Chapter 35 - In three days, the Heavenly Sword Sect will be destroyed!

The shadow demon is completely loyal to Song Yang and would never let anyone offend Song Yang or his descendants, even if they had to pay with their lives. Just as he was about to use the Shadow Demon's real body, a female voice sounded:

"Stop," Sun Yunling shouted hurriedly, attracting the attention of the two who were about to fight.

In his heart, Sun Yunling was afraid that the two of them would fight and his father would kill this shadow demon, which would mean that he was completely offending Song Yang.

If that happened, Sun Yunling feared that Song Yang would get angry and devastate the entire Blue Lotus Sect. She didn't doubt Song Yang's ability to accomplish such a feat, even knowing that the ancestor had broken the Holy King.

But what the shadow demon did next shocked not only Sun Yunling, but even her father, Sun Donghai, who was surprised at that moment.

"Yes, Your Highness the Consort." The shadow demon bowed respectfully to Sun Yunling and obeyed his command.

If it had been a few moments ago, this would never have happened. Even though she was Song Yang's personal maid, the shadow demon never looked her in the eye.

After all, in most forces, personal maids have a high status and the others don't dare offend, because if the maid says anything into the master's ear, it could end badly for the one who offended her.

But the shadow demon had no such problems. After all, he was completely loyal to Song Yang and Song Yang knew it. If Sun Yunling tried to make something up, he would end up in trouble.

The reason why the shadow demon treated Sun Yunling so respectfully now was because, the moment he found out that she was pregnant, he sent a message via the token to Song Yang, who appointed her as a consort of Shura Palace.

Seeing the shadow demon's action, even Sun Yunling was surprised. During this period, she had gotten to know the arrogance of these shadow demons very well; apart from Song Yang, they would never put anyone in their eyes.

Therefore, Sun Yunling wouldn't have thought that the shadow demon was doing this to flatter her or anything like that. That could only mean one thing:

'Song Yang already knows about my pregnancy and has appointed me as Consort of Shura Palace.' With this thought in mind, Sun Yunling couldn't help but flash a happy smile.

As if to confirm his thoughts, the shadow demon spoke: "Furthermore, the Palace Master already knows about Your Highness's pregnancy and has ordered you to return to Shura Palace immediately, for your safety and that of the unborn child."

"The bastard in my daughter's belly is from the Shura Palace Master?" Sun Donghai, who had been confused earlier, exclaimed, surprised to hear this information.

As soon as he had finished, he only heard a cold voice from the shadow demon: "Even if you are Your Highness's father and the grandfather of the future young master, if you dare to offend him again, even if I burn my soul, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Sun Donghai waved his hand slightly, as if to say that this wouldn't happen again.

Although he wasn't afraid of the shadow demon or the Shura Palace, Sun Donghai didn't want to cut off a possible friendship between the two.

The reason Sun Donghai had been furious before was because he thought that the identity of the child's father was probably far inferior to that of his Blue Lotus Sect. 

Sun Donghai thought that his daughter had done this just to defy him, as he had once said that Sun Yunling would marry someone from one of the three super sects or even the two Holy Lands.

When he realized that his daughter had broken through to the Divine Transformation realm, Sun Donghai's thoughts of marriage were canceled immediately. 

After all, a genius who achieves Divine Transformation at such a young age has the potential to become a Holy King, which is more valuable than a simple political alliance, unless it's the Holy Son of a Holy Land.

But now that Sun Yunling is pregnant by Shura Palace, her big break was probably due to Shura Palace, Sun Donghai finally thought:

'It seems I underestimated this Shura Palace.'

'Consort of Shura Palace, that's not a bad identity.'

Shura Palace

In the Main Hall, Song Yang was wearing an unconscious smile on his face as he listened attentively to a shadow demon's report.

This shadow demon was the one set up by Chu Yifan!

As for why Song Yang is smiling unconsciously at the moment, it's because he's just found out he's going to be a father.

After receiving this surprise, Song Yang immediately promoted Sun Yunling to become the first consort of Shura Palace.

Originally, Song Yang hadn't thought of making Sun Yunling a consort, after all, he didn't consider her worthy of that identity.

But who would allow her to become pregnant with Song Yang's child?

While Song Yang was thinking, the shadow demon finally finished his report. 

After processing all the information, Song Yang showed no anger towards the Heavenly Sword Sect and even wore a smile on his face:

"Heavenly Sword Sect?"

"I was worrying about how to accelerate my speed in obtaining reputation points."

"You're so kind as to give me a valid reason to destroy your sect."

After he finished speaking, Song Yang looked in a certain direction and thought: "Shi Hu has just broken through to the Holy King; I'm afraid it will take him two to three days to finally stabilize his realm."

As a worthy Palace Master, he shouldn't have to go out alone to destroy a small second-rate force, right?

Furthermore, Song Yang needs to ensure that everyone in the eastern region knows that Shura Palace is not someone who can be intimidated at will!

With this in mind, Song Yang smiled slightly and spoke in a voice that all the shadow demons could hear:

"Tell the world: in three days, there will be no more Heavenly Sword Sect in this world!"