13 - Defeat

Chiba, holding a kunai in a reverse grip, placed it against Hirohiko Uchiha's neck and announced the outcome of the match.

A breeze swept across the field, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Had he won?

The underdog... defeated the top genius?

Could this be real?

Someone pinched his cheek hard. The pain confirmed the reality, yet disbelief clouded his mind. This was Hirohiko Uchiha, renowned for mastering complex jutsu like the Shadow Clone, defeated by Chiba Taki?

With a soft thud, he collapsed to the ground, his gaze fixed on the duo in the arena, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief.

The others, no less astonished, found themselves at a loss for words.

Yukina Hyuga observed Chiba, her usually impassive face betraying a hint of astonishment. 'Just now, he unlocked two chakra points in his brain, evaded the *Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique*, and then, with a mid-air kick, destroyed Hirohiko's Shadow Clone before swiftly moving behind him to subdue him... Was that an advanced technique? Or some kind of powerful ninjutsu that significantly boosted his speed? Aside from my Byakugan, I doubt anyone else could follow his movements, not even the Chunin teacher.'

Her Byakugan provided her with a wider sight than Hirohiko Uchiha's Sharingan, allowing her to witness Chiba's rapid movements.

'He vanished from my sight!'

Even the teacher was left dumbfounded and amazed, unable to track Chiba's speed.

'Chiba Taki's speed surpasses that of the known taijutsu specialists. A true genius in physical prowess!' the teacher internally acclaimed, recognizing that Chiba's abilities far exceeded his own.

He realized he must report to the Third Hokage that this year boasted three prodigies: Chiba Taki's taijutsu, Hirohiko Uchiha's Shadow Clone Technique, and Yukina Hyuga's Gentle Fist. Without a doubt, they all deserved to graduate early.

Hirohiko Uchiha, feeling the kunai at his neck, saw the Sharingan in his eyes slowly fade.

He had lost.

Chiba's speed was something even his Sharingan couldn't capture. There was no question about his defeat.

It wasn't just about losing the match; Hirohiko Uchiha was grappling with a deeper sense of unwillingness. It wasn't about the loss of status or the genius label but a pure, unadulterated acknowledgment of being outmatched.

'So, this is what it feels like to lose... to have someone ahead... This is the target to surpass, the existence I must overcome!'

Hirohiko Uchiha lifted his gaze to the sky, took a deep breath, turned to Chiba, and admitted, "I lost!"

As Hirohiko Uchiha turned, Chiba slowly retracted the kunai. Hearing Hirohiko Uchiha's concession, Chiba showed little reaction, though he pondered curiously.

'This guy isn't frowning anymore. Did something good happen? Losing... shouldn't be a positive outcome, right?'

'Could he actually find pleasure in defeat? Is he satisfied by losing?'

After admitting defeat, Hirohiko Uchiha turned and walked away with his characteristic poker face, showing no signs of feeling defeated. He didn't resemble someone who had always had a smooth journey, only to be suddenly struck down.

Chiba called out to him, "Wait a minute!"

Hirohiko Uchiha paused, then turned around and asked, "What is it?"

Chiba tossed the kunai back to him, saying, "Returning this to you."

Hirohiko Uchiha caught the kunai, looked at it, and then back at Chiba, a flicker of confusion crossing his stoic face.

"This was yours. I just borrowed it, and now I'm returning it," Chiba said with a slight smile.

A subtle change came over Hirohiko Uchiha's face.

'He took my kunai?'

Instinctively, Hirohiko Uchiha checked the ninja pouch at his waist and realized indeed a kunai was missing.

This Chiba Taki...

Hirohiko Uchiha narrowed his eyes slightly, gave Chiba a nod, and then rejoined the crowd.

Chiba's expression then turned somewhat bitter.

Because, at that moment, he noticed that he wasn't standing on green grass but on a black-and-white object.

It was the Konoha heavy weight he had dropped in the arena.

"Duel practice is over, Chiba Taki wins!" announced the teacher.

Silently picking up the heavy bands, Chiba walked back to the crowd, which parted silently for him, their gazes filled with surprise, disbelief, astonishment, and even a few fearful glances.

Chiba's performance could only be described with one word: "strong"! The strongest in the Ninja School. He could even be a match for the legendary Kakashi.

Chiba paid little attention to this. After years of being overlooked and treated coldly, he had often ignored the gazes of those around him, and now was no different.

"The next one, who will come?" the teacher called out as usual.

The students looked at each other, then their gazes settled on Chiba, Hirohiko Uchiha, and Yukina Hyuga, but no one volunteered to step up.

After witnessing high-speed taijutsu, the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and the Gentle Fist, the other students felt their own efforts were trivial in comparison, like child's play. The gap in skill levels made everything else seem uninteresting.

The atmosphere became a little sad.

Of the three instigators, Yukina Hyuga withdrew her gaze from Chiba, frowning thoughtfully, obviously reflecting on the battle to learn from it.

Hirohiko Uchiha maintained his poker face, but the gleam in his eyes suggested he was also pondering the recent fight, likely digesting the lessons from their confrontation.

As for Chiba, his gaze wandered over the crowd, fixated on the meat buns he had lost earlier, still feeling distressed about it.

Money was tight for him. As an orphan, Konoha provided him with a monthly stipend for living expenses. It was usually enough for basic needs, but the cost of heavy training equipment, which took up about eighty percent of his allowance, along with the increasing price as the weight increased, and his growing food intake, left him struggling financially.

If he couldn't graduate soon and become a shinobi, he feared he might starve before the outbreak of the World War.

After all, becoming a shinobi would allow him to take on missions and earn money. Though not a fortune, it would be significantly more than his current allowance, providing some financial relief.

"Ahem..." The teacher, sensing the chilled atmosphere, coughed lightly to cover his embarrassment.

Indeed, after witnessing the prowess of those three, no one was eager to follow.

Understanding the situation but recognizing the necessity of continuing the lesson, the teacher said, "Alright, then, I'll call on someone."

"Noda Tatsuya, it's your turn. Choose your opponent."