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Joan, Neo and Lily literally jumped in their seats when they heard the masculine voice of, none other than, Asher Blackwood cut into their story. Their minds raced, breaths warm and heavy, eyes quivering in their sockets.

"Mr Blackwood." Joan was the first to rise to her feet, although she didn't know why.

Neo followed, leaving Lily wishing she was able to do the same. Joan's straightened body was stationed in front of her, blocking her from seeing the look on Asher's face. Even though she couldn't see him, she was fidgeting. She wondered if he heard any part from Joan's story, earnestly hoping that by some miracle, he did not.

Asher looked at the two people that were on their feet with a horrific look in their eyes. He couldn't understand why his appearance caused them so much distress. For a second, his eyes searched for Lily, only to remember that she wasn't able to stand up and so remained seated behind her female friend.