A Stunning Setback

Real Madrid beat AC Milan 3-0 at home and received hearty applause after the game.

Aspen newspaper used a front-page headline to express its appreciation for Real Madrid.


These striking red numbers tell all Real Madrid fans that after the home game, Real Madrid has basically got the admission ticket to the Stade de France.

Yes, this season's Champions League final is held at the Stade de France in Paris, France.

The reason why it didn't reach 100% is because there is no absoluteness on the football field, so you have to leave some thoughts for AC Milan, right?

But everyone knows that the score of three to zero has basically determined that the team will advance to the final.

In addition to praising the Spanish media, many are thinking about the changes in Real Madrid's game.

For example, Alfredo, editor-in-chief of Aspen newspaper, said in his column that Gao Shen used this game to prove that his football philosophy is not conservative. One of the important reasons why he insisted on using defensive tactics before is that Real Madrid's defense is not strong, and the physical fitness is not good.

"After encountering the same old age and having just fought Inter Milan to the death, AC Milan, who was not very physically fit, attacked deeply and decisively, won a hearty 3-0 victory at home, and seized the initiative to advance."

Alfredo believes that Gao Shen's contribution to this Real Madrid team is far underestimated.

Aspen also interviewed many Real Madrid players, including Raul, after the game, and they all agreed that the outside world's accusations and criticisms of the coach were unfair.

"He put the team back on the right track, and for this, he deserves the respect of all of us!" Captain Raul said solemnly, not only that, but he also said that from coaching until now, Gao Shen has always been the team's backbone.

From Highbury, to Alp, to Camp Nou, and now to the Bernabeu, Gao Shen has always played the most important role in the transformation of the team, and is also a key figure for Real Madrid to get out of the quagmire.

"A lot of people don't know, in fact, we had an in-depth conversation on the bus to the Bernabeu the day after he officially took over at Real Madrid, before attending his first press conference."

"At that time, he told me a lot about his vision for the team, and I always believed that he was a very thoughtful, very determined and courageous coach, and it turned out that he successfully brought Real Madrid out of the quagmire, on the right track."

Raul said that if he had the power to make a decision, the first thing he would do would be to renew his contract with Gao Shen.

"I know that he is still very young, only twenty-five years old, but believe me, he is a very good and strong coach, and more importantly, his football concept is very advanced. With his support, he can create a competitive new Real Madrid."

Aspen newspaper believes that Raul's appeal also represents the locker room's attitude towards Gao Shen.

From the earliest doubts to now, almost the entire locker room admires Gao Shen, and Robert Carlos, who was blocked by Gao Shen, has not appeared in front of people for a long time, and no one misses him.

Now Gao Shen has completely controlled Real Madrid's dressing room and has been supported by everyone.

Ronaldo, who scored the third goal, was very happy after the game. Some media revealed that he danced happily in the dressing room, dancing striptease, celebrating his first Champions League goal of the season.

After the game, the Brazilian accepted an interview with AS, explaining the significance of his goal.

Ronaldo said that this goal is not only his but also the credit of everyone in the Real Madrid team.

"But I'm willing to give it to our young manager."

Ronaldo elaborated on the significance of the goal to himself, as well as the process behind the goal, from the high-level formation, to his request at half-time, to the final goal.

"I know that because of my request, the team's pre-match deployment was disrupted, but he still chose to believe me."

"Actually, since the end of the World Cup in Korea and Japan, he is the second head coach besides Bosque who has made me feel trusted. This kind of trust is not something I talk about on weekdays, but at a critical moment, he dares to believe."

"It's not just me, it's everyone in the dressing room, stars or young players."

Ronaldo also mentioned his moving, because Gao Shen did not emphasize anything, but let all players let go of their hands and feet and play, "He bears all the pressure by himself, he is a very good leader."

Obviously, Ronaldo's words have some connotations, including Cooper, the coaches who have coached him before.

Finally, Ronaldo and Raul and other Real Madrid stars who were interviewed all said that the team is determined to win the championship.

Not only La Liga, but now there is another Champions League.


Real Madrid fans and the Spanish media felt a little overwhelmed.

Almost every other week, or every once in a while, their evaluation and judgment of Real Madrid changes dramatically.

At the beginning of Gao Shen's coaching, who would have thought that Real Madrid could reach today?

Now, Real Madrid has not only tied Barcelona in the La Liga standings, but also beat AC Milan 3-0 in the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, and reaching the final is just around the corner, which is unbelievable.

Whether it is fans or the media, most of them will change their attitudes and positions with the changes in the team's performance.

Especially after Real Madrid's 3-0 victory over AC Milan, it was appreciated by almost all the media and fans.

This is one foot stepped into the Champions League final!

But there are also some media who are frantically grabbing the scene. From the post-match press conference to the next day's game comments, they are still constantly criticizing Gao Shen.

At the press conference, some media reporters questioned him on the spot, making Maqueda speechless and unable to resist, and in the newspapers the next day, some newspapers even openly questioned Gao Shen in the air.

"This battle at the Bernabeu just proves that our judgment in the past was right. Real Madrid has enough strength to defeat all opponents, as long as Gao Shen is not so conservative!"

Some media even believe that Real Madrid has returned to the right track, and Gao Shen is becoming Real Madrid's weakest weakness.

Amid the chorus of admiration, a small number of questions and criticisms were particularly harsh and eye-catching.


Compared with the reports of the Spanish media, the reports of the mainstream media in Europe are all praises.

The Italian Gazzetta dello Sport believes that Ancelotti has fallen behind in the contest with Gao Shen in this strong dialogue, and obviously underestimated the difficulty of the Bernabeu battle.

More importantly, Real Madrid continued the effective targeted tactics of Lyon and Inter Milan against AC Milan, strangling the Rossoneri to death, leaving Ancelotti's team helpless throughout the game.

"Gao Shen's use of soldiers is very ruthless. He doesn't look like a young rookie who has just debuted, but like an experienced coach. Whether it is the starting tactics in the opening or continuing to keep Ronaldo in the second half, he has shown his commanding ability and locker room management ability, which makes people see the potential of a famous coach in him."

As an Italian media, Gazzetta dello Sport also commented on Real Madrid's tactics in this game, believing that Gao Shen's tactical style, whether he is arranging troops or directing the team to play, is very distinctive and innovative.

"From the two-legged match against Juventus in the quarter-finals to the semi-final against AC Milan, in three games, Gao Shen produced three amazing answers."

"Maybe his tactics are still a little rough, his formations are not fine enough, and his on-the-spot command is not experienced enough, but these can't hide the unique temperament he has shown in these few games."

However, Gazzetta dello Sport also revealed that Gao Shen is fighting the fire in the middle of this season. In Real Madrid's existing lineup, he has very limited space to play. It is very rare to be able to achieve the current results.

His real challenge is next season.

"Either leave Real Madrid or stay in Real Madrid, the next full season will be the biggest test for Gao Shen."

L'Equipe de France also believes that the counterattack led by Gao Shen this season is the biggest surprise and surprise in European football.

Especially Gao Shen, who is only 25 years old, can be called the most amazing accident in the history of the five major European leagues.

"As we all know, in the past, we always believed that the head coach was a position that was very dependent on experience, but his appearance completely broke such prejudice. His birth brought great stimulation to the entire European football and injected fresh vitality."

L'Equipe believes that Gao Shen's coaching at Real Madrid has not fully demonstrated his football philosophy, but it is amazing enough.

"We have absolutely every reason to believe that Gao Shen is a genius in the coaching world, and what he needs to do next is to use a full season to create a team that best reflects his tactical philosophy and achieve results in European football."

The L'Equipe believes that there is no need to win the Champions League or other championships. It only needs to be further improved on the basis of today's Real Madrid and play eye-catching football, that is success!

The German Kicker magazine also wrote an in-depth report in the special edition of the Champions League in midweek, interviewing the famous German star Beckenbauer.

The football emperor said in an interview with the media that the sophisticated Real Madrid and Rijkaard's Barcelona are the most impressive teams in the Champions League this season, but unlike Rijkaard, Gao Shen still needs to prove himself further.

"It's always very difficult to coach a team like Real Madrid. If you win the game and the title, the credit belongs to the players. If you lose the game and the title, the responsibility always falls on the coach."

Beckenbauer is not only a great player but also a great coach, and he strongly advised Gao Shen to leave Real Madrid.

"He is still young, and he should take the time to carefully build a team that is completely his own, and explain his football philosophy to the world. Once he takes this step, he will be considered a real top manager."

Suddenly, all over Europe, and even the world's major media, paid attention to Gao Shen.

The prospects for Real Madrid have also been radically transformed, as if Real Madrid had already won the La Liga and Champions League titles.

But in this atmosphere, during the weekend La Liga match, Real Madrid, which was in a good position, suffered a blow.

What Gao Shen was most worried about still happened.