Thirty-six Women

Ray has not slept for a while now, it could be seen how he was so serious in doing his duty.

Although he was physically fine because his stamina was greater than a bull's, but still mentally he still needed some rest.

Time seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye and Ray woke up when he felt the warm yellow rays fall on his closed eyes.

The moment he woke, feeling the soft flesh that was hugging his body, Ray was undoubtedly satisfied. Aurora was definitely a beauty.

Although she was thin, she had curves in all the right places, making her wonderfully soft and squishy.

This closeness only heightened his arousal.

As he slowly opened his eyes, the beautiful face of Aurora greeted him, making Ray even more satisfied.

At this time, Aurora was tightly embraced by Ray, their bodies pressed closely together as if they were one.

"My sleep really is."