Chapter 72 :The Royal Capital

The name of this booklet is called "continuous skills", the name is quite earthy, but it makes me happy, it must be a few moves at a time, think of the fighting games I played back in the day, the King of Fighters, Street Fighter, etc., inside the continuous moves, that is a cool.

 God knows what is written in the book, anyway, open the book page, a white light, I learnt the "continuous skills", the book also disappeared.

 The city lord said: "This book does not belong to the system items, it is written by myself, we, the city lord level, all know this kind of skill, its function is to put it in the auxiliary bar, to form a combo. Whether it's a fighting skill, archery, or attack magic, it's applicable."

 I asked, "So how many combos is it in reverse?"

 The City Lord said, "Right now it's a beginner first class, it can only be two combos, and it's not very fast, for example, the time it takes you to send three magic spells normally is only enough for two magic combos. It's stronger at higher levels later, the highest level even I don't know what the effect is."

 Ha, it's already quite good, such a skill book is too good, even if it only applies to one profession, it's already earned a fortune, not to mention all professions.

 Speaking of which, most players don't have combo skills yet, Leon, Tom, and Lanks ... don't.

 The heart is still hung up on doing business in the royal capital, so he said goodbye to the city lord, not forgetting to choose a weapon on the way out.

 The guards guarding the weapons to open the old warehouse, told me to choose up to six kinds, stingy.

 Most of the old warehouse is actually rubbish, what wood and stone equipment are still a large pile, I do not know if it is sunset city hundreds of years ago with the equipment.

 Wave your hand to brush away the mouldy smell emitted from the weapons and the dust on the weapons, or to find a lot of platinum level equipment, now their own whole body in addition to the necklace, wrist guards, are all growth equipment, I need something is really not much, just heart to help the brothers to choose a little.

 Although it is said to be the guards eliminated, but the city master's residence obviously all kinds of talent, so here is also the equipment of all professions. Soon choose all six kinds, I will not say one by one, afraid of everyone annoying.

 Suddenly my eyes fell on a huge axe next to me, it was silver grade. I suddenly had a sour heart and remembered James.

 I asked the guard, "Do you have many giant axe warriors here?"

 The guard said, "That job change doesn't appear easily, there are no more in the city now, this giant axe was used by an officer more than ten years ago. Because he made a lot of meritorious achievements, so when he retired, the city lord allowed him to take all the equipment above white and gold that he used for himself."

 I ah'd, "Wasn't his name James?"

 The guard nodded, and I asked sharply, "Then do you know where his family lives?"

 After spending some effort, I finally managed to find out James' home from the butler of the city lord's mansion, and I hurriedly ran out.

 James' residence, wasn't particularly shabby, which didn't make me wonder, was the cost of living for NPC's so high that it required James to sell his jade equipment?

 Open the door is a woman, the name is "James's wife", I said I was James's friend, James with his employer went out to do business, will be a long time to come back, asked me to come to say.

 The woman let me into the house, I looked around, the house furniture is really very simple, I can not help but ask: "Sister-in-law, where are your children?"

 The woman smiled and said, "Our child, who is currently studying at the Higher Magic Academy in Crystal City, can only come back once a month, and just left yesterday."

 I let out an oh, and tentatively asked, "Higher Magic Academy? The tuition fee must be very high, right?"

 The woman faintly said, "Yes, 5000 gold coins per semester, however, this child is very understanding, studying in Crystal City while working part-time, it still saves us a lot of heartache."

 It was then that I understood why James needed money so badly, such high tuition fees forced him to come out and work as a high-risk mercenary ah.

 Unfortunately, right now I don't have much money, when I earn money in the future, I will definitely find a way to compensate this family as much as possible. However, no matter how I compensate them, I'm afraid I can't alleviate my guilt towards James.

 Or to borrow the name of James, leave 100 gold coins to show my feelings, I left with heavy feet, fortunately James' wife is not very intelligent, otherwise most likely will see from my expression that something happened to James.

 I came to the teleportation array, as a lord and quasi-lord, I don't need to go through the procedure of leaving the city, look at the target place, the capital of the Western Liang King, "Tianzhu City" behind the column, it is written "5 gold coins".

 It's really expensive, I pressed Tianzhu City and disappeared into the teleportation array.

 This time, it took me about a minute to reach my target.

 Although I was prepared for it, the sight in front of me still left me dumbfounded.

 The royal capital was more than simply prosperous, it was in one word: "Spectacular!"

 In front of me, there is a huge pillar, I don't know if this is still a pillar, I'm afraid that the diameter should be calculated according to a hundred kilometres, in front of it, what Olympic stadium, ah, the ancient Roman Colosseum, ah, all become a small stone child.

 I am now from the column is ten kilometres so far, but I did not see the scene in front of me, has been this column stunned.

 The pillar towered over the clouds, and I couldn't see how high it was, could it be, that it was really a pillar of the top of the sky?

 After a long time, only the computer programmed, will be able to engage in such a big scene, if this is painted by the people, just the column on the countless giant stickers are enough to do a few lifetimes of an artisan, those stickers, a cursory glance, there is not a single repetition of the same!

 Even if the game company had enough manpower, it was impossible to ask the artists to spend so much time to do such a thing, the game company wanted to make the game available as soon as possible.

 Being able to encircle such a large pillar, the city wall of the royal capital was also a remarkable project, if it was pulled apart, it was a thousand kilometres long, it was already a medium-sized Great Wall.

 Between the wall and the pillars, there are many tall buildings, all of which are made in the shape of pillars, and when a person walks in the city, he feels as small as an ant. However, compared with the big pillars, these tall buildings become toothpicks again.

 Walking along the way, I really had the feeling that the sky was spinning, because I always couldn't help but look up at those tall buildings and then look at the big pillars, and every time I looked at them, my head was spinning.

 It's hard to remember the purpose of my visit, grabbing an NPC and asking for the location of the government.

 The royal palace is where the king lives, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to go there as a small quasi-lord, so if I want to do something, I should be looking for the prime minister, prime minister or some other guy.

 Finally, I found the "State Council", I was wearing my lord's badge, so the gatekeeper let me enter by myself.

 The building was hundreds of floors high, making me think: "The organisation is bloated!"

 After inquiring with the NPC receptionist downstairs, I directly took the small teleportation array next to me, and arrived at the "Department of Nobility" - the "Hall of Titles" - the "Audit Room". -The "Audit Room".

 An audit room sits more than a dozen office staff, let me secretly stagger, how many people in the bottom of this building ah, no wonder we charge players such a high tax, the original use of the payroll here ah.

 Casually find a lady to ask, it turns out that all kinds of knighthood to find people are different, and I specifically ran to the old man in charge of the quasi-knighthood audit.

 The old man checked my merit value, and quickly changed my title from 3rd Class Quasi-Lord to 1st Class Quasi-Lord, and then told me, "Look for that lady over there to handle the formalities for transferring to Lord."

 Finally, it was done. 500 merits per rank for a Quasi-Knight, 1000 merits per rank for a Lord, I am now 3080 merits, and I was promoted to a second rank Lord.

 The medal of "Famous Scholar" is even more troublesome, I had to run to the "Public Opinion Department", "Culture Department" and "Archives Department" before I earned it. Charm +2, Luck +1.

 If I had known it would be so difficult, I would have sat at home and waited for the messenger to deliver the goods to my door, I was asking for it!

 The last thing to do is to apply for a town. "Ministry of Land", "Ministry of Administrative Regions", "Ministry of Finance", "Ministry of Civil Registration", "Ministry of Public Security", "Ministry of National Defence" ... I feel as if the whole building's departments have made me run through pretty much everything, and finally, I get a stamped piece of paper: "Review and record is complete, please go to the royal palace to ask the king for approval."

 Before I left, a guy in charge of horses in the cavalry room of the Armaments Department of the Ministry of Defence got wind of the situation and came running to me, telling me that a special person would be sent to me in ten days to pick up the horses.

 Dragging my heavy steps down the stairs, that's when the helmet wake-up call went off and my long-awaited angel approached me again.

 Yesterday was Lisa's shift, so she didn't look for me, and she actually apologised to me for it, which moved me to tears, but she couldn't see it.

 Since I was lectured by the owner of the music hall, I didn't want to try to find other "divine songs" anymore, so I just savoured the mood of these songs. Honestly speaking, the music that Lisa chose for me was much better than the music that I found myself in the small resting space, and it made me feel so relaxed and happy that I had forgotten all the sins that I had suffered from in the State Affairs Institute.

 Back to the game, towards the royal palace. The royal palace, surprisingly, is in that huge pillar inside, the king can not ride a horse, this ten kilometres to walk I am exhausted.

 Will build the town application by the guards layer by layer passed in, I will be in the palace door outside the bitter wait. I don't know how big the palace is, after waiting for half an hour, a message came from inside: "The King has summoned Lord Chris!"

 The guards led the way through the palace gates. Every time you pass a gate, a new guard leads the way. On both sides, there were also guards standing with distinctive armour, didn't dare to scout around, however, looking at the glow of the equipment, there shouldn't be any guards below level 60.

 Along the way to see the royal palace promenade scenery, I will not say, anyway, everyone does not love to see.

 Finally came to the council hall, I don't know if this king can rest, now dinner time, his old man still have to worry about the affairs of state, hard ah.

 A head up, scared me, it turns out that the king is not an old man, is a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, wearing robes, can not see the level, anyway, very senior is it.

 On both sides there are several close ministers and courtesans, dozens of princes and ministers under the steps, looking at so many high officials standing waiting for me a, I really have some smugness in my heart, these guys, should have more than 100 levels, right, see so many at once, really ...

 The king's words interrupted my thoughts, "You are Chris, right? I've been hearing a lot about your deeds lately, being the first to reach the criteria for acquiring a territory, exposing the tainted officials, obtaining the patriarch position of a foreign tribe, killing the kingdom's most wanted criminal, and now, you're actually applying to build a town, you really aren't a usual player yet."

 I hemmed and hawed, "Where, it's just a bit of luck."

 The ministers frowned, never having seen one who dared to be playful when talking to the king.

 In fact, I also know that the king's palace has to be polite, but we are from the countryside anyway, so what do we know about etiquette, and it would be even more ridiculous if we did it in an unorthodox manner.

 The king seems not angry, but on the contrary, I am more interested in: "originally approved the construction of the town, is not necessary to call you in, but I want to see your appearance, you really did not call me disappointed, your body, there is a very rare spirit, I can not say what is, but it is really not vulgar."

 I can not imagine that this king is so young, has such insight, a glance can see that I am an outstanding young man, a dragon and phoenix among people, a capable minister in the world of governance, a lord in the world of chaos, and the ninth miracle of the world ... huh.

 The king thought for a moment: "My country has always valued talent, and since you are so capable, I will give you more opportunities to display your talent. Originally, I thought that you were still low in rank and only gave you royal missions below E-rank, however, seeing that you are so good today, I will assign an SSS-rank mission to you."

 I was so happy that I wanted to faint, SSS rank ah, like Wells, get a Phoenix, or Space Transfer, then I'll be rich!

 The near minister walked down the steps and handed me a scroll, and the king told me to stand down.

 I hugged the scroll tightly and walked out of the palace in a daze. Unbeknownst to me, after I left, one of the ministers stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, ah, this person is developing too fast, I'm afraid that it will affect the balance of the world, the God of the Heavens has asked us to restrict him, why did Your Majesty still hand over such a high-level task to him!"

 The king smiled faintly, "I'm just going to use this mission to trap him. This quest, even for a level 100 player, needs to be done for a year, and it may not be completed yet, within a short period of time, we don't have to worry about hearing from him again ..."