Chapter 4

Mu Yu subconsciously glanced at the fat man beside him.

  Zhang Chang stared at the cigarette box in Jiang Lan's hand and murmured, "She didn't smoke before..."

  Jiang Lan's eyelashes twitched slightly, as if she understood something, and she also looked over, "He's here?"


  Mu Yu nodded and began to retell.

  "He said he left in a hurry and didn't have time to explain. If you feel tired, you can find a chance to sell the company. He won't blame you. But if you do sell it, don't sell it to Du Lao San. He is too slippery and unreliable... but Lao Li..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Lan raised his hand:

  "Old Li has brought it up, and Old Third Du has also found someone to put pressure on it. The contract with Shengchang will be signed tomorrow. I also have a share in the company, so even if you are not here, it won't fall apart."

  There are not as many twists and turns within private enterprises as there are in big companies, so when you really want to deal with something, there are fewer obstacles.

Jiang Lan flicked the corner of his clothes lightly, "If that's all you want to say, then there's no need."

  Mu Yu was stunned.

  Wow, so handsome!

  Looks much more reliable than Zhang Chang!

  Looking at Zhang Chang again, he had shrunk into a quail.

  It's fat and looks a bit pitiful, like a fried pumpkin flower.

  The company was indeed founded by the couple from scratch, but... but me, me! Your most reliable partner and bedmate is dead! Don't you think there is something missing?

It was indeed a bit of a shock to see with my own eyes that my wife's daily work and life were not disrupted at all because of my accidental death.

  Jiang Lan: "Is that all you want to say?"

  Zhang Chang snorted twice, "Well, there is a metal box buried under the osmanthus tree in the backyard, and there are ten gold bars in it."

  There seemed to be ten of them.

  Mu Yu, who was retelling the story conscientiously, said: "!!!"

  Is the way you rich people hide your private money so unique?

  Jiang Lan raised his eyelids expressionlessly, "Is it eleven?"

Zhang Chang: "!!!"

  How do you know so clearly?!

  Mu Yu couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "How did you die?"

  He thought his voice was quite soft, but as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lan said, "Sudden death from continuous overtime work."

  The stupidest way to die.

  Mu Yu looked towards Zhang Chang dimly:

  It's obvious that he died of overwork, yet you still say you can make money moderately?

  Zhang Chang was so angry that he said, "You only know how to cherish your life when you lose it!"

  Mu Yu was shocked. "A normal person would know how to cherish it, right?"

  Is there any need to wait to lose that thing?

  Zhang Chang felt insulted and jumped up from the sofa.

  But before he could start to get angry, Jiang Lan looked at Mu Yu with approval, then stared at the empty seat next to him and said quietly, "Yes, normal people know how to cherish, except for fools."

  A long time ago, she had advised Zhang Chang that there was no end to making money and there was no need to work so hard.

  But Zhang Chang didn't listen.

  He felt that his family had lived a hard life before, so he was obsessed with making up for it. He wanted luxury cars, luxury houses... everything.

  In the end, he only lived in a two-square-meter tomb.

  What's the point?

  Mu Yu pointed to the other side of himself awkwardly: "He's over here..."

  Jiang Lan: "…"

  Her face trembled extremely quickly, then immediately returned to normal. She turned calmly to the direction Muyu pointed and asked, "Are people so idle after death?"

  Then...what's the point of living like a dog?

  Mu Yu was stunned. Yes, why are you so idle?

  Zhang Chang vaguely felt that he was being despised, but he had no evidence.

  "After a person dies, the god of death will come to take him away. The extremely evil ones will go through different channels from ordinary people and those who have done great deeds.

  After entering the underworld, you report first. After the receptionist reviews the deceased's life history and feels there is no big problem, he or she will take a number and queue up.

  If you have any unfulfilled wishes, you can return to the world of life with a number before the 49th day after birth.

  After the Qixi Festival, if you want to go back, you have to wait until the New Year to apply with the main group."

  "Why are we queuing?" Mu Yu was curious.

  Zhang Chang rolled his eyes at him and said, "Wait for the second trial."

  "I heard that there will be a third and fourth trial."

  Those who deserve it should go to hell, and those who deserve it should be punished. It's quite strict anyway.

  "What's your number?" Mu Yu asked again.

  Even Jiang Lan on the opposite side leaned forward unconsciously, obviously quite curious.

  How fresh!

  "Listen to the person who witnessed the underworld tell his true experience!"

  "Tell me about what happened to me in the underworld!"

  "So you are such a hell!"

  It's all worthy of being on the news.

  Zhang Chang was a little depressed, "Number 94372."

  He wanted to find the scalper ghost to exchange his number, but an experienced ghost at the housewarming party told him that the underworld had just carried out a severe crackdown last month, and several prominent ghosts who had a bad influence were arrested and sent to hell to do hard labor. The situation was quite tense for the time being, and it was not easy to deal with.

  Mu Yu and Jiang Lan both had an expression of "Wow, I've learned something new."

  "After everything is reviewed, we can determine whether we can be reborn, and what kind of rebirth we will be..."

  Zhang Chang was a social nerd. Just after the seventh day, he had already figured out the situation underground.

  "Now that the birth rate has dropped sharply, the number of human reincarnations has been tightened, and the review is particularly strict," Zhang Chang, who did not want to enter the animal realm, sighed. Seeing Jiang Lan, he became happy again. "At this rate, maybe I will still be here when you go down. Then we can live together."

  Jiang Lan's expression suddenly became complicated.

  "Thanks, but I'm not in a hurry yet."

  Mu Yu wanted to continue listening, but his cell phone rang.

  It was the auntie who often went to buy groceries with him who called and asked him why he didn't go today and whether he wanted to leave some for him.

  Mu Yu cried out, and when he looked at his watch, it was almost eight o'clock. He said hurriedly, "Yes, yes, I'll go right away. Thank you, Aunt Wang."

  His restaurant doesn't consume much, so he goes to the market every day to grab the first batch of fresh vegetables. Normally, he would have finished buying vegetables and returned at this time.

  Today I was so engrossed in listening to "Things in the Underworld" that I forgot the time.

  When Jiang Lan heard Mu Yu say that he was going to the vegetable market, he immediately stood up to send him off.

  Mu Yu was embarrassed, "You're welcome, I'll pay for it."

  Never talk about feelings, talking about feelings costs money!

  Jiang Lan suddenly smiled, "How much?"

  Even if the other party didn't say anything, she would take the initiative to give this incredible thing.

  Mu Yu felt a little guilty, wondering if he was asking too much. So he said in a very low voice, "Including the last time I held the housewarming party, the total was 20,000."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lan transferred 30,000 yuan on the spot and said, "The extra money can be considered as compensation for mental damage."

  Anyone who was called to go to the underworld in the middle of the night would be scared to death. I don't know if there would be any after-effects.

  "Swipe, 30,000 yuan has been deposited into my Alipay account."

  Thirty thousand!

  A full thirty thousand yuan!

  What a touching heavenly sound!

  Mu Yu stared at the new transfer record and was so moved that he almost cried.

  Ms. Jiang is such a nice person!

  He thought excitedly.

  If you pay, the service will inevitably be more considerate.

  Before leaving, Mu Yu even took a big black umbrella and said, "Mr. Zhang can stay for a few more hours..."

You can hide under the umbrella and go out for a short time.

  After returning with the ingredients, Jiang Lan wanted to leave, but when he saw the big black umbrella, he hesitated.

  Mu Yu suddenly realized that maybe Jiang Lan was not as calm as he appeared.

  "How about I treat you to a meal? Is there anything in particular you'd like to eat?"

  They gave me an extra ten thousand.

  Jiang Lan did not refuse, and thought for a moment, "Is fried gluten stuffed with meat okay?"

  Zhang Chang was stunned.

  Fried gluten stuffed with meat is his favorite dish.

  Mu Yu smiled and said, "Of course."

  This dish is not uncommon, but Mu Yu is absolutely confident in himself.

  The first one is naturally the craftsmanship, and the second one is that all the raw materials are carefully selected.

Just the fried gluten that is made by myself is enough to beat all the competitors in seconds.

  Whether you put your heart into something or not can be tasted by the diners.

  First use high-quality wheat flour and dough on chopsticks, wash out the starch little by little, and finally only a handful of dark white elastic gluten is left on the tip of the chopsticks.

  This is an extremely boring, time-consuming and meticulous job, but Mu Yu likes it because it allows him to relax while doing it.

  Carefully peel off the washed gluten and let it dry until it is half dry. Then fry it in oil and the whole gluten ball will puff up slightly, become golden and round, and is good for cooking and stewing soup.

There are also some requirements for the mushroom and meat filling inside.

  Dried shiitake mushrooms are mellow and chewy, while fresh shiitake mushrooms are plump and chewy, and each has its own merits. The Mu Yu is half dried and half fresh, and is paired with finely chopped pork belly, stuffed firmly into a bowl.

  Put the prepared sauce in a pot and simmer over low heat. Watching the thick oily gluten being soaked in water little by little, revealing a delicate luster, it seems as if the dry body and mind have been soothed.

  The soft gluten at the bottom that had been softened by the soaking looked like the trembling skirt of a dancer doing water ballet, with graceful arcs occasionally created by the bursting bubbles.


  The oil in the fried gluten slowly penetrates into the meat filling inside along with the sauce. The fat in the meat filling and the juice of the mushrooms then seep out. After several rounds of fusion, the taste is indescribable.

  When the fried gluten stuffed with meat was served on the table, white steam rose in the sky. Zhang Chang and Jiang Lan both recalled the scene when they made their first fortune and went to a restaurant for the first time.

  At that time, they only ordered one meat dish, which was meat stuffed with fried gluten.

  It was a very inconspicuous little restaurant, almost even smaller than this one. A serving of fried gluten stuffed meat only had ten meat balls, and they were dry and shriveled.

  But after so many years, Jiang Lan can still seem to feel the fragrance lingering between his lips and teeth.

It was a special delicacy that crushed time and life, and was soaked in joy, anger, sorrow and happiness. No matter how much money she made or what delicacies she ate, it could not be replaced.

  Zhang Chang was fat and had a big appetite, but he smiled and took out all the meat from the gluten and gave it to her.

  "The gluten absorbs the gravy and tastes much better than meat! I love this."

  Jiang Lan blinked slowly and was surprised to find that a long time had passed.

  So long that... I am the only one left.

  Gluten, all its superficial parts have long been washed away in the water, leaving only its bones and tendons. Even after being soaked in the soup for such a long time, it is still very chewy.

  The tip of his teeth slowly pressed down, and the gravy inside couldn't wait to splash out, bringing with it an indescribable scalding heat, swirling wildly in Jiang Lan's mouth.

  A little hot.

  The heat made her eye sockets swell, her throat blocked, and her chest felt like it was about to explode. Even the tears she had been holding back for many days fell out.

  "You see, I can't eat gluten..." She choked and whispered, "How did you die?"

  Until this moment, she seemed to finally realize:

  He is gone.

  Zhang Chang on the opposite side froze up and burst into tears.

  But he no longer had any tears.