The Staff of Magi

"Avada Kedavra!"

Mara into an Apparition a second before the curse hit her back and appeared on a ranch running for her life only to be caught by dark wizard dressed in a full black mask and black robes. He held her by the throat and started strangling her. "We had a deal Mara. You've been slow in moving with our agreement."

Angus appeared punching the stranger in the face. Mara fell to the ground. "Mara get the house. MOVE!" Angus ordered.

Mara struggled to her feet gasping for breath as Ava grabbed her around her waist and ran and half carried her leaving Angus alone with the stranger.

Angus and the dark wizard circled one another. "Who the hell are you?"

The wizard shook his head aiming a wand at him. "You are an abomination to the pure-blood true wizards and all peasant magi kind. You don't-"

"Oh your another cry baby fan boy of Riddle huh?" Angus chuckled. "You pieces of trash are all the damn same. You always use women children to do your dirty work."

The wizard snarled in a snake tongue cursing Angus with a strange of words. "You turned my servant against me huh? Don't think you can trust her to stay-"

"Your a coward and a loser. You have no balls or guts, son. Just hang up and go cry to your momma about how much of worthless piece of shit you are for all I care. You wasn't ever going to get that girl to do whatever the hell you tried to talk her into doing. Look at you. I'm standing right in front of me and you don't have the balls to face me like a man. To busy hiding behind all this mystery horse shit to square up like a man and face me."

The wizard laughed. "This is too easy!" He said before turning on his heel, aimed his wand at the backs of the retreating women heading for the house.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Angus disappeared and appeared behind the back of Ava and Mara as they ran. Angus raised his right hand two rings started to glow before the killing curse hit a shield of golden light and flames.

"Angus!" Harry called after him.

"Get your old ass back to the house, Grandpas. I got it." Angus said and took a breath and draw his peacemaker and held it up as his body started to glow. The shield grew in more strength and then started push back at the killing spell sending it back toward the user at a slow but steady speed and then launched him backward toward the user.

The spell was cut off suddenly. Angus still held up his shield for a few more seconds watching around waiting for something more to happen and then he let down his shield.

Angus stared at the body on the ground. He frowned as Ava came to stand with him. "You should have go back inside.

"This is a back sight event. I think James is watching us?" She said.

Angus frowned holding up his peacemaker. "James if your watching. I need you to take a look around as far as you can go take in the area and tell me what you see."

"What is it?" Ava asked.

"Somebody is out there watching us. James if your watching try and expand your vision. Take in all you can and see who is out her if you can." He said.

The vision of Angus suddenly became smaller and smaller until both he and Ava were images at high distance away. Vision of the area began to show areas of the Potter ranch acres and skyline and then froze at the image of man standing in the clouds. His face was masked in a fog but he seemed in his mid-forties and he was dressed in a long leather black jacket.

He suddenly turned and flew away his jacket flapping in the wind as he flew at a fast speed traveling. He laughed feeling the vision tracking him. Magical energy surrounded him as he pushed himself and started advancing at a continuous speed with his arms spread out. He kept going until he was merely a speck in the distance.

Suddenly, the vision changed and River Song's face smiled as she stood outside in the pale moonlight on her land. Her staff was in her hand as both her sons stood sat on the ground at her feet.

The presence of other people being with them was felt but vision of them was murky and their faces couldn't be seen. "Thank you for your help. Though the trouble I've caused you and your family will not be forgotten by your father. I still thank you for seeing to it that I received my family's staff again. Now for your payment."

River Song shook her head. "No. You are generous not to accept payment. But, you must be given your due. You are right. A new dark Lord is rising. Your time to face him is coming but for now this is your father's day. Your time has yet to come and his battles against the enemy are yet to come. You must learn from him and help him rise to his position. Zhao Chen. It is time."

The vision of River Song faded as visions of the forgotten forest showed the people and ancient animals appeared. The sounds of laughter and and song were heard and sense of something wonderful was about to begin.

The vision started to fade but the melody of young woman singing began to be heard in the void of darkness and then the vision of Zhao Chen was seen sitting in a lotus position on the ground with his brothers in the center of the lost temple of the Wusxia.

"It is time." Zhao said with smile on his lips as he came to his feet along with his brothers and the disciples.

There was an argument among some of the young brothers but Zhao along with the elder masters of the wusxia ignored the talk and rising voices among the youth and youngest masters.

Zhao focused his gaze forward. "Water Dragon. You have returned. It is right. You and your father have done well yet there is still much to be done. You both have grown stronger and more capable but remember your journey is continuous. It is time for you take the next steps in the way of wusxia and path of the magi. Your are the recorder of these events. Remember and take your stance."

Lightning flashed above their heads as the arguments among the disciples and young masters began. A young master stepped forward. Zhao stood motionless saying nothing.

The lightning flashed down in front of Zhao and started to change into the form of sword as the dust from the stone floor of lost temple turned around the lightning blade.

The young master attempted to reach for it and roared as pain raced up the palm and arm of the master. He fell away and the sword then launched up into the sky and flew away toward the west.

The young master turned and disappeared in a twister of golden fire. Zhao bowed. "It has begun. When you awaken call the Dragon of the West to his task. He must claim it in the skies in the domain of the dragons. To hold it however he must contend with the others in the duel of the dragons. You must witness this era. You must record these events with your own eyes and hand. You must learn to fly Water Dragon."

Zhao smiled. "No. I don't mean with inventions of the westerners. I mean in the old ways. The ancient ways your fathers learned a long ago. A new era of the magi has begun. You must follow your father into this era and lead your generation into the next height of your power into the skies lies your future. Go. Follow the sword."

The vision of the skies appeared and the sword of lightning raced away at the same time as the young Wusxia attempted to chase after it coming close to catching up to it but each time he came close to grasping it the sword eluded his hold. The sword avoided his hold like it had a mind of it's own. It was driven to a location to a place in mind. It was determined to reach that place and would not be stopped.

The wusxia master was just as determined. The sword tried to woo it and seduce it with a voice of magical force. The sword however would not be distracted or blocked from it's determination.

The master began to become angered and attempted to shoot lightning and fire at the sword to stall it from racing on at an awesome speed.

The sword cried out almost losing focus. The master took hold of the sword crying out as the sword lit it with pain. He maintained a hold on it however though the sword kept flying forward now to meet it's true master.