The next lesson

Against every nerve in her body, Lily alighted from the Uber that dropped her in front of the Blackwood billionaire mansion. It was a few minutes after six pm and while she stood outside the big steel gates, she hoped he would not have concluded every business for the day so she could leave. However, she would leave only to return again, maybe the next day. She couldn't afford to procrastinate and she knew that.

Taking a long minute to muster up courage, she rang the little bell just on the wall beside the gates. Almost immediately, a hoarse voice resonated from the little speaker.

"Lily Grant," she stated when asked who she was. "Here to see Mr Blackwood." she added after being asked why she was at the mansion.

"No he is not expecting me," her voice lowered when she responded after being asked if she had an appointment with Asher. "But it is really important that I see him if you could please just let me in."

She was asked to wait while it was confirmed if Asher would be available to see her. It was a dreadful wait. In a corner of her mind, Lily almost convinced herself that he wouldn't want to see her. She knew he was ruthless and emotionless, telling her to never step foot in his mansion ever again was something he could do. Howbeit, the other side of her remained hopeful, seeing a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel where he would forgive her and welcome her back into the program with not-so-open arms.

Asher was sipping coffee while watching his favorite show, Friends, when he received a knock on the door. His eyes voluntarily closed as he quietly sighed. He hated being disturbed, especially when he was painting or in the middle of seeing Friends.

"Come in," he groaned.

The door opened to reveal his head maid, old Mrs Vivian. The same woman who took care of him after his mother's passing. She was almost like his mother, properly filling in the vacant shoes that his biological mother left behind when death snatched her away. When he noticed it was her, he sat up, replacing his frown with a straight face.

"There's someone at the gate for you dear," Vivian was old so she said her words slowly, but Asher was always patient with her. "Her name is Lily."

Asher didn't communicate feelings very well. Surprised to hear that Lily was at his gate surprised him, but he still kept a straight face. "Thank you Vivian," he replied calmly. "Tell them not to let her in, I'll be right there."

Responding with a nod, Vivian made her way out of Asher's room while he paused the series that was playing on his 98 inch TV. He got up from his bed and made his way out the room as well, heading straight for the front door.

While Lily was getting tired of waiting, fast coming to the conclusion that Asher was going to make her wait until she was tired, he was walking towards the security house, where the cctv's were set up. It was a bit chilly outside, making both of them hug themselves even though they had sweaters on. Asher walked into the security office, instantly catching sight of Lily standing outside the gates on the first screen.

He sat on the chair that was vacated for him, before leaning into the microphone. "What are you doing here?"

Lily heard Asher's deep voice through the speakers. She instantly looked to the camera just above her head. "Mr Asher," she began, pausing to swallow nervously as well as prepare herself for what she came to do.

"Mr Asher I came to apologize," she mumbled, shifting her gaze sideways before returning it to the camera. "And to also ask that you take me back into your program."

Asher was amused as he watched her tap her foot nervously on the ground while she spoke. He could see hesitation written all over her. He knew she didn't want to be in front of his house, or even speaking to him, but yet she was. Even after humiliating her in front of her Dean and the other things he did, she still wanted to work under him.

"Give me one reason why I should let you into my program?" Asher muttered coldly. "After you insulted me to my face and permanently stained my car seat."

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Losing her cool was only going to make the situation worse. "Again, I'm sorry about that," she purred, the words sticking to the roof of her tongue because she didn't want to say them.

"And about letting me back in," she continued. "I've wanted to be an artist all my life. From the moment I could move my hands, all I wanted was a blank paper and colors," as she sooke, Asher started to see the reason why she was still coming back to him regardless of whatever treatment he gave her.

Lily took a moment before she continued. "This program, your program, is an opportunity for me to showcase my work to the art community. To be that artist I've always wanted to be,"

Asher was almost lost in her speech. He wasn't exactly touched by it, but he understood she was determined to become a success. It was the same determination that drove him and made him what he was. The billionaire artist, Asher Blackwood.

"So Mr. Asher, if you could just consider taking me back into your program," Lily summoned the courage to look into the camera, knowing that Asher was watching her. "I would be a better student."

Not like she wasn't a better student already, but Lily meant she wasn't going to resist his ill treatment. She was going to take it as long as it got her to the place she wanted. Asher sat into the chair, looking at Lily looking into the camera. He was once like her, struggling to show his art to the world. He had met a lot of students, but there was something about Lily that struck him. Something he wanted to see more of.

While Asher was lost in thought, Lily's anxiety was getting worse. It was a very windy evening but Lily could feel her body working up a sweat inside the black hoodie she had on. The more she waited without getting a response, the more hope she was losing.

She contemplated speaking, but eventually forced the words out of her mouth. "Mr. Asher?"

Asher sat up in his chair, taking one good look at Lily to finalize his decision.

"Be at my house tomorrow morning," he muttered. Lily's heart raced, she dreaded what he was about to make her do. "With the rest of your mates for the next lesson."