Chapter 70 :Ghosts

The Founding Stone? My heart skipped a beat.

 In the past, many games had treasures of nation building, but I liked to keep it to myself and never sold such things at a high price when I scored them. However, this time, since I wanted to create a career in the game, the stone of building a nation was really too important!

 Building a career, not for vanity, but only for more people to know me, respect me, and remember me, so that I won't be lonely and won't be sighing in heaven for a wasted life.

 I took a breath and thought about it, and said to my master, "That Earth Dragon I met, is an evolvable type, after I took it away, the Earth Dragon evolved into a Dark Dragon, maybe it will even evolve into a Dark Dragon, maybe, it's that mission. Although it's just an Earth Dragon Guardian, but for the current player's level, it's equivalent to a SSSSS level quest, right?"

 Master Shi stayed for a moment, once again carefully observing the blue stone in my hand, for a long time he let out a long breath, "Luckily, I was wrong, this is a lower two grade stone of city building, but the name is 'Jewel of the Sea', it's very similar to the 'Heart of the Blue Queen'. The appearance is very similar, I really can't tell without looking at the name. Looking at the attributes, it has a much higher effect than a normal City Building Stone, and can build the city into a comprehensive type."

 "However." Master added, "Right now, the game hasn't opened up the city building function, so you can only upgrade your village to a town, but that's already very scary, in the public beta, the first town owned by a player appeared only when a player rose to level 90!"

 I stared at Master, "You, a real life NPC?You're a game company staff? Listening to your language, it really doesn't sound like an NPC."

 I've encountered games before where real people played NPCs, but only for a few hours, most of the time the computer still took over.

 Master Shi touched his head, "I don't think so, I just know more than other NPCs."

 I looked at him suspiciously and didn't pursue the question.

 Master Stone added, "If you want to build a town, you still need one more building: a Temple of Weapons, and put this stone in it for the effect to happen. In addition, an application has to be made to the king."

 Master Shi raised his head and thought, "Now I don't know if I can trigger that hidden quest, the one that will give me access to the construction method of the 'Temple of Ware'. However, that quest is difficult ah ..."

 I interrupted, "I already know how!"

 Master Shi looked at me in surprise, and after hearing me talk about how I discovered the Stone Eagle, he couldn't help but shake his head repeatedly, "Heaven's will, could it really be heaven's will, that you can actually learn how to build an artefact temple using this method. Then, you should be able to build towns."

 I quickly said, "My skills are so low, how could I possibly build something as advanced as a ware temple, it's still necessary for you, Master, to do it!"

 Master Shi hesitated for half a day before finally saying, "Alright, big deal, I'll work overtime tomorrow to help them finish the project, let's go, you first take me to that place to learn the construction method of the artefact temple."

 Appointing Louis as a village guard, he was told to stay behind. I told the herdsman to give Master Shi a horse and travelled with him to Soaring Eagle Town.

 In Soaring Eagle Town, there were quite a few players standing, all guarding around the resurrection point, as it turned out, they were waiting for Wells to be resurrected out.

 Listening to them, right now, apart from Soaring Eagle Town, the several villages that Wells had visited after becoming a wanted criminal had a large number of players standing guard, as Wells could only possibly set up a resurrection point in these places.

 Until now, no one had seen Wells appearing from any resurrection point, Wells had disappeared, and everyone guessed that Wells must have gone offline the moment he was resurrected. Therefore, all the major forces had left some of their people to wait for him to come online.

 However, according to the current situation, even if Wells was resurrected, he wouldn't walk out of the resurrection point to die.

 Walking out of the town, looking at the night sky, empty, the ground, there is no player's silhouette, Flying Eagle Town, is no longer the scenery of the past.

 Walking while lamenting, suddenly heard a ghostly voice sounded, let me heart numb, the game, there will not be "ghosts" right?

 Along the voice looked, fortunately, is a person, or acquaintances: Flying Eagle Mayor.

 Thinking about it, although the disappearance of the eagles is caused by myself, but if I do not take away the stone eagles, the consequences will only be worse, so there is nothing to feel guilty about, I rode with my master towards him.

 The Mayor of Flying Eagle raised his head, only to see tears all over his old face.

 Master Shi coughed, "Old town mayor, long time no see, what happened to you."

 The town mayor forced himself to hold back his tears, "I've been deposed as town mayor by the king, and I'm just a citizen now, but I'm crying, not for myself, I'm crying for Soaring Eagle Town, ah,"

 Master Shi didn't know what to say for a moment, I suddenly had a thought in my mind, "Old Mayor, this Soaring Eagle Town has become the past, but you can go to another Soaring Eagle Town!"

 The old town mayor looked at me dumbfounded, I smiled, "Go to my Lost Village, be my village mayor, and before long, be the town mayor. I promise you, soon, it will become even more beautiful than Soaring Eagle Town!"

 The old mayor looked down and meditated for a while, and nodded, "Alright, I have nowhere else to go anyway, so I'll accept your invitation, thank you Lord Paramount!"

 The old mayor put on the Lost Village Mayor Badge that I had issued and headed towards the town.

 I felt much more solid in my heart, it was really good to have solved the problem of the village chief and eliminated my guilt towards the town's mayor at the same time.

 After the battlefield of that day's killing, suddenly a gust of cloudy wind blew, let my whole body shivered, look around, there is nothing strange, but always feel a kind of creepy feeling.

 Strongly calm out of a short distance, a flower in front of my eyes, dozens of faint silhouettes flashed in front of me, I screamed in horror: "Ghosts ah!"

 Master Shi froze, looked at those shadows, oh a sound: "Although I have never seen, however, also heard that there are ghosts in the world, I can not imagine that it is true."

 I trembled, "Master aren't you afraid of it?"

 Master Shi laughed, "In fact, ghosts are just like us, they are just data in the game, what's there to be afraid of, only those who have done something wrong will be afraid of it."

 I suddenly had a shock in my heart, in fact, I've always been very bold ah, in the old countryside, I used to often go to the graveyard hill at night to play, and then those graveyard hills were forcibly dismantled, and I still feel quite nostalgic about it.

 Why, to the game, I am so afraid of ghosts? Not right, before the game, what zombie tunnels, ghost castle, reportedly once scared to death players, I do not have the slightest feeling, why today so weak?

 Is it because I am a person who has done something wrong? Is it because I am the one who has done something wrong? So the game host is forced to make me feel scared? I don't think so. This game console can still affect my real mood?

 There's nothing impossible, I've already seen so many instances where the nerves of the players can be affected through the game helmet, and last time, it even erased the memories of thousands of players, so it's not a trivial matter to make me feel scared? Only, wouldn't every player who enters the game be under the control of the game's mainframe? It's too scary!

 Just as I thought of this, the virtual shadows in front of me drifted towards us, and my body became more and more numb, I couldn't help but let out a loud shout, and with my strong native will, I fought against the virtual sense of fear that the game host was causing me, and finally, my heart began to settle down.

 Great, I seem to have found a way to fight against the host's control? Self-confidence multiplied once more.

 At this time, the shadows came closer, and I finally saw clearly that these shadows were all humanoid, and the one in the forefront was none other than the image of the Eagle Slayer Sect Leader, Rachel!

 "Rachel's" ghostly voice rang out, "Chris, you're the one who started the war between Wells and our Eagle Slaughter Cult, and you still dare to come today!"

 I looked at Rachel's face with some surprise, "You, what are you, a ghost? The real Rachel, isn't she no longer in the game?"

 Master Shi said from the side, "Only dead NPCs and players who committed suicide and deleted their numbers can turn into ghosts, and these people must have strong unfinished business in their lifetime for the ghosts to form. Ghosts will automatically hate those who had a grudge against them in life, and will also repay those who have done them favours."

 Rachel and the dozens of players behind him, who were probably also deleted, raised the weapons in their hands together. I don't know what kind of attack they would launch, in previous games, even if there were ghosts, they were NPCs that acted as triggers for quests and wouldn't fight the players.

 Ghosts shouldn't be physical attacks, probably dark magic, I wonder if my attacks will be effective against them.

 However, people are already ghosts, it's strange and pathetic, and it's still caused by me, so I have the nerve to fight them?

 With a thought in my mind, I hurriedly called out, "Rachel, since you know that the cause of the incident was me saying the wrong thing to Wells. So, you are able to access the game information minion?"

 Rachel froze for a moment, "Yes, I can access the information that I have a relationship with."

 I was busy, "Well then, look it up, I just killed Wells to help you guys get your revenge."

 Rachel paused for a long moment, and let out an oh, "Just checked, and it's true. You actually managed to kill him, well then, our feud is over, you can go."

 I didn't expect it to be so easy, I let out a long breath and flew away with Master Shi.

 Kneeling out a few miles, I strangely asked Master Shi, "Ghosts aren't played by players, are they? This Rachel's demeanour is very similar to the one I've seen."

 Master Shi said, "The intelligence of the ghost is simulated by the game host based on the player's information during their lifetime. In addition, the level is the player's level at the time of deletion, and the money and items are converted into Underworld possessions."

 I asked again, "Underworld? Then they belong to Hell or the Underworld?"

 Master Shi said, "There is currently no Hades or Hell in this game, and it is said that a quest needs to be triggered for it to appear. In the current Underworld, there should only be a few villages that are anarchic, and they still belong to the lone ghosts."

 I admire this Master Shi of mine more and more, he's practically a game pass, no, I have to think of a way to keep his old man by my side.

 By this time, we had already reached the small hill and entered the secret passage, Master Shi began to admire the structure of the temple obsessively, and I practised my architectural art in front of my master.

 Time passed quickly, and my Architecture Art rose to Intermediate Level 3, and I could no longer rise any higher.

 Master Shih had also learnt the method of artefact temple construction. I then complained to him that because I was full-time and couldn't find my own union, I couldn't learn medium and high level skills from high level NPCs of other professions, and that all the primary skills I had learnt could only be practiced up to intermediate third level but couldn't be risen.

 Master Shi frowned: "This is the first time I've heard of a full-time job in the game, and I don't know how the host is set up, next time Kelbo comes, I'll ask him."

 My eyes lit up, "Kelbo? Who's that?"

 Master Shi let out an ah and hurriedly changed the subject, "Ah, I remembered, some dual or multi-professionals get their promotions in large libraries!"

 This piece of good news really made me forget to pursue the matter of Kelbo, of course, it's not really forgetting, I just knew that Master would never reveal it.

 We rushed back to Soaring Eagle Town, and after considering it for a while, Master Shi decided to go ahead and finish the project he had taken on, telling me to apply to the king for permission to build the town first.

 Returning to the Lost Village, I looked for the new village chief to get the money.

 This village chief's attitude towards me is much better, he immediately handed over the village's income to me, I took a look, all thanks to yesterday's several thousand people leaving the Lost Village at the same time, the income was more than a hundred gold coins, and now the village's finance is more than 200 gold coins, taken out together, I have a total of 300 gold coins.

 The money is a little less, but I don't dare to ask the herdsmen for money anymore, I took the transmission array to Sunset City, and went to collect my own bonus!