out of her eyes.

 Looking at the current situation, the Haitian Society has a good chance of winning, at least it can trap Wells, if not, with the Haitian Society's power, it's no problem to transfer tens of thousands of people from other cities, the threat should be eliminated.

 Looking at the hundreds of players in the village who are practising their life skills, and thinking about the thousands of people outside the village, I realised that I must build my village quickly.

 With so many foreigners in the village now, toilets, restaurants, and inns must be built, right?

 The first thing to build is the toilet. Don't underestimate the toilets, if they are not built, the environment of the village will go down, especially now, with so many people here, the environment of the village is already going down. At the same time, the toilet also has the benefit of making the crops grown in the village yield better, the reason for this, is that the farmyard fertiliser ...

 Of course players are not really going to the toilet in the game, this facility is not accessible.

 There are quite a few construction players in the village though, but if they were to build it, most of the income brought in by these facilities would go to them as well.

 I've never had the time to befriend the residents of my village, so I don't know who can be trusted to build the village together, so it's better to do it myself.

 So, I didn't agree to anything that these construction players had applied to build from before, except for the dwellings.

 After the toilets, an inn and a restaurant were also built, each managed for me by an automated charging machine, but the effectiveness and income is low. When I have the chance to hire two NPCs to manage them in the future, it will be greatly improved.

 Those players from the original Slaughterhawk Cult, at some point, have dispersed, probably they finally realised that I won't be able to run", I'm not going to throw down such a big family business and hide.

 After building these three facilities, the village's attributes rose a bit, and the mark of "civilised village" also appeared. At this time, many players ran to me to apply for settlement, making me both happy and sad.

 I was happy because the village's attributes would be greatly improved again, but I was worried because most of the people who came to the Lost Village this time were powerful, and the main purpose of settling down was to compete for the nearby resources. After more people like this, the Lost Village will soon be like most of the villages in the game, where the whole day is filled with noise and fighting.

 I actually had the right to refuse these people from entering the house, that would prevent all sorts of future disputes and resources from being extracted. However, my power is just too small, it's not good to offend any of the forces, otherwise the consequences are hard to imagine. Moreover, even if people don't settle down, they can still come and mine resources.

 Hey, why am I such a wimp as a lord ...

 I don't know how the NPCs of other villages heard the news, a few more NPCs came to settle down, and one applied to open an apothecary shop, which I refused, the apothecary shop is a very important business, so when I'm free, I'll open one myself.

 For a player to open a shop in the game, they need master level skills or above and a considerable amount of reputation and money, however, I don't need it. As a lord, I can directly open a shop, I just can't preside over the business myself, and the shopkeepers I hire will still give me most of the income.

 Now that the monster distribution map has also been sold to the Haitian Society, the only thing I can enjoy exclusively is the Lost Village's speciality map, there is still one third of the resources on it that haven't been discovered by the players, so when this matter of Wells passes, I must go mining with my brothers.

 There is no old village headman for me to manage, I'm really a bit busy, want to call Ace to help, has not been back to the village, even the Marshall brothers and Lankes, also did not see the shadow of the people. Irene and Bill? Hey, kids, let them play.

 I can only send a system notice to call Leon them over, originally I also want to send a notice to tell all the players in the city, saying that Wells is in the village of the Lost "ancient pit", but the thought of so many players in front of me, and then another batch of really want to annoy me to death, on the temporary do not earn their travelling expenses. Besides, if Edel sees me recruiting so many people to steal business from him, he will definitely hate me to the bone.

 Leon they finally came, I first sent Jimmy to the Temple of Light to preside over the part-time skill practice, soon, the Lost Village's shield has a layer of holy light on it, the air of the village is also much fresher than just now, many people's fatigue slowly declined, the players who smelt and built by the magic furnace also exclaimed that their success rate is much higher.

 Seeing such a powerful effect of the Temple of Light, there are many more players moved to be naturalised, fortunately, I have just appointed Leon as my village manager, by him to go tired huh.

 Tom saw that the situation was not right, but unfortunately ran a step too late and was caught by me. Tom's professions are blacksmith and miner, but neither is highly practised, but he was still given a job by me, "Make iron sand, the more the better."

 Just as I was preparing to drill another well for the village using Survey, the players in the village suddenly stirred, and soon, dozens of players called out together, "Phoenix! The phoenix is flying towards the village!"