Chapter 65 : Ethan

Wells recovered from the dizziness, immediately used the spatial transfer to flash ten feet away, and then, the fireball landed on a knight, killing him in seconds.

 The two knights who were affected by the purple light quickly recovered, it seems that they were not really hit by the same "seal" as me, but just a very small spell that affects the spirit.

 Although the remaining ten knights were only ten to twenty feet away from Wells, however, Ethan at the back shouted, and the ten knights immediately backed up neatly and returned to the square formation.

 The square formation continued to advance forward, and Wells also appeared to be grave, only a single glance almost made him hang, making him know that his opponent was not simple.

 However, the same tactic would be ineffective to use again, and there was no way that Wells would be hit again.

 The square formation had advanced to a distance of less than thirty feet away from Wells, but it did not launch another charge, still maintaining its original speed.

 Wells began to frown tightly as he backed away, laying down several more fields of fire in front of him.

 Ethan had clearly seen Wells' disposition from the battle at Soaring Eagle Town, and that was that Wells would not flee. Besides, if Wells wanted to escape, it would indeed be hard to be stopped. So there was no need to even think about encircling Wells, and there was no need to rush into an attack, as Wells would strike sooner or later.

 However, they should be wrong, since Wells would avoid fighting the Haitian Society, it meant that he wasn't someone who was dead set on his principles.

 In the binoculars, something suddenly changed on Wells' face, an imperceptible smile, a bit like a wry smile. My heart tightened, if Wells is really an intelligent programme, then, the current him, must possess a stronger intelligence than when I first met him!

 The first time I saw him, Wells would be thrown into chaos as the Evil Eagles killed more and more, and there wouldn't be a single expression on his face. But today, he encountered an unorthodox battle method, yet he didn't mess up, and, moreover, he possessed emotions.

 Wells had learnt more about human intelligence after so many intensive battles with players!

 Once upon a time, I had read a lot of information because of my research on game intelligence and bugs. Artificial intelligence was originally designed by programmers, and the level of intelligence was often related to the algorithms used by the developers. Later on, developers focused on developing the "learning" ability of computers, which led to a new generation of intelligent computers.

 Immediately after the design of an AI with learning ability, it will be connected to some real networks, so that it can process all the information it comes into contact with, form its own database after selection and judgement, and continuously adjust its logic according to the new information. This is called "AI reprogramming" or "autonomous evolution of intelligence".

 Highly intelligent computers, for unknown reasons, often encrypt and hide their own adjusted programmes, or even put part of the corrected programme on the Internet, so that highly intelligent programmes will lose their evolutionary ability after being copied as they are.

 At the same time, most of the intelligent programmes will fail to evolve and be accompanied by serious hardware damage, so it is not easy to cultivate a computer that has evolved successfully.

 Although the cost of cultivating such a highly intelligent computer is high and the chances are small, it is also very exciting if it succeeds.

 For example, an ordinary intelligent computer in a hospital has been fed with all the information on medicine in the world, including a huge number of clinical cases, but it still cannot surpass human doctors.

 Later, the highly intelligent computers connected with the patient's body to obtain all kinds of information about the patient, "exercise" their medical skills, and ultimately, many of the intelligent computers connected with the patient can be several times smarter than ordinary computers, and as a result, many medical diseases have been conquered.

 Theoretically, the more contact with the real world, the smarter the smart computer, but too smart will be a threat to human security, therefore, all industries have limited the connection between computers and humans. Moreover, all countries have signed an agreement never to allow intelligent computers to participate in certain important industries, such as the military, neurology, genetic research, education and so on. And where it is easy for computers to learn negative information, such as prisons, slums and red-light districts, computers with the ability to learn are not installed.

 However, all the top officials have consciously or unconsciously forgotten to restrict computer games to this one place, which is full of violence, crime, greed, and intrigue, and the game hosts, which are often highly intelligent computers!

 After all, almost all experts in computers loved online games when they were young and have strong feelings about them, and they really don't want to restrict the online gaming world.

 When I was rambling, Wells had already retreated dozens of feet with spatial transfer, making Ethan depressed, although his formation was impeccable, but it was useless if people didn't strike.

 Originally, Ethan thought that Wells would be worried about the return of the players who were lured away by the phoenix, so he would wade into the danger of attacking his own formation in a quick battle, but he didn't think that Wells seemed to be in no hurry at all.

 While Wells was not in a hurry, Ethan was a bit anxious. The reason why he deployed so many people and designed so many tactics was that he wanted to complete this single mission and upgrade the mercenary group to C rank, so that he could immediately become the number one mercenary group in Sunset City. According to the forums, there are less than a hundred C-ranked mercenary groups in the entire continent, which is not only a false name, but also a source of money to absorb high-level players!

 Although the Haitian Society threatened not to allow others to intervene, however, he had struck when the Haitian Society's first strike was unsuccessful and there was no manpower present, it could still be explained afterwards, and I believe that the Haitian Society wouldn't easily turn their backs on Ethan.

 Taking advantage of the fact that the Haitian Society's people hadn't rushed back yet, Ethan finally decided to, attack!

 When I saw in the binoculars that all the knights of Ethan's Mercenary Corps gave up their side-by-side and attacked in a spread formation, I knew that it was over.

 The forty or so knights were arranged in a large matrix, spaced about ten feet apart from each other, and with such a wide range, they were trying to completely encircle Wells. After the encirclement, Wells shifting to any position would be the first to be discovered. But on the contrary, Wells was still able to find their breakthrough, which was behind each knight.

 Wells no longer used the sea of fire, but used the fireballs that had a higher single kill, each fireball, had been able to reach nearly 400 kills, just two times, could kill a knight, and then, before the other knights rushed to them, there was still exactly one space shift left.

 Even if someone found the figure of Wells, they didn't dare to launch a charge, in this game, physical charge and sharp weapon damage, they don't take into account the enemy, charging to their own people as much as dropping blood. Only the magic and the fighting aura on the weapon will be able to recognise whether the other party is one of their own or not.

 Therefore, often in the hesitation of the knights in the back, Wells killed the knights in the front row, and if the knights in the back row used normal attacks, the horse's speed couldn't reach them in time.

 There were also knights who were ruthless enough to send out a charge, but as soon as they gathered their Qi, Wells could also feel it immediately and turned to chanting Space Shift. Thus, when the knights' charge arrived, it was also the moment when Wells disappeared, instead causing the front knights to be seriously injured by their own people.

 One by one, the knights turned into white light and had to contract their formation, with a small range, Wells easily shifted outside their formation again and waited for the knights to attack.

 Knights alone still couldn't do it, the warriors all rushed up as well, Ethan bellowed, "Option R!"

 The three dozen warriors formed a circle and were running fast. The knights went through a general circle and managed to force Wells into this circle of warriors.

 On the outside were knights and mages and the like that were also running, and while Wells didn't dare to easily shift out, the circle formed by the warriors got tighter and tighter.

 This is also a very correct tactic, in order for Wells to have no space to shift, he must be in motion, right now it looks like there is not even a bit of space within a hundred feet of the square plain, it is all silhouettes.

 However, Wells smiled coldly, and my heart was cold again.

 These moving silhouettes, in the eyes of ordinary players, it does look like there are no gaps, but in the eyes of the intelligent programme, this kind of running speed is no different from standing still.

 Sacrificing his Fire Wheel Dance, Wells turned directly into the group of running warriors.

 The running fighters, who did not use their skills, directly crashed into Wells' Fire Wheel, and in less than two seconds, they were turned into white light. Due to the high speed running, coupled with the rehearsal of being very skilful, these fighters were all unable to collect their feet, and one by one, they crashed into the Fire Wheel Dance which was a giant meat grinder!

 Ethan finally couldn't hold his breath and shouted, "Option F!" Unfortunately, this plan is the same free pursuit tactics as the Eagle Slaughter Cult, of course, the end is the same: "death in battle".

 Only by experiencing it for themselves did Ethan's mercenaries know why the Eagle Slaughter Cult lost so miserably.

 Wells' spell chanting time was less than a second, just listening to this number, it didn't feel that fast, but human reaction time also needed zero seconds in the game ah. In other words, when the player saw Wells, made a decision, chose the spell, and the system calculated, this little bit of time, had hit Wells once.

 Mages need to chant in order to send a move, melee players if they want to send a big move, also need to gather gas, archers are better, arm strength is good, can always draw a full bow ready, but also need to aim time ah. This point of time, and hit an attack, so it is almost time to hang.

 Wells seems to have no "thinking", all of his actions are continuous, often just after he used the spatial transfer appeared, the fireball or sea of fire chanting has already begun. When the players were just starting to prepare for their attacks, he would start his Space Transfer chant almost simultaneously, as if he already knew it.

 The monk in Ethan's group, who was also only an advanced sealing technique, couldn't seal Wells. His role was merely to act as a deterrent to Wells in the beginning. In addition, it was also to try his luck and see if there was a one-in-a-million chance of the seal succeeding.

 Sealing spells were spells that monks could only learn at level 40, so the practice time was generally not long, and being able to reach advanced sealing spells was already very impressive.

 A mage of the same rank, with a spell level of Extraordinary, also had an 80% chance of being sealed. However, there was not a single success against Wells.

 In less than half an hour, most of the members of Ethan's Mercenary Corps had already hung up once, only to hear Ethan let out a long whistle, "All retreat! I Programme!"

 Except for Ethan and the teenager beside him, all the mercenaries silently concentrated towards the village.

 Ethan shouted at Wells, "I, the leader of Ethan's mercenary group, challenge you! If I lose, then this regiment will give up the wanted!"

 Wells' eyes flashed as he slowly said, "Good!"

 Both sides slowly approached, and Ethan pointed at the teenager, "This is my son, our two fathers and sons have always teamed up, can you accept?"

 Wells nodded. Ethan raised his voice, "Since this is a fair duel, I'd prefer if you didn't use 'Space Shift'!"

 Ranks had just taken a sip of water beside me, and when he heard this, he puffed the water out, "Two fighting one, and you call that a fair duel? And you don't allow others to use their strongest skills?"

 Wells coldly said, "Yes!"

 An odd smile flashed across Ethan's face as he said in a loud voice, "Okay, then it's on!"

 Suddenly, above the heads of Ethan's father and son, Ethan plummeted, and the boundless power qi formed a huge sphere that wrapped around the two.

 A shout came from behind me, "Good! 'Father and son combined technique'! It's really more impressive than our 'Brothers Combined Technique'!"

 I turned around and saw that it was the Marshall Brothers, who had just drilled out of the Temple of Light, I don't know what they went to do, and at this time, Tom ran over with several pockets of Iron Sand on his back as well.

 The battle was fierce, I didn't have the heart to pay attention to them, I continued to look.

 From the sphere formed by the forceful qi, a loud cry came out, "Heaven Moves Earth to Hide!"

 With a loud bang, the qi exploded, and a silhouette rose up to the sky, having the shape of a dragon, and flew straight up ten feet in the air, and then the dragon's silhouette, holding ten thousand golden lights, rumbled down with the momentum of a thunderbolt, pointing directly at the top of Wells' head!

 Wells looked up and seemed to have found it unbeatable, and began to chant an incantation, now, apart from spatial transfer, what else could he do to deal with the attack in front of him?

 Raider of the Lost Ark said behind me, "No stay, I'll bet you 10 gold coins that Wells will use Spatial Shift!"

 Tom pooh-poohed, "You still need to say that? Only a fool would listen to that old man and stand there to fight him hard. If Wells was willing to fight hard, why would he need that old man to do it? A random knight would have finished him off!"

 But we didn't have the chance to see if Wells would use spatial transfer, because at the same time the dragon shadow appeared in the sky, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the dirt under Wells' feet!