Fern got slapped

"What's wrong, boss?"

"Nothing," King shook his head. "I feel some kind of danger to my life," he muttered under his breath, narrowing his eyes.

His Sage Arts skill also granted him a certain intuition, and this feeling was as if he was being stared at by a tiger, slowly creeping up on him, just waiting to pounce and tear him to pieces.

In front of him lay a giant undead, more than 305 cm tall, with four hands emitting a terrifying aura.

Now, it lay on the ground as if sleeping peacefully.

Its skin was red, densely packed with various unknown text, but the most peculiar thing was the "2" written on its head.

"Boss, you're really amazing; you can even kill a Level 2 undead," Argo said with a ferocious expression.

King looked at Argo lightly.

This man wore a black tuxedo, had dyed orange hair, and carried a sword on his shoulder.

Even then, he looked like a toddler in front of King, who had a giant scar over his eye.