Shadows of the past

They couldn't find anything and as they feels it's getting late, they all leave the library

The days at Wood Smith High seemed to blur together for Hailey and her newfound friends, Ethan, Joe, Jack, and Adam. They spent their afternoons in the library, poring over ancient texts and unraveling the mysteries that surrounded the school. Each passing day brought new discoveries and deeper questions.

One afternoon, as they delved into a particularly cryptic passage in the grimoire, a soft voice interrupted their concentration.

"Mind if I join you?"

Hailey looked up to see a girl with curly black hair and mischievous green eyes standing at the entrance of the library. She wore a bright smile that seemed to light up the room.

"I'm Viola," she introduced herself cheerfully, approaching the group with a curious tilt of her head.

Adam nodded in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Viola. I'm Adam, and these are Hailey, Ethan, Joe, and Jack."

Viola's gaze lingered on Hailey, a knowing spark flickering in her eyes. "You're the new girl everyone's talking about, right? Hailey, was it?"

Hailey nodded, feeling a sense of relief at Viola's warm demeanor. "Yeah, that's me. We've been exploring some of the old books in the library. Do you know anything about them?"

Viola's smile widened. "Oh, I know a thing or two about the secrets of this place. Wood Smith High has a way of drawing in those who seek knowledge beyond the ordinary."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you know about the hidden passages too?"

Viola chuckled softly. "Let's just say I've had my fair share of adventures around here. There's more to this school than meets the eye."

As they continued their conversation, another figure approached quietly from the shadows—a tall, imposing woman with silver-streaked hair and piercing blue eyes. Her presence seemed to command respect, and a sense of authority hung around her like an invisible cloak.

"Ah, Professor Octavia Stone," Viola greeted with a nod. "What brings you to our humble corner of the library?"

Professor Stone's gaze swept over the group with a hint of amusement. "Just checking in on my curious students, making sure you're not getting into too much trouble."

Hailey exchanged a glance with the others, sensing there was more to Professor Stone than met the eye. Her reputation as an archaeologist obsessed with supernatural artifacts preceded her, and rumors of her expeditions into forbidden territories whispered through the halls.

"Professor Stone," Adam ventured cautiously, "do you know anything about the grimoire we found? It seems to hold ancient knowledge about this place."

The professor's eyes gleamed with interest. "Ah, the grimoire. A fascinating relic indeed. Be careful with what you uncover, children. Some secrets are best left undisturbed."

She then just left the library.