Chapter 67 :Battle with Wells

In front of all the players' dumbfounded expressions, Erin only sang a few times before shutting up in embarrassment and ranting, "What are you looking at people for? You guys go on ah, I just want to sing to give you guys a little bit of happiness well ..."

 Just at this time, Wells's fireball fell, let us be surprised that this fireball did not fall on the residence, but the ground next to the residence, one of the residence is slightly damaged.

 Wells froze for a moment, staring fixedly at the charred ground.

 At the same time, the system prompted, "A player has destroyed the environment of the 'Civilised Village' as determined by the God of Heaven, and the player has been cursed by the tenth degree! The chance of encountering explosive attacks and fatal attacks has risen."

 I suddenly said, "Sister, could it be, that your song interfered with Wells' chanting? Making his spells deviate?"

 Erin was delighted, "Am I really that good?"

 I smiled a little, "Maybe, you can try again when he gets closer."

 Wells raised his head to look at the village's surroundings and muttered to himself, "This place has actually been built as a 'civilised village', why? According to the information, it can't be so fast ah ..."

 Wells is in a logical mess again, good chance!

 No longer waiting as planned, my hand swung forward with force, everyone knew what this meant.

 Lenox and the sky "Primo" are the first to charge, before them, Ace's crossbow carriage has already shot dozens of crossbow arrows, the target is directly in front of them!

 The rest of us had just taken a few steps forward when I shouted again, "The rest of you stand by! Everyone remember those bearings I just told you and start attacking!"

 Upon hearing my order, Aiden immediately blew out a series of "Blow Arrows" towards an empty space, while Famil slashed at an empty space to his right, and the rest of us, except for Leon and I, also slashed at the directions I specified.

 I wasn't playing them as idiots, but I was asking them to interfere with Wells' spatial shift direction.

 Wells came to his senses the moment Ranks and Primo launched their attack, and quickly chanted a spell. However, before he disappeared, he was still hit by five or six crossbow arrows, dropping over two hundred points of blood.

 Ace's carpentry skill had reached Extraordinary level, the crossbow arrows were all Gold level, and the power of the crossbow carriage was even Platinum level, and the speed was even faster than Ace himself shooting, which was really terrifying.

 Just now, the tactic I told everyone was this.

 Once Wells enters the village shield, he can't transfer out of the village because the shield can isolate spatial magic.

 The dwellings are the most suitable place to hide, but they are basically in the attack range of the magic pillars, not to mention the fact that there is a silent assassin, Pike, hidden in them.

 On the front, the twenty-five feet of distance between us and Wells, while there were also areas not covered by the magic pillars, it was also the most dangerous to face all of us head-on.

 Behind us, to between the players watching the battle, there was also a dead zone of magic pillars, though Wells had a shift distance of up to thirty feet, and was close enough to us after a successful shift to be equally dangerous.

 Lyon was also facing precisely backwards, too close to this poised warrior, and extremely dangerous!

 In other words, the three magic pillars had already controlled ninety percent of the space in the centre of the village, there were only a handful of places where we could have landed, and I had ordered everyone to attack towards those only few places. Therefore, this time, it can be said that we have pushed Wells to the point where he has nowhere to hide!

 O Wells, even if you were truly more powerful, you wouldn't have thought that this legendary poorest lost village had built three magic spells and had more force than a town, right? You are too careless to come with the Phoenix, hey, today, I want you to know that my Chris Contender's village is not like any other place!

 But Wells is Wells after all, all our attacks fell short, there was no open space for him to shift in front or behind, so he chose above!

 With one shift, Wells appeared on top of a tall residence, and this residence was the only dead spot in the housing area that none of the three magic pillars could attack!

 Everyone didn't expect it, only I had anticipated it, because I was as smart as Wells, so I had already counted on his best transfer choice.

 At the same time that Wells appeared, my Lightning Spell was sent out, and immediately following me, was Bill's Charm, he really is a genius as well.

 As Wells appeared, he immediately chanted and sent out a sea of fire at us, but he didn't realise that there was an attack waiting for him. Before the sea of fire fell, Wells was also hit.

 Although he only lost a total of 60 points of blood, Wells didn't hesitate for a second and immediately chanted Spatial Shift again, by which time Bill and Irene on the ground had already been killed by the Sea of Fire. Everyone immediately adjusted their distance to prevent the sea of fire from affecting more than one person at the same time.

 Wells shifted for the second time, appearing fifteen feet behind us, and as soon as he appeared, he started chanting Sea of Fire. Suddenly, we heard two loud laughs, ''I knew you would come! Combo Technique: 'Elemental God Possession'!"

 Marshall and Iverson already had a powerful white light around them from the moment Wells first shifted. At the same time as they laughed, their "Brothers' Combination Technique" was unleashed.

 Four elemental monsters were attached to Marshall, Marshall was like a god possessed by the sky, his powerful aura pushed more than ten feet away, which caused the chanting sound of Wells who had just landed on the ground to be stagnant, and Marshall was already pouncing out with agility that was far better than his usual agility!

 The four elemental monsters, Wind Tiger to increase speed, Earth Turtle to increase defence, Fire Bird to increase God, Water Dragon to increase attack, will Marshall's ability to comprehensively enhance, with Marshall's current speed, it is difficult for Wells to have the time to chant Spatial Shift again.

 As soon as Wells glimpsed Marshall's abnormality, he had stopped chanting Sea of Fire and switched to Spatial Transfer. The moment Marshall's longsword stabbed him, Wells disappeared again, however, the blade also injured him by more than 100 blood.

 Too bad, Wells was far faster than a normal mage, both in terms of reaction speed and chanting speed!

 Behind Wells, the players who had been watching earlier had already withdrawn 40 feet away, and a few of them rushed over when they saw this.

 The village guards that had been on standby in the resurrection point also rushed towards Wells, although there was no order from me, the king ordered that all NPCs must die in battle, a higher priority than my instructions.

 Louis was different, he hadn't been out of the resurrection point since a while ago, and the expression on his face hadn't changed a bit because of the battle in front of him. It seems that this NPC's intelligence is very low, I lost, but it's too late for me to regret it now.

 I didn't order Louis to fight, this battle is too dangerous, I don't want to risk NPCs again, they can't be resurrected ah.

 Wells next transfer point, or the roof, this time I did not find him, but Ace's arrow arrived, Wells had to turn again.

 Seven or eight times in a row, Wells only had the chance to put a spell at most before he had to transfer again, and he didn't dare to put the sea of fire with the long chanting time anymore.

 In the past, Wells' use of transfer in combat was like teasing the players, but this time, with the same transfer, it seemed to us like he was being whisked around by us.

 It wasn't that we had faster reflexes and higher abilities than those of the Eagle Cult or Ethan's Mercenary Corps. Rather, we were fewer in number and less likely to be interfered with by our own people, and at the same time, because we were more familiar with Wells' tactics than the others, we were more able to anticipate where he would appear.

 But the most and most important factor is still the existence of the three magic pillars in the village, which makes there are only a few places where Wells can shift. As soon as we saw him chanting spatial shift, we turned our eyes to those places, and our moves were also directed towards those places at the same time, so even if most of the attacks missed, there were always two or three that could hit, right?

 Then again, because of the small number of people, we also basically know where Wells is targeting his attacks. The first was Erin who would sing to interfere with him, and the second was Bill who had less blood, so we, the main combat players, had even less to worry about putting ourselves in danger.

 However, our killing power is still not enough, although I have a gold level wand, I can only hit Wells for 60 points of blood at a time, Ace can hurt him for 90, and Blowpipe can only hurt him for 50, and the other melee players, even though they have strong attacks, even with the two knights' charging skills and Marshall's current speed, it would be hard for them to run into Wells once more.

 Of course, Wells would never dare to harden himself against the knights and the Marshall after the combination, he can only quickly transfer.

 If we have enough long-distance attacking ability, then I'm afraid that every time Wells appears, he can only immediately chant space magic, and there's no time to set fire to it.

 The existence of the Temple of Light, so that we take medicine recovery speed has increased, at the same time, the temple also has the function of restricting the power of evil, Wells sin value is surprisingly high, also belongs to the temple restraining object, therefore, Wells' attack power has also slightly decreased.

 So although Wells attack is powerful, ten minutes past, also only killed Bill three times, Erin five times, Aiden once. In addition, it also lost a large amount of our quick-acting blood pills.

 As the battle continued, I suddenly realised that Wells' intelligence had evolved or adjusted during the battle, and he was no longer attacking Bill, who was no danger to him, so much so that the others were beginning to be in danger.

 But Erin's song is really a nasty one, and Wells didn't dare to be careless at all, every time Erin ran out of the resurrection point, he still had to find a chance to hang her first.

 Erin was so angry that she was about to cry, she didn't really care about her level, but she was angry that Wells had burnt a few of her beautiful clothes. Irene kept changing her clothes, and after each time she was hung, she couldn't help but feel out a beautiful mirror to look at her face to see if it was smudged.

 The players on the sidelines were getting bolder and closer to us, probably they didn't expect that of the thirteen of us, only one of us was on level 40, and there were two others who had no combat power at all. But with the help of the magic pillars, they were able to fight like this.

 Wells was basically hit once or twice with every strike, something that had never happened before. Moreover, as things stood now, it was Wells who was unfavourable.

 The various players such as the Haitian Society would soon be rushing back. Right now, if it was a normal player, he would definitely choose to flee. But Wells obviously didn't have this intention, this is probably the limitations of artificial intelligence.

 I once thought about this problem, artificial intelligence is good at using data for analysis, assuming that in Wells' database, the battle of Flying Eagle Town, the player's strength is 10,000, Haitian will be due to the very high level, perhaps in his brain is worth more than 20,000, and we, on the analysis of the attributes, I'm afraid that it is less than 100, the three can't move the magic pillars, it should be out of his calculations.

 Artificial intelligence may calculate the probability of victory or defeat based on such data, the strength of 10000, he has a chance to win more than 50%, so combat. At strength 20000, the chance of winning was less than 50%, so he avoided. At strength 100, the chance of winning was over 99%, and he had no reason to withdraw at all!

 It seems that the brain program really hasn't evolved to the point where it's comparable to the human brain.

 This Wells, who only knows how to fight but not how to retreat, is already destined to die in my Lost Village!

 Of course, given the current state of affairs, this number of us is still not enough to kill him, I'm afraid we still have to wait for those high-level players of the Haitian Society and theirs to rush back.

 At this time, Leon finally struck, in Wells once shifted closer to him, the long-prepared Leon let out a loud shout: "Running Thunder Sword!"

 The light of the sword was accurately pointed at the place where Wells landed, it looked as if he had predicted where Wells would appear in advance!

 A number emerged from Wells' body, "-500!"

 This was the first time so far in the battle that we had inflicted such a large amount of damage on Wells!

 This time, without using any attack spells, Wells hurriedly shifted to the roof.

 Leon let out a long whine, "Brothers, integrate your hearts into the Scrying spell! It'll reveal his route!"

 Why didn't I think that combining hearts into techniques could be used for detection spells?

 The others still didn't understand the technique of "Heart Combination Technique", so I hurriedly closed my eyes and silently locked my Detection Technique on Wells.

 Ace's arrow shot at Wells, and the moment Wells disappeared, my Scrying Technique seemed to catch a shadow, but I couldn't see the direction Wells shifted.

 Again, after several trials, I was finally able to see the line of Wells' spatial transfer! Although I could only grasp the general direction, I was finally able to predict where Wells would land in advance, just like Leon!

 But it's strange, Leon's detection technique is already special level, so why is the effect of my detection stronger than his, he's already swooped the wrong way a few times.

 Could it be that Leon's "Combining Techniques with Minds" has only recently been learnt, so it's not as good as my prediction?

 I grabbed the bag of iron sand that Tom had placed beside me, and quietly locked onto Wells with my intuition and detection technique.

 Another diversion, now!

 I yelled, and the open bag of iron sand flew in the direction I had judged. Immediately after that, Tom, who had been bored by the cons for half a day, also yelled and threw the iron sand right after him.

 The sky was filled with iron sand!

 Wells appeared at the target almost simultaneously with the iron sand, overlapping.

 Only to hear a muffled grunt, Wells' whole body trembled violently, from his whole body, countless electric sparks flashed out, an arc of electric light wrapped around him.

 One word flashed through my mind, "Short circuit."

 Although the iron sand wasn't large enough to kill Wells by jamming him in space, the data in the thousands of iron sands had damaged Wells' programmes residing within this virtual body!

 Perhaps such damage would soon be repaired. Unable to hesitate, I was the first to charge. The attacks of everyone around me were also unreservedly sent out, success or failure all depended on this strike.

 The hundreds of players watching the battle also frantically swooped in, trying to pick up the pieces, the nearest few players had already sent out spells, bows and arrows with concealed weapons.

 From the sky outside the village, a long whistle came, "All stop! Who dares to rob the Sea and Sky Society's business!"

 It was the Haitian Society's people who had come back "just in time", but who would listen to them now.

 Just as the first wave of spells and arrows descended on Wells' body, the world in front of him suddenly distorted and attacked the server again!