The next morning,it was 6:30am by the time Xaden woke up with Mira still soundly asleep in his embrace, peaceful in the repose of sleep but with the demons of her illness still lurking in the shadows of her mind.

He carefully peeled her tight grip off his waist and climbed out of the bed,he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before pulling the blankets to cover her. After that,he headed straight to the bathroom to wash his face and mouth and by the time he was done,he headed straight to the kitchen to prepare his wife's breakfast,it was usually the maid who did that but today he had decided to make it himself and feed it to her before he left for the office,he had two very important meetings today,one involving his board members and the other the contractors of the Gu project at about 11 00 pm and thus he had to be at the office latest 10:30.

For breakfast for Mira that morning, Xaden settled for rich omelette which had in the insides a treasure trove of fresh ingredients,tender spinach, creamy ricotta and sweet cherry tomatoes of which he made hot tea to go along with it,it was one if her wierd favorite combo..

By the time Xaden was done in the kitchen,it was already 7:45am,he returned back to the room with the tray of food in his hands and as he entered the room,he was delighted to see that Mira was already up, only that she was still in bed and her hibernating nerves were yet to awake which made her to just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling with a ' I just woke up look '

Xaden moved and gave a good morning kiss to his wife who only smiled and just stared at him with big round drowsy eyes.

Xaden let her relax for a while before he led her to the bathroom to wash her mouth and take her bath once again bribing her with her favorite dish,it was one of the reasons he had decided to make that dish today

After her bath,he dressed her up and fed her to her stomach's content, stuffing her belly with all the nutritious food and fruits her body needed.

After everything,by the time Xaden had his bath it was already 9:20am and he was glad that he wasn't gonna be late for his meeting, however, trouble soon arose when Mira refused to take her drugs,he'd spent over 15 minutes begging his wife to take her drugs even using all the tricks he knew all to no avail.

It seemed Mira had noticed that whenever she took that drug in the morning,she would fall asleep and the moment she woke up,her hubby was gone and so she stubbornly refused the drug running and hiding round the house but then Xaden's brain was by far smarter than her baby's brain.

He sneakily snuck up to the fridge and took out a bottle of her favorite orange juice that she loved drinking everyday and couldn't resist,he and doctor Greg. ( The doctor living with them) then secretly melted the drugs and into the drink and waited for it to dissolve and because the medicines were tasteless,it didn't Alter the taste of the drink.

After that, Xaden approached his running wife with a smiling face and offered her the drink and offcourse she didn't suspect anything and just took it gulping everything down in minutes and it was only a matter of seconds before she dozed of.

Although Xaden wasn't happy with the way he had tricked her but he had no choice,it was all for her own good,she needed great amount of sleep everyday and because she had been getting all that sleep,that was why she had drastically improved under one year hence he had to continue with the sedatives.

After carrying her to her room, Xaden kissed his wife goodbye before he headed for the office leaving her in the care of the Maid and Doctor Greg.

From the moment Xaden arrived at the office,it was meeting upon meeting and work upon work,the load became so much to the extent that he had to share himself to attend to them all but luckily,Shawn came to the rescue and assisted greatly with most of the work.

Shawn had been one very close and reliable friend of Xaden since college,back then when Xaden was a lone wolf not wanting to associate himself with anything or any one but Shawn had relentlessly went after him wanting to be his friend at any cost as he had genuinely admired the guy and despite so many times of refusal and being ignored by Xaden,the guy persisted until they eventually became friends and ever since college,Shawn had not given Xaden any reason to doubt or regret accepting his friendship,he was just as trustworthy and reliable and also very loyal,he was indeed a friend whom Xaden wouldn't have any fear even if he were to be behind him holding a knife.

Even in Xaden's worst and weak days due to Mira's health condition, Shawn had been the one in charge of his businesses since then and he had been given countless opportunities to take advantage of Xaden's vulnerability and take over his empire but then not any day did such a thing cross his mind because he had come to see more of a brother in Xaden than a friend.

Despite Xaden's busy schedule he never forgot to call to check on his wife and he felt quite relieved and a bit energized upon hearing his wife's soft voice at the background of the call.

It was six in the evening when Xaden started to wrap up for the day to head home, he was just doing some last minute signings when Daniella came into the office after knocking,it appeared apart from she and Shawn no one else dared to come into Xaden's office without being summoned offcourse except it was an emergency.