Echoes of War

James slept a dreamless sleep for a bit and then he fell into a vision. Fires burned around him in a building. Angus fought against against two creatures of odd bulky sizes. Every time they punched him violent purple energetic punches of magic on his body.

Angus bleed from his mouth but he held his ground and fought back until two spells hit the beasts in the back. They cried out and fell to the floor and turned to ashes. He frowned and looked up to see Ava and Neville walking up to him. He started to open his mouth.

They approached him determinedly and he frowned. Ava put her hand on his shoulder and they went into an apparition and the next second they were at the headmaster office of Hogwarts.

"What happened?" Angus asked Ava immediately in a stiff voice.

Ava grimaced and sighed. "We had an intruder immediately when you left. His name is Ron Wesley and he came attacked James with the sword of Gryffindor. Then he waited masking himself as a friend. He tricked James into revealing a his secret new magical skill. We need to Wesley."

"Wesley. Is he related to the Wesleys or was that another assassin?" Angus asked.

"I checked with the Wesleys. He is a black sheep and his name isn't Ron Wesley at all. His name is Jefferson Wesley. He did go to Hogwarts but it was before our time. He used a potion to mask his face and age."

"Jefferson Wesley! Alright that helps me. What else aren't you telling me?" Angus asked.

Ava stared at him. "That can wait for later."

"So you have another argument with James huh? Did he send you away to find me or did you leave him at that place just come looking for me to find this clown?" Angus said and then held up a hand at Neville. "Don't. I want Ava to answer me."

Ava straightened up her back and nodded. "Yes. I had another disagreement with him. I told him that I would go searching for you to help get back his power because it was important. He agreed and told me to go at the same time he put up a series of wards and protection shield spells with the help of his friends around Hawks Landing."

Angus blinked looked to the side and then back at her. "I can't apparition to him."

Ava nodded. "I am aware of that. Hawks Landing will be in lock down for forty-eight hours. No one will be able to get into the sky realm to harm James or the others until then."

Angus smiled shaking his head. "What else did tell you?"

Ava shook her head. "That doesn't matter right now. We need to find Wesley and recapture the core he stole from James and find out who hired him to do it."

Angus rubbed his chin. "Hmm." He said and turned to Neville. "You seem calm about this whole situation right now. Why is that?"

Neville shrugged and rubbed a hand down his thin long beard. "I full confidence that you and Ava will have enough time to solve your problem and figure out where young Jefferson and clear things up."

"Clear things up?! That idiot tried to kill my son and he stole his energy core." Ava said.

Neville chuckled. "Things are changing at a rapid pace by the day. Young James. He has done truly remarkable things."

"Angus. Enough of this we must find Wesley and reclaim James' core. Once that is done. We can later return and have discussions. With James about-"

Angus disappeared. He appeared in a deep forest area that was strangely unnaturally quiet. There was no animal life noises around. He quickly rolled up his jacket sleeve and touched two fingers to his owl tattoo for a second nothing happened then it glowed and he pulled his jacket sleeve pack over his forearm.

Angus started walking and a second later Ava appeared. She started to reach for him but he looked back at her and she froze. "Go back to Hogwarts and wait for me to return for this idiot." He said a cold voice.

Ava stared at his cold dark eyes.

"Have I made myself clear or do you wish me to repeat myself?" He asked her.

Ava nodded her head and disappeared leaving him behind.

Angus then turned and started walking forward letting his senses and instincts lead him on a direction he was sure was the right path. He finally came to a clearing where a log cabin stood and a man with wild red hair dressed in dress shirt and jeans sat on a stump reading from a book late into the day.

"Your Jefferson Wesley right?" Angus asked and looked around as he felt suddenly many eyes in the dark watching them and didn't give a damn at the moment.

The man nodded his head not looking up. "You must be Angus Potter. I've been expecting you though. You are a bit early then I expected. How did you find me some fast?"

"Do you stole something from my son. Do you have it?" Angus asked instead of answering his question.

"No. No I don't!" Jefferson said in a quiet voice. "I already passed it on to my former employer. Though I don't expect it will do him fat chance of a lot of good if your son is half the scheming Slytherin I expect him to be. He used me."

Angus stood a few feet away from Jefferson. He stared at him. "Did you stab my son with the sword of Gryffindor?"

Jefferson nodded. "Yes. Yes I did. It was a test of sorts. I wasn't trying to kill him. I just needed to know if he was as evil as I and many others have been led on to believe. I found out he is a lot more dangerous then many suspected and it would have been much more reasonable to side with him then attack him." He said sighing.

"You done yapping. You know why I came here husk. I get your ass up and let's get to it." Angus said in cold voice a thick voice.

Jefferson looked up seeing Angus' shaken state. "You don't look up for fight mate."

Angus shook his head clearing his voice with a cough he leaned to the side spitting blood from his mouth and wiping the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. "I came here to kick your ass. You know that right? You ain't talking your way out of it. You ain't joking your way out of it. It is what it is. You going to tell me who took my son's property?"

Jefferson came to his feet with his wand in hand. "No. I'm not going too. I may be a fool but I am a man of my word. Still though. You found me. I don't know how but you found me. I have this place warded and my moments cloaked. Your a true hunter that means you'll find who took your son's property. Let's get to it. As a fellow Gryffindor we'll settle this fairly. Sense you have no wand. Stupefy or stunning spells will do. Draw your peace maker when your ready?"

Angus shook his head. "You invaded my spot, harmed my son and stole from my family. I don't expected honor from you. You can use all any sneak tricks and backstabbing you want and everything in your bag of magic husk. I'm just going to kick you ass and be done with you." He said and then side stepped a magical attack from a wizard drawing his peacemaker he fired a fireball at the wizard setting him a blaze until he fell to the floor.

A disarming spell Angus' hand that held the peacemaker. He turned and ran at Jefferson as the other wizard shouted stupefy at him.

Angus dodged the spells by turning and spinning into short apparition jumps advancing toward Jefferson until Angus grabbed his wand squeezing it until bones cracked in the other man's hand. He swung his fist for Jefferson's face only to hit air. A boot kicked Angus in the back sending him forward into the business end of a wand glowing jade green held by grinning wizard.

There was laughter behind him. "Sorry old boy. But he has one to many of you as is. You have to go! We have to shoot for an opportunity to turn James to our side."

"Angus! The sky!" Nick said.

Angus leaped up flying upward into the air high above the forest searching until he found the watchers racing away leaving a fog behind them as they flew away. He raced after them only to be stopped by Nick Cole appearing before him on a broom stick.

"Let them go!" He said.

Angus stared at him. "Did you get what you needed?"

Nick sighed tiredly. "We got one of them alive. Wesley is dead. Axe is examining the bodies down below and the others will follow the those idiots. Angus what is this about?"

"You." Angus said directly.

Nick frowned shaking his head. "I'm not following you. What the hell does this-"

Angus nodded down below to the forest. "It's the same old stupid story Nick and you know it. Like that idiot Jefferson said. He's got one to many of you as is. You have the owls and now James. One to many wizards and magi on your side. Whoever it is larking in the shadows is about to come out soon enough to make the push for another fight with you for supremacy over the Congress of Wizards."

"I think Angus is right" a male voice said.

Nick stared at him as another wizard flew up masked in magical mask. Nick nodded to him. "Axe."

Axe nodded to Nick. "I think Angus is right. We've all been suspecting someone is involved in the resent events that have been popping up all over the Americas. They've already made moves to kill Angus repeatedly and several other members of the court or to simply turn us against each other and they've gone after a powerful young wizard connected to the court and you indirectly. Someone is setting up the scene for a land take over."

"Damn it. Another damn idiot dark lord with dreams of ruling the damned world. Angus you need to talk to your family and get them ready for what's coming."