Modifying a Sniper, Locating the Sniper Girl

Ray crouched on the floor with a frown on his face.

The clay vase that had been on the table was shattered, and there was a small hole in the table, penetrating through to the concrete floor beneath.

"A sniper?" His eyes narrowed. Slowly, he moved to close the curtains, then called out to the others downstairs.

"Everyone, close all your curtains right now! I mean, right now! There's a sniper out there."

Almost all the girls hurriedly closed their curtains, avoiding the windows out of fear.

Ray walked downstairs, his expression grim.

"What should we do, Ray?" Gina dragged her tired body over, worry etched on her face. The other four women looked at Ray anxiously.

"Where are Daisy and Kate?" Ray scowled.

"They're still sleeping," Gina blushed, "you were too fierce before."

"Cough, cough, it's not the time for this," Ray said as the atmosphere suddenly became tense and silent.

"Go get the sniper from there."