
A flattered Lily smiled widely as she agreed to Doctor Yuki's gentlemanly offer. There was every reason to say yes. One, she wasn't going to have any awkward conversation with Asher. Two, she was saving money. Three, she got to ride next to a cute, Asian, body built doctor, alone. Her mind screamed 'yes' like a schoolgirl who was finally going to sit close to her long time crush for the first time ever.

"Great," he replied to her earlier statement in which she agreed to ride with him. "Let me just pack up."

She responded with a nod, letting her eyes watch him. The situation quickly became awkward. A situation that was oblivious to the young doctor, but known to the two other people in the room. Asher boiled with anger, while Lily avoided him at all cost. Her golden plan was to act like he wasn't there. A gesture that he wasn't enjoying at all.