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Training Course.

Hirito and Hiashi competed again.

Hyuga Hiashi, who is already 14 years old, is nearly 1.7 meters tall and completely dwarfs Hirito in terms of body size. After all, 14 is a period of rapid growth for young men.

In terms of physical skills, whether it is height or wingspan, Hiashi should naturally have an advantage.

In addition, Hiashi had already mastered all the secret techniques of the Gentle Fist style, and his strength was comparable to that of a special Jōnin!

But as he sparred with Hirito, his initial confidence began to waver.

Hirito moved like a swimming fish—fluid and unpredictable.

At one moment, Hiashi saw him in front, and the next, he was behind.

No matter how Hiashi attacked, none of his strikes landed solidly.

After a few minutes, Hiashi stopped this frustrating, futile battle.

With a step forward, he unleashed:

"Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm!"

Compressed chakra blasted forth, instantly destroying two large trees in its path.


Hiashi exhaled heavily, relaxing.

(Mentally: If I wanted to feel better, why am I venting on him?)

Hiashi looked at Hirito, who was resting, with a mixture of frustration, awe, and respect in his eyes.

"Is this what you taught Hirika about [Eight Trigrams: Tingjin]?" Hiashi asked.

"Using the ultra-sensitive feeling of airflow on the skin to predict and evade?"

As the clan leader, Hiashi naturally knew about the [Life Return] technique that Hirito had introduced.

Hirito nodded. "Once you train to a high level, you can't even allow a feather to touch you. When someone's force first reaches my hair, my counterforce is already as strong as their bone marrow."

Hiashi nodded in admiration. "This ability gives taijutsu practitioners a massive advantage."

In Hiashi's mind, the only way to deal with this technique was to either overwhelm Hirito with superior speed and power or use wide-range ninjutsu to control the battlefield.

After a brief pause, Hiashi hesitated, then asked, "Hirito, I wanted to ask you about [Shunpo] training..."

As someone five years older than Hirito, it was difficult for Hiashi to ask for advice on cultivation.

"Brother Hiashi, do you have any doubts?" Hirito asked, deliberately avoiding Hiashi's gaze to ease the tension.

"I just feel like this [Shunpo] technique is more complex than it seems," Hiashi admitted. "When you use it, your movements perfectly coordinate with Gentle Fist—no wasted motion. But when I try, I can't achieve that same fluidity..."

It became clear that to most people, the [Shunpo] Hirito introduced to the clan appeared only marginally better than the [Body Flicker Technique]. Only a few sensitive individuals noticed its subtle synergy with the Gentle Fist.

"Brother Hiashi, try using [Shunpo] for me so I can see," Hirito suggested.

Understanding Hiashi's strengths and weaknesses would allow Hirito to offer targeted guidance on improving Hiashi's [Shunpo].

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Hiashi activated his Byakugan, moving at high speed, while Hirito observed, gradually gaining insight.

"Brother Hiashi, I understand your normal speed now."

"Next, show me your fastest Shunpo, your slowest, your longest Shunpo distance, and the shortest distance."

Hiashi had good talent. Upon hearing Hirito's instructions, something clicked, like a ray of light breaking through the fog.

Immediately, Hiashi followed the instructions.

As he did, he realized just how many flaws were in his Shunpo.

The fastest Shunpo was easy—simply release chakra and propel the body forward.

But when Hiashi tried the slowest Shunpo, no matter what he did, he couldn't move slower than a standard run.

When he attempted the shortest Shunpo distance, reducing chakra output didn't seem to help. He couldn't teleport to within two meters, no matter how much he tried.

Only then did Hiashi realize the extent of his shortcomings.

Hirito explained, "For a ninja, speed is easy, but control is difficult. Similarly, moving far is simple, but being able to move just a short distance is much harder."

"If you can move slowly with precision, you'll be even faster in combat!"

He continued, "It's like a skilled worker operating an excavator. It's not hard for them to shovel large piles of dirt. What's impressive is using the machine to pry the cap off a bottle without breaking it."

"My version of [Shunpo] focuses on mastering these four basic aspects. Once they're ingrained, you can combine them seamlessly with Gentle Fist."

"But keep in mind, Brother Hiashi, everyone's physique, height, and chakra reserves are different. What works for me may not be the best for you."

"However, practicing these four aspects will definitely set you on the right path."

"[Shunpo] itself has no limits. The only limit is the user!"

Hiashi understood this perfectly. It was similar to the Gentle Fist of the Hyuga Clan.

Though the general structure of the technique remains the same, as practitioners grow, they add their own experiences and insights to form their own unique fighting styles.

(End of the Chapter).

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