Nana and her neighbour

Inside the bush there were up to three different uncompleted buildings and all were full of bushes with narrow way, no one was passing at that time, only Nana and the old woman were there, it was as if the place was an abandoned road. She heard the woman shouting "wait, wait! Today will be your last, your own will be like a peper-seller girl that she ate her flesh and soul", Nana quickly ran as fast as she could and she decided not to hawk again and passed through another route. She wasn't actually familiar of that road because she used to go a different direction when she's selling bread and her sister have already gone to that side to sell rice, so, the woman told her to pass another route. She was not happy being the first time for her to help the woman, but at the same time could not continue hawking, so she decided to go back home and apologize that she would make it up to her one day and explain what happened and why she couldn't continue hawking. On getting home, the woman was shocked to see her and it reflected all over her, so, Nana asked what happened to her, she immediately said why didn't you sell anything even when she has not greeted her, she suspected that the woman knew what just happened, Nana immediately got the point and said, "ohh! I understand, so, you planned evil with me by sending that old woman?" She said that and she was so worried that she didn't sell anything, to hell with you and your rice. She said maybe she doesn't know her and she would like to introduce herself very well, she said she was a rock, that nothing can move, she say no evil will befall her except she has bad mind towards that person. She said "let me warn you, if care is not taken and all you do is to plan evil against me, you will be tamed and doomed" the woman was shocked. She thought to herself what Nana was made of, she would have to find out.

Nana's step-mother rushed in and saw Nana in the room, she was checking her and asking her what was wrong, she said she heard something was about to happen to her but she thanked God she was okay. She continued that she should stop abusing that woman (neighbor) that she was a powerful and evil person, Nana said if she doesn't stop her bad behavior and evil deeds, she would regret her actions. She said she has been doing it for long but her own will be the last because she would pay for with her dear life. Her stepmom said she should just obey her and be careful with the woman, she said she doesn't pray to loose any of her children. The woman vowed to make life unbearable for her but Nana is so focused and was confident that she can not do any harm to her. So, when she woke up the next morning she went to the woman to greet her, she doesn't use to go to the woman to greet her before, she only greets her whenever she saw her around, so she went to her room to greet and warn her, She said "good morning witch madam, i am here to warn you regarding your grandma who appeared to me yesterday and also to warn you not to try planning any evil towards me or else it would eventually backfire and might affect her and her children" she said when it happened, there might not be a way out because it would be too late by then, the woman was shocked,"how dare you?", how could you be bold enter to enter a lion's den? Nana doesn't even blink an eye, she wasn't n't even scared of her. "That's exactly how I said it, can you please refrain yourself from evil deeds?" Nana replied. The woman didn't utter any statement rather, she was just looking at her, Nana's step-mother called her to leave the woman alone and tried to avoid her but Nana wouldn't listen, she doesn't like people that are wicked. She said to herself that she was going to teach the woman a lesson she would never forget.

Nana elder' s brother wanted to have his wedding at that town, because his fiance's family were leaving in the town where he grew up, so, he went back to the town to start his preparation. Nana was happy seeing his brother around and they chatted together for like two days before her brother started misbehaving, he scolded Nana for abusing an elderly person and Nana told him not to interfere with it, he saw that as being arrogant, so, he always fight his sister for little thing concerning the woman. One day, he was scolding Nana but she said that she would not go to the wedding on that day with annoyance, the woman shouted and says "so shall it be", everyone present looked at the woman and said 'mama what do u mean by that?' the woman said since she said she would not attend her brother's wedding, that she only helped her to say amen. They started preparing for the wedding by picking clothes and many things like that, others were preparing but Nana didn't make any move despite her friends telling her that they will be there either she attends or not, that they will all represent her, she still doesn't make any move. Her friends planned all possible means to make her change her mind but she insisted that she would not attend the wedding. She was so adamant, she was the type that always does whatever she said.

As the wedding day kept approaching, her brother later went to her to plead, he said their dad appeared to him in his dreams that nothing must happen to his daughter, he said he doesn't know the genesis of what was going on, that he should just focus and see the outcome. He continued and said that their dad even told him not to interfere with anything concerning her and the woman(which is the neighbor), he said that he now understand the basis because he knew the kind of gifts God gave to Nana. So, Nana told him that she has forgave him, that she would attend his wedding but she felt something was going to happen on that day and didn't even plan ahead, she only said that she would wear one of the party dresses she has at home. A week to the wedding, her immediate elder sister that used to help the woman to sell rice fell sick and was rushed to the hospital, and has been taking proper injection and medications but she hasn't have much strength and still looked sick. Many family members attended the party because that was the first thing the family would do after their father's death. All family members present couldn't focus at the party of Nana's sister sickness, they all were going to check on her in the hospital one after the other and Nana wasn't even present at the venue because she was the one taking everybody to the hospital, she doesn't even have a little bit of rest till the party ended.

After the wedding, Nana's sister was at the hospital still not getting better, Nana's brother and her stepmom called their neighbor that the wedding have passed, that they should release Nana's sister where she was chained as the pains was too much for her to bear, the woman said, she wasn't suppose to be on the sick bed, nana was supposed to be in that state because Nana was the one that said she wouldn't be present at the wedding not her sister. Nana's brother flared up immediately he heard that statement, he shouted "woman!" You are still saying rubbish, if anything happened to his sister, he wouldn't take it lightly with her, so, if u can't lay a finger on Nana, can't you understand that you are no match for her? The woman realized that she had passed her boundaries. Nana's brother told her that he gave her just seven days, if he doesn't see any changes in his sister's health, people will interfere in this matter, he said "wicked woman!" And slammed the door, he said no wonder Nana only hates her all her life, he went to Nana again and told Nana that he was very sorry, that he doesn't know that the woman was a wicked woman, he wouldn't have interfered in their fight, now their sister has been going through a lot for a small mistake. He continued that even if you said that statement, must she acts on it? After a week, Nana's sister was feeling better and was discharged from the hospital. The woman went to Nana and told her that she won this time around because she wasn't the one in that state but Nana replied that even her forefathers can not do anything to harm her, she said she should not bother stressing herself because she had already knew the kind of person she was and nothing she does can affect her..