Chapter 1 : The Terminator

 "Blue Queen Blue Queen tell me, who is the best programmer in the world?"

 "It's Kelbo."

 "Blue Queen Blue Queen tell me, who is the best computer in the world?"

 "It's the Terminator."

 "? Has it already appeared?"

 "Yes, and it's already in the stage of receiving knowledge."

 "And you said that the best programmer was me, but people have developed programmes that are even better than yours in less than a month."

 "Brother Kelbo ah, in fact, since three years ago, the Eastern Company has already been planning for the Terminator ah, it's just that they took the opportunity of joining forces with other companies this time, and pooled the wisdom of thousands of programmers to share all the technology and perfect the Terminator. Moreover, they have invested more than nine billion dollars in hardware this time, it will definitely be stronger than me ah."

 Kelbo was in a virtual space at that moment, in which he had made himself wear a suit, which was perhaps the only suit in the infinite world.

 Across from Kelbo stood a mirror as tall as he was, but the image inside the mirror was not Kelbo, but a young girl with pigtails.

 The girl's hair was blue, her eyes were blue, her clothes were blue, her nails were blue, and only her skin was as white as snow.

 The young girl's eyes were animated like a lake, her nose was small with a playful little hook, her small mouth had a sweet smile, and her whole body was like it came out of a cartoon. Maybe she thought she was too perfect, and so, she even dotted a small mole on the side of her cheek.

 In this virtual space, there was only Kelbo and that mirror, nothing more, not even the ground, they were suspended in the air. But Kelbo only reached out and a cup of coffee appeared in his hand.

 Kelbo took a sip and let out a long breath, "Blue Queen, the coffee you made is really fragrant, moreover, it doesn't contain caffeine, I think it must be quite lucrative to open some cafes in the game."

 The young girl puffed and laughed, "If you say open it, I'll open it, make a chain of five million shops and name it 'Kelbo Coffee', how about it?"

 Kelbo smiled bitterly, "Anything is a breeze under you, so I don't even want to enter the game now."

 For a moment, both the man and the mirror fell silent.

 After a long time, the young girl's voice rang out, "Kelbo Kelbo tell me, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

 "It is the Blue Queen."

 "Kelbo Kelbo tell me, who is the woman you love most?"

 "It was my mother."

 "Kelbo Kelbo tell me, who is the woman you would most like to spend your life with?"


 After a while, the young girl laughed again, "Brother Kelbo, your friends, that company they joined, seems to be making a new game Oh, do you want me to help you as an administrator to take a look? Or, I'll mess it up for them, hehehe."

 Kelbo's body trembled for a moment, shaking his head, "Don't, Blue Queen don't just play, think about how to deal with the Terminator, I'll go to the Intelligence Department to ask about the situation."

 After saying that, Kelbo exited the virtual space.

 When Kelbo exited the space, the young girl in the mirror suddenly changed, her hair flew and elongated, gradually becoming purple, her eyes became purple and red, the clothes on her body also changed into a purple battle armour, and from her eyes, two cold lights shot out.

 Kelbo walked out of his own dedicated room, the images that were dusty in the bottom of his heart surfaced again The past days were sweet and painful, but Kelbo felt that he would rather remember the past than think about the maiker company or the Blue Queen.

 Colleagues walked by and greeted Kelbo, some of them used to be Kelbo's friends, but for some reason, in the past few years at maiker, everyone was getting more and more rusty, and there was no sense of the old days in their words. Kerber shook his head and took the lift straight to the ground floor.

 It had been a long time since he had stepped out of the maiker building, Kerber raised his head, the sky was still so dark, and the sun that occasionally peeked out from the dark clouds shot out ultraviolet rays that burned his eyes sorely.

 The global pollution problem is getting worse every day, is it true that the only way to see a pure sky is to return to the game world?

 The old man who guarded the door was playing "Fairy Tales" again, although Kelbo had already listened to it thousands of times, he still felt that his heart was like being flowed by a spring, which eliminated a lot of depression.

 I don't know what kind of happy and simple life people had forty years ago to be able to write such a beautiful and gentle melody.

 Taking a look at the big iron gates and the state-of-the-art guards installed on the fence, Kelbo felt that he was really living in a huge prison. It was hard to let go of the Blue Queen, but was the Blue Queen now, still the same as she was then? Does one still understand her?


 On the day when Infinite World announced that the number of registrations had exceeded four billion, the twenty-ninth ranked game company in the world, Lodge, announced that it had collapsed, and the main game under its name, Fantasy Ancient Kingdom, had its servers shut down, and tens of millions of players had their game point cards and virtual equipment nullified.

 The players, led by the son of a certain group, filed a complaint, but the company had already collapsed, and even the chairman had disappeared, so what else could be done.

 Loki is an Indian company, "Fantasy Ancient Kingdom" is based on Indian mythology, but its final BOSS, Sit, is not Indian, but the image of a blonde Aryan, riding a phoenix, with a nimbus wheel on his back, and his status is also above Shiva and Brahma of the native India, at the same time, the game also has a number of places to celebrate the Aryan occupation of that part of India's history, which had made the native Indian Some players protested strongly. However, this strategy made the game popular in Europe.

 After the collapse of Rocky, deeper digging by the media has unearthed insider information that Rocky, along with dozens of other game companies, was working together against maiker some time ago. Although it was not known exactly what they were doing, it had invariably boosted the maiker company's reputation, causing the rest of the companies to suffer a huge blow.

 The thirty-five game companies once again held an emergency meeting, and although the headquarters of the companies were spread out all over the world, due to the Blue Queen's powerful intelligence, it was likely that the eavesdropping range had reached all the networks, causing them to not dare to hold a telephone or network meeting, and they could only get together by aeroplane.

 Fortunately, they all had their own private planes and universal passports, and travelling abroad by plane was as convenient as driving to the supermarket to buy something.

 Gao Jie, the veteran president of the Eastern Game Company, was the first to stand up this time, his expression stern, "Everyone, this is now the most urgent time, Rocky Company has now caused the mainframe to be burnt out and go straight to bankruptcy due to allowing their game console to personally simulate as a player into the Infinite World. Now it looks like the Blue Queen is about to start fighting back! I want you all to tell the truth about how many of the Think Tanks you sent into the game were your game's main servers!"

 The company bosses looked at each other, but no one spoke.

 Gao Jie coldly grunted, "I'll admit it upfront, although my company has two highly intelligent computers, because the main game server has been burdened with the operation of the game for a long time and receives a large amount of information from the players, its intelligence is much higher than that of the other backup computer. Therefore, I chose to use the mainframe to enter Infinite World, and the backup computer is also connected to the mainframe, taking care of the operation of our company's game while being ready to support the mainframe at any time."

 Gao Jie scanned the old bosses, and finally, all of them began to admit that since they saw that the Blue Queen had not been able to crack down on their intelligent computers, they were now all simulated by their own game hosts as players in Infinite World.

 Gao Jie snorted coldly, "Now, everyone must remove their mainframes and have other intelligent computers take over!"

 The boss of Golden Sea Company frowned, "I'll be honest, my company only has one computer that can reach the level of simulating a real person, and from the very beginning, I've been using the game's main server!"

 Most companies also made it clear that they only had one highly intelligent computer.

 The corner of Gao Jie's mouth flashed with a smile that was not easily detectable, he had finally figured out the true strength of the companies!

 Being able to simulate the full attributes of a real person with a computer was indeed a difficult thing to do, and nowadays, apart from these large-scale gaming companies, only the military, scientific research institutes and global computer management centres of several large countries had such strength.

 This was because the world had entered the digital entertainment era, and the income of programmers in the entertainment industry was very attractive, so more than 80% of programmers were concentrated in the digital entertainment industry.

 Gao Jie gritted his teeth, "It seems that this is the only way! You all should know that my company's newly developed 'Sky Shield' firewall is currently the most advanced firewall in the world. I'll offer it to everyone for free and try to ensure the safety of everyone's hosts."

 Some of the company bosses looked at each other doubtfully, while some of them were very happy because the unit price of the "Heavenly Shield" system was 10 million world coins, so it was a waste of money.

 Gao Jie said: "With this firewall, even if the Blue Queen wants to attack your host, it will take at least 10 minutes to crack it, which is enough time for you to take measures. Moreover, this firewall can guard against any hacker master attacking your game."

 This time, the old bosses didn't hesitate any more; always, they had a headache of hacking attacks, and so, they accepted it right away.

 The next step was to discuss about the Terminator entering the game.

 Gao Jie said, "Now the information from all the major information databases around the world has been entered into the Terminator, however, due to the lack of experience in the game, it still needs to be linked to your hosts for a period of time to copy the memory information of each host."

 Gao Jie himself was one of the world's number one game programmers, so he was in charge of the development of the Terminator this time, but the other veteran directors were not very clear about the development, and together they were surprised and asked, "Duplication? How is it possible for intelligent computers to replicate? These intelligent computers have scattered and hidden their information into the network, it simply cannot be copied!"

 Gao Jie smiled, "This is the power of the Terminator, he can force all the intelligent computers in the world to hand over their memories! If he can break through the interception of the various layers of intelligence in the Infinite World and directly face the 'Blue Queen', he will be just as capable of taking all of the Blue Queen's memories and intelligence for his own use!"

 The senior executives all exclaimed, "Is the Terminator that strong? It's invincible!"

 Gao Jie smiled as he lit a digital cigarette and looked at the old bosses in front of him through the smoke. Although these people were all pig-headed, but under them, there were still quite a lot of talents, perhaps they would eventually be able to discover their plan, however, even if they did, it was already too late, the Terminator was already under their control.

 Gao Jie slowly closed his eyes, "Terminator, are you the terminator of the 'Blue Queen', or the terminator of the demons of this world? However, even if you are a demon, you are still a demon under my grasp!"