East Sea and Pirates.

*Third person Pov*

East Sea.

The East Blue is the ocean which makes up the east part of the Blue Sea split by the Red Line and the Grand Line. It isquestionsed from the North Blue by the Red Line and the South Bltherey the Paradise half of the Grand Line.

The East Blue is commonly known as the weakest of all the seas. Pirates who are considered great and threatening in this sea are regarded at a low rate compared to pirates from the other seas, especially in the Grand Line. Ironically, despite its poor fame, the East Blue was the birthplace of the most famous and powerful pirate of all time, the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger. It is also referred to as the Sea of Schemes.

Many other powerful and world-renowned characters also hail from the East Blue: Marine hero and Vget themiral, Monkey D. Garp; Revolutionary Army leader, Monkey D. Dragon, and his right-hand man, Sabo.

*Nami and Atharva Pov*

I was looking towards the sea and asked "So where are we "

" We are on the very deep side of the East Blue Sea"

" So how long it will take us to reach Conomi Island"

" Without stopping on any island we can get there in a minimum of 1 month "

I was thinking and asked, "You want to buy some clothes?" I asked while looking at Nami who was controlling the boat.

Hearing this "Yes if possible I want to buy clothes and then go to Conomi island."

I nodded and said "See which island is close to us and has shops where we can buy clothes for you "

" Darling 💞 wouldn't you want to buy some clothes."

" No, I don't like wearing any extraordinary clothes and this shirt or jacket I am only wearing today because you selected it, from tomorrow I will not wear anything only pants."

I pouted and said, "Why, you want your body to be seen by other women so they can get under your pants."

" No, I feel uncomfortable wearing anything on my upper body that's why" I said laughing.

Seeing him laughing I stopped talking and looking at him.

Seeing Nami like this I pulled her in my arms "Having you in my pants is more than enough 💋" giving her a small kiss on the lips.

I smiled" You better be"

" Which I island is close to us"

Leaving his arms I started spreading the map and looking at it.

After some time.

"We are very close to the Frauce Kingdom are is ruled by Ban Dedessinée."

"Can we get what we need there"

"I think so"

"So let's go to this kingdom first."

After deciding where to go I stirred the helm in that direction.

*Arlong Pov"

" Next time get money on time otherwaree instead of breaking your house I will kill you and your whole family."

The villagers who heard this started shaking due to fear

Seeing this I smiled.

I was collecting money from this village on Conomi Island.

" Let's go back to Arlong Park everyone"

fish man said while started walking towards Arlong Park.

" Yes captain"

" Ok captain" everyone followed from behind.

While walking I was thinking about the human girl who has not come back to the village.

' Will she run away'

No, shaking my head ' No here sister and the villagers are here'

After reaching the park I sat down and looked at the sea.

Kuroobi who was standing behind me spoke " Arlong nami has not returned it has been like 1 year and 8 months, I think something is wrong"

Hearing Kuroobi I looked at him "Will her sister is still here and she knows what will happen if she does not come back"

I know from all of us that Kuroobi was a little smart among us.

" But still we haven't heard anything about treasure being robbed from pirates about the girl from last year, we could always hear some pirates were robbed of their treasure by a girl but this time we haven't heard anything, I feel something is wrong"

Hearing this I also remember the feeling when I saw Nami leaving.

" Yes we haven't heard anything in the last year, kuroobi takes hatchan and go to Cocoyashi village and asks her sister and see if she knows something also asks the villagers."

"Ok we will go"

After giving the order my mood was bad

' if that human ran away then I will kill everyone in the village and find that girl and kill her'

" Hatchan let's go we are going to Cocoyashi village"

" Ok kuroobi"

Both started going towards the village.

Looking at them going away I turned and started looking towards the sea.

*Nojiko and Genzo Pov"

I was attending to oranges in our backyard.

It's been 2 years since Nami left ' I hope she is ok'

Nothing much has changed Arlong pirates will come each month to collect the money.

She has a slightly dark skin colour and her breasts have grown and her butt is also grown overall she looks beautiful.

' I hope she will come back soon'

I was patrolling the village.

" How good it would be if this peace continued without Arlong"

I was thinking while looking at the villagers who were doing their work and laughing.

I suddenly remember the child who would laugh looking at the windmill spining on my head.

' the child has not returned and it has been almost 2 years, I am worried'

'Hope nothing bad has happened'

Seeing me coming the villagers looked at me and smiled but that smile immediately turned to worry.

" Has Nami returned"

" When will she come back"

" Is she alright"

Facing everyone's questions, I don't know what to say for a while.

" Will I don't know about Nami but I am going to talk with Nojiko some pirates forming"

Hearing this the villagers nodded and started doing their work.

Nami thinks everyone hates her but it's the opposite.

Everyone is very grateful to her and they know why she joinesetng pthe irates.

And here deal with him to buy back her village for 100 million ,berries.

Buta they don't show they know this thing to bNamin her with more responsibility.

So when they noticeer come back they look at her with angry eyes We get in their home without saying anything.

I started walking towards Bell- mere home.

Seeing Nojiko not in the house I started Concentratingtonir backyard, seeing a medium-sizednding to the oranges.

" Nojiko"

Turning around I see Genzo stanHerethere "What do you want Genzo"

" Nojiko what's going on"

" What do you mean"

" I am talking about Nami she has not returned for the last 2 years do you know something about this."

Hearing this I turned around and started collecting oranges.

" I don't know anything about Nami"

" Ho, really or you just don't want to tell me" I shouted at her both are like daughters to me.

Seeing him shouting I hesitated for a moment and said without turning back " I don't know when she will come back"

I couldn't take this as a answer, so I got in front of her and asked again while looking into her eyes " Really, if you know something at least tell me all villagers are also worried about Nami."

Looking at his eyes and hearing him say villagers were also worried " I think she will come back this year with help"

Hearing this I was confused "What do you mean by help"

While they were having a conversation 2 fish man entered the town.

And started walking towards Nojiko's house.

They were kuroobi and hatchan who were ordered by Arlong to come and ask about Nami.

Seeing this the villagers were scared and started running in their house but some were stopped by Kuroobi.

" Is Nami back "

Hearing this villagers looked at each other.

One villager showing anger on his face shouted "How should we know she joined your pirate group, you should know more about her than us, we don't welcome Nami here and also you"

After hearing this other villagers also started shouting.

Hearing this kuroobi looked at the villager who spoke first and walked up to him holding his caller he picked him up and said "You humans should know your place and don't talk nonsense to us only answer our question understand"

The villagers became afraid to speak and there was silence.

The villager who was picked up was sweating and shaking with fear.

" We don't know anything about Nami, we haven't seen her for the last 2 years"

And he started speaking.

Hearing this kuroobi let go of the villager "Remember your place human"

Hatchan Just watched and said nothing.

They started going towards Nojiko's house.

Seeing this the villagers who were looking at what was happening from house window and the caught villagers became worried.

" They are going towards Nojiko's house let's go and see if she needs our help we will fight to gather everything you see useful"

" We will fight"

" We will fight"

The villagers also started going towards Nojiko's house in large groups.

The two not seeing anyone At the front door, started coming towards backyard.

Before she could tell Genzo about the boy and their two-year plan I heard something which caused me to shake in fear.

" Here you are where is Nami"

We both turned around to only see 2 fish man coming towards us.

' what happened did Arlong find out something'

' Not good'

*Third person Pov*

A pirate is, broadly speaking, any professional criminal that operates wholly or partially on the world's seas, especially people conducting robbery by ship. In most, if not all, cases they lead or belong to a group of like-minded criminals, known as a crew.

Though not the only existing type of criminal, pirates appear to comprise most of the world's significant bounty heads, and with the possible exception of the Revolutionary Army constitute the strongest opposition to the authority of the World Government and Marines.

The first pirate in history was Joy Boy, who sailed 900 years ago during the Void Century.

In the world of One Piece, perhaps the trait most universal to pirates, beside their sea-going activities and general defiance of the law, is the Jolly Roger, a skull-and-crossbones symbol depicting ina timidation, usually flowto n on black flags at the top of a pirate ship's mast, as well as on its sails. The Jolly Roger has countless variants, each pirate group designing their own versions of the flag to represent their crew. The overall connotations of such a symbol is strong enough that the Marines have been known to attack ships flying i,t on sight, even if those onboard are not identified, a wia th anare y particular ,ba ounty othe r crime.

While the majority of pirates are male humans, it is not unheard of for women, fish-men and merfolk, giants , Mink, and even non-sapient animals to also sail under a Jolly Roger and attain comparable reputations.

Pirates are stereotypically portrayed as greedy, violent and ruthless, willing to hurt innocent people and destroy property to gain what they want, be it treasure, power, or or even simply for personal fun. For this reason, civilians typically fear and detest pirates out of pure principle, even if they have never met one in person before.

In reality, there are two different types of pirates; the first, are those who embodied the stereotype of pirates and the other are the adventurers; pirates who chose this life simply for adventures or to fulfill their dreams.

As being a pirate is a serious crime in the eyes of the World Government, pirates are assigned bounties. The stronger the pirate is in combat, or the more serious the crimes they have committed, the higher their bounty will be. Depending on their bounties, captured pirates are either sent to prisons such as Impel Down or given public executions. While not all pirates enjoy having a bounty on their head, a number of them take pride of the notoriety that comes with it, even going as far to try increasing it by taking down other notable combatants in order to gain evil fame.

It also seems that many members of the World Government and Marines know that not all pirates are bad; Despite being enemies under the law.Garp also states that he did not hate Roger, who was the Pirate King and the biggest threat to the World Government when he was alive, Roger even entrusted Garp with the safety of his unborn child. The Five Elders also recognize that Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, is a pacifist by nature who would not cause trouble in the world just for fun.[citation needed] The World Government also tries to prevent any news of any heroic act done by pirates from spreading throughout the world.

the government makes pirates scapegoats, making them appear responsible for all the crimes and problems in the world, while the World Government is viewed favorably as the protectors of the people by the general population. But ironically and hypocritically, because of the "Heavenly Tribute" that countries affiliated with the World Government must pay for protection, many poor countries or communities must rely on the protection of pirates themselves to protect them from other criminals or threats. The Four Emperors, for example, have many territories under their protection.

Though it is rare, occasionally there are pirates that form single-person crews and sail the seas solo, without ever gathering crewmates. Prime examples of these are the Warlords Bartholomew Kuma and Dracule Mihawk.

*Atharva and Nami Pov*

We seting on boat, nami in my arms.

" By the way we don't have money to buy anything" I said in pitiful tone while looking at him.

Seeing nami who was concerned about money, I brought my noice towards her and rubbed it together and said " we will get money from pirates so don't worry"

Smiling " ok darling"

After some time I sensed something from my observation haki, concentrateing in that area I sensed medium size ship flying a black skull flag on the top.

I smiled and said " here comes the money"

Hearing this I was confused at first but than I also activated by observation haki and smiled.

" Yes free money I don't know how much they will have"

" Let's find out"

50 to 80 meters away from them a medium size ship was sailing towards them.

On the ship.

The lookout on the top of the ship located the boat ahead of them and said to the captain, " captain one small boat ahead, what are your orders "

Hearing this captain asked one crew member to bring him telescope and took look " small boat ha indeed there is, see if you can find out how many are there on the boat" looking towards the lookout.

After looking at it " captain one boy and one girl"

Hearing this other crew member started celebrating as they have won jackpot.

Telling everyone to claim down I asked " is the girl pretty 😍 "

" Yes very pretty and sexy" the lookout said.

" Captain should we load the canona and fire" asked a crew member.

Captain looked at him as he was an idiot " Don't you heard the girl is pretty so I want here so you understand that means no canons"

" Increase the speed straight towards the boat "

" Yes captain "

After some time the two come near each other.

Nami and i were looking at the ship together while we heard.

" Ha you girl come upside if you don't want to be dead "

" Yes girl come up fast"

" She looks so beautiful "

The captain and pirates started talking.

I smiled " see you look beautiful in that dress"

Hearing him I rolled my eyes " or you going to deal with them or should I go"

When other pirates heard this they started laughing.

" You are going to deal with us little girl"

" You are too small"

" Captain we should sell this handsome boy to the world government officer at tequila wolf bridge" It was second mate who said this.

' tequila wolf bridge ha and world government officers, I sem to have heard this bridge thing in my previous life watching one piece'

The captain looked at me and said " you are right he looks strong and can do some labour work we can get a good price for him"

' it's getting interesting ' I smiled while hearing some breaking sound I looked down only to see nami legs which had been trained, made a small hole on the wood.

I looked at nami and was surprised to see that she was looking like God of war,and here long hair were in air and she was looking at the pirates with dagenrous eyes.

' good price, sell him ' i was so angry hearing that pirate talk about my darling like this.

Captain noticed some thing was wrong, but it was to late.

I used moon walk and directly come to their ship.

Seeing her mad I was happy and also followed here on the ship.

seeing this pirates not understanding the situation started laughing " look captain both of them come without saying anything they must be very scared"

Not wanting to hear anymore I pointed my finger towards the pirate who spoke and fired targeting his legs.

The pirate was confused " why are you pointing your finger towards "

Before he could say anymore he was hit on the leg and collapsed and started screaming.

other pirates started stepping back.

" Hey what happened why are you screaming"

" It was the girl who just pointed her finger at him"

One pirate said looking at nami, while others also started looking at her, the captain and the first mate were sweating.

' we should not have messed with them' they both thought.

One pirate aimed his gun towards nami " hey girl what did you did to him" getting no answer from her he fired 4 bullets at her.

Sensing the direction of the bullet I doged all them.

All pirates were stunned including the captain and first mate.

Without not giving others chance to attack I used shave and come towards everyone expect the captain and first mate.

Give a chop to their necks and they lost consciousness.

" Well I am strong" I said. hearing this the captain and first mate face turned pale and they started moving back.

" Well you are strong you were fighting me that's why you don't notice your progress" I said smile on my face.

" That's right I forgot that your very strong darling 💞 "

I laughed at that just now I don't make an move and wanted to see how nami will handle it,I must say she did a great job.

" Now what did you say you wanted to sell my darling 💞 to whom" I said in sweet sound.

The captain and first mate shivered at that voice it was sweet but for them it was call from a devil.

" Where do you think both of your going ha"

Hearing this we both turned only to see the beautiful girl, no a devil standing tall looking at us like we are her toys to play with.

" We are sorry for what we did"

" Yes we are very sorry"

Not seeing a way out of it we both apologized bending our head

I smiled at them and said " ho really good"

After 5 minutes we can see the captain and his first mate having red checks, due to begin slapped many times.

" Well you were saying something about selling me to world government officer"

Nami was checking the ship for treasures and money while I was investigating both.

Hearing this they both thought one devil has done now second devil will do his work.

Sensing there thoughts " I am not going do anything just tell me everything about the bridge and world government officer."

Seeing that the boy only want information the first mate said " you see there is this place named Tequil wolf, were people are forced to do labour work, there are government officer there who will buy slaves which have good strength for labour at high price"

" This is all we know"

I cliched my fists and the aura around me turned from not harmful to very dagenrous.

' slaves forced to do labour work ha and now I remember Robin was send there when kuma blasted off evryone'

The captain and first mate started shivering again and hugging each other in fear.

'Both of them are very dagenrous, particular this boy is mush more dagenrous than the girl'

'what would happen when he made a move'

They Both thought.

While the situation was getting out of control " Darling 💞"

Hearing this the dangerous aura that was coming from the boy vanished in thin air as it never existed.

We both were stunned at looked at the boy.

Hearing her voice I claimed down.

" Yes what happened, did you find something good"

I come out with some money and gold jewellery in hand.

" Not much only 5 million berries and some gold jewellery, this pirates are very poor "

Hearing this both vomited dry blood.

' you are robbing us and saying we are poor' they wanted to say this loud but seeing the girl looking towards them they don't say it.

" It will be enough for now, let's go"

" Ok darling 💖"

Before going I turned around looking at both " don't do human trafficking and don't kill anyone, don't do anything bad otherwise if by any chance I hear or see your deeds I will find you and" I don't complete the sentence just turned and jumped off the ship.

" Good one Darling 😘 " I said looking at both who were shivering, I did action of cutting heads by my thumb, scarying them to there core.

" Let's go" hearing this I also jumped from the ship and come towards our boat.

Recovering little we looked at two who were going away.

" Captain we survived "

" Yes let's wake up the remaining people we will retire and settle down on some Island "

" Yes captain we will do that the sea is not for us" the first mate said while going towards everyone to woke them up.

Captain looked at the boat which was going away and thought 'both will be famous in the future'

" Nami when we will get to the frauce kingdom"

Hearing this " it will take atleast a 1 day from here" I said while looking at the map.

' 1 day ha'

' if possible I really want help free those people but about nami'

Seeing him looking at me " what is it,is something on your mind'

" No not really "

Seeing this I don't want to push him, but I know he will tell me if something is bothering him.

' let's focus on the journey first if I had the chance to go there I will definitely help the people'

Thinking like this I relaxed.

Seeing him relaxing I smiled and started controlling the boat.


* Third person Pov*

Will atharva go there and help those people?

Or he will directly go to conomi island after stopping in frauce kingdom?

If atharva decided to go there and help people, will nami support his decision and follow him or not?

Let's find out in next chapter of volume 2.


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