
"Thank you For Asriels for becoming a member ❤️".

Let's not talk about Namikaze Minato thinking about how to become stronger in order to catch up with Hirito.

When you concentrate, time flies by quickly.

In just over a month, Hirito's carving skills have greatly improved, and he is now able to restore the appearance of a bluebird on wood one to one.

This is due to his physical training, which makes his strength control far beyond that of his previous life.

Coupled with the extraordinary power of Chakra, his progress was rapid.

Wood grain and carving, smooth and rough, concave and convex, round knife arrangement, flat knife cutting...

Hirito found that as he cut and eliminated waste step by step from the outside in, his mind gradually calmed down.

At the same time, Hirito not only feels the pleasure of the work "coming out of its shell" in the subtractive modeling again and again.

Even at the beginning, he was afraid that if he used too much force, he would lose some areas that shouldn't be lost, which made him feel frightened.

But if the knife skills are handled properly, you may also be happy because of the dangers.

At the same time, Hirito can also feel the special charm produced during the use of various knife techniques, as well as the flavor of various strengths. Some accidental effects can also give the work a new charm.

"Next, it's time to try changing to different wood..."

"Also, the objects of imitation can also be wider, not limited to blue bird..."

"Animals, plants, pedestrians, houses... can all be my objects of imitation..."

When Hirito played Gentle Fist again, he felt something different.

Although he spent some time on carving, his more delicate control of strength made his physical skills even more powerful.

Shunpo's achievements are also improving little by little.

Faster! Lighter! More natural!

Small woods, beside streams.

A figure flashed back and forth on the water, bringing up sprays of water.

Hirito is practicing Shunpo on the water.

He has already completed the training of treading water, but even treading water can be advanced.

Practicing boxing on the water and practicing Shunpo can improve his strength.

After all, the feeling of practicing on soft and flowing water is different from that of practicing on solid land.

"Bang! Bang! Bang...!"

Suddenly, there was a crash.

This was accompanied by the sound of exhaling and shouting.

Hirito stopped, stepped a little, and jumped onto the shore.

The place he chose was relatively remote, and few people usually came there, so this movement attracted his attention.

"It's... the sound of hammering trees."

After listening carefully, Hirito identified the source of the sound.

Moreover, the percussive texture of this tone...this man's physical strength is very strong! ~

Hirito was slightly curious and walked away looking for the


Then the shouting became clearer.

"One hundred and eighteen! One hundred and nineteen!...Ahhh!~"

"Hammer the stakes five hundred times today!"

"If you can't do that, just stand on your head and walk around 10,000 meters!"

"Burn! Youth!... Boil! Youth!"

"Release your blood...!"


Before he even got close, he heard this weird and passionate slogan from a distance.

Hirito's expression changed.

This kind of slogan, could it be that guy?

As he got closer, Hirito saw a very shocking scene.

A green figure was punching a big tree that three or four people could hug. Each punch made the tree sway back and forth, causing leaves to fall to the ground.

The corners of Hirito's eyes twitched slightly, this exaggerated training method...

Sure enough, it's him, Might Dai!

What amazing muscle and bone strength and physical strength!

Hirito could see that Might Dai did not use Chakra to explode his attack power, but relied entirely on his own physical strength.

Judging from his appearance, he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, right?!

Perhaps Hirito's gaze was too direct, and Might Dai felt it.

Looking back, is it a child?

Are you a student at a ninja school?

Those eyes... belong to the Hyuga family!

Showing a hearty and shining smile to hirito, Might Dai turned back and continued to complete the hammering training.

Youth cannot be wasted!

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

The trees were swaying and leaves were falling all over the ground.

"Four hundred and fifty-three! Four hundred and fifty-four!..."

The bandage on his hand has become red with Blood, but Might Dai seems to feel no pain. He shouts loudly every time he punches and hammers, as if to cheer himself up.

Hirito admires Might Dai's perseverance and hard work, but if he practices like this, his body will be exhausted.

However, thinking about his son Might Guy perhaps, the Might family members also have unique physiques! ~

"Four hundred and ninety-nine!... Five hundred!"

After the last hammer blow, Mightdai's hands hung down tiredly, sweat mixed with Blood, but his expression was very happy and he was grinning widely.

"Sure enough, youth... is never-ending!"

Seeing that the other party stopped training, Hirito strolled out.

"You train like this, and you don't even know how many hidden injuries are in your body."

Might Dai didn't take it seriously.

He smiled boldly: "Hey! Boy, this is youth!"

"Youth cannot be separated from passion."

Hirito glanced at his body and saw that there were many scars on the surface and calluses covered his palms.

"I know you, you are Might Dai, a ninja who specializes in Taijutsu."

"My name is Hyuga Hirito."

Might Dai suddenly became excited and burst into tears.

Because, Hirito's phrase "ninja who specializes in physical skills" is a recognition of his hard work day and night! ~

He felt that his fatigue was suddenly gone, his blood was boiling, and his energy was renewed.

"Young Hirito..."

Might Dai suddenly choked up and looked at Hirito with burning eyes.

This is the first time someone has acknowledged him!

(End of the chapter).

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