Important decisions

The first thing Lily did when her eyes opened, although unconscious, was to let out a deep sigh. Up until they closed the night before, all she thought about was how she would navigate herself back home. She and Joan lived in a small apartment that was already cramped up with their stuff, and some of Neo's things. Moving around with crutches was going to be very difficult and she could see herself tripping over one item or the other.

While her thoughts ran, they constantly drifted towards Asher's reaction the day before. Even though she didn't see his face during the fall, she heard the unmistakable sound of fear in his voice when he screamed her name. He could have called for someone to help her up but he chose to pick her up himself, yet his resolution was to send her away. She didn't understand him at all. The stories about him were true. He was a very complicated man.