29 - Training

"*Water Release: Violent Water Wave!*"

"*Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!*"

"*Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!*"

The wind blades roared in, accompanied by high-speed flowing water waves. The sound of the wind was like a blade, and the water waves like knives. As they reached Chiba, the waves transformed into four vertical water blades surging from the ground, carving out ravines and scattering soil particles. Chiba's pupils dilated slightly before he abruptly jumped up, evading the combined Wind and Water Release jutsu sweeping towards him.

The water blade grazed the soles of his feet, and Chiba could almost feel its chilling sharpness. It even tore his trousers with a "swish" from the water vapor.

'Combination Ninjutsu! So powerful!' Chiba thought, his heart racing.

'Had it already passed, or was it the effect of the Wind Release? Was there a wind blade at the tip of this water blade?'


With his Life Gate mode activated—enhancing his speed, power, and Chakra—Chiba leaped high towards the two Shadow Clones of Kushina. After they released the *Water Release: Violent Water Wave* and *Wind Release: Great Breakthrough*, the *Exploding Water Colliding Wave* was their combined jutsu.

Chakra condensed in his hand, Chiba's speed was so fast that one clone seemed unable to react. Mid-air, he zoomed forward and unleashed a punch. Chakra erupted, and the Shadow Clone dispersed.

Without even a glance back, Chiba landed, crouched, and swept out toward another Shadow Clone. This clone, seemingly more aware, lightly leaped over Chiba's sweeping leg. Chiba narrowed his eyes, used his left hand for support, and spun, his sweeping right foot acting as the pivot. His left foot launched a back kick, striking the mid-air Shadow Clone. With a "bang," the clone turned into white mist and dissipated.

After dispatching the Shadow Clone, Chiba suddenly leaped up, spinning in mid-air with a top-down side kick. As he spun, the ground beneath him burst open, and Kushina Uzumaki emerged with a punch, colliding with Chiba's side kick with a muffled sound.

After the impact, Kushina turned into a cloud of white mist, and Chiba was sent flying, tumbling through the air, completely losing his balance.

'Was this Enhanced strength? No, it wasn't!' Chiba realized.

While spinning, he felt a difference in his legs, a cold sensation characteristic of Water Release Chakra surged up, causing a slight tingling.

'Was it Water Release Ninjutsu? With a peculiar effect?' Chiba surmised.

"*Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!*" A sharp call came from behind him.

Chiba frowned, shocked. Then, he felt a strong and cold force hit his body, instantly enveloping him with immense water pressure. The impact point was so intense it almost crushed his bones.

He was hit! Multiple Shadow Clones were indeed very useful.

Chiba sighed inwardly. His cheeks bulged, surrounded by water. The pressure forced the air from his nostrils as he tried to prevent it from being completely expelled. The surrounding water pressure immobilized him, leaving him unable to move or struggle.

To the observers, Hirohiko and Yukina, it appeared as if a whirlpool suddenly materialized behind the spinning Chiba. Kushina emerged, and the seal formed a water dragon that engulfed Chiba, propelling him out.

The dragon-shaped water flow slammed Chiba against a large tree at the edge of the clearing, causing a loud noise. The impact against the tree, thick enough for three people to embrace, dazed Chiba, who slowly slid down, seeing stars.

Hirohiko and Yukina, watching from a distance, turned pale and swallowed hard.

This was the true strength of a Jonin; no, this was their teacher, Kushina Uzumaki's real power. Just adding Ninjutsu had left Chiba in such a state. Only ten minutes had passed, and Chiba, who could withstand Kushina's single shadow attack for two hours, was defeated.

Although this time it was Kushina herself participating in the battle, not just using Shadow Clones one-on-one but also employing Ninjutsu instead of purely physical techniques... it was still too fast. Chiba was visibly exhausted.

Kushina ceased her hand signs, as the outcome was clear and further combat unnecessary. Despite Chiba's defeat, she was impressed.

'With just taijutsu, this kid managed to defeat my three Shadow Clones!' she thought. 'His movements were fluid and precise, not a hint of sloppiness.'

She found it hard to believe that such physical prowess, encompassing reaction speed, technique, and strength, could come from a seven-year-old. Every move appeared well-practiced, epitomizing "perfection."

This was the second day after Kushina, Minato Namikaze, and the Third Hokage had agreed to test their qualifications. In two days, Chiba would face Kakashi in a challenge to determine their eligibility for Kushina's and Minato's classes in the upcoming Chunin Exam.

Over the past two days, Kushina rigorously trained Chiba from dawn till dusk. She spared no effort, employing not just taijutsu but also Ninjutsu, including the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Similarly, Hirohiko and Yukina underwent intense training. Kushina created two Shadow Clones to ensure they received their share of the grueling regimen.

Chiba, despite his aching body, knew this was Kushina showing restraint. Had she used her full strength, employing techniques like the Water Dragon Jutsu, he would have been utterly overwhelmed.

'Such a shame! I can't learn if I can't see the hand signs clearly!' Chiba thought, more concerned about mastering Ninjutsu than his physical pain.

"Let's call it a day," Kushina said, helping Chiba to his feet. "Tomorrow, focus on light training to recharge."

At the session's end, Hirohiko and Yukina joined them.

'Was all this effort worth it just for the Chunin Exam?' Chiba wondered, noticing the dark circles under Kushina's eyes.

In addition to the all-day training sessions with Chiba, Kushina had also prepared nutritious meals for the trio, ensuring they were well-fed but likely sacrificing her own rest.

Despite the physical toll, Chiba felt a sense of gratitude towards Kushina. It was evident she genuinely cared for their well-being. The lunches she prepared were thoughtfully crafted to suit their individual tastes and dietary restrictions, such as Yukina's aversion to green peppers and Hirohiko's dislike for tomatoes, while accommodating Chiba's larger appetite.

Chiba realized that Kushina probably got little rest each night. Even with her vast Chakra reserves and vitality, her physical stamina had its limits.

Seeing Kushina's slightly worn appearance, Chiba felt a mix of concern and respect. "I understand, Kushina-Sensei," he responded.

"Good," Kushina replied with a weary smile. "It's getting late. Let's go have some ramen. My treat!"

The trio's spirits lifted at the suggestion, and they all agreed enthusiastically.

Thus, in the evening glow, they followed Kushina into the village, their laughter and chatter trailing behind.

"Kushina-Sensei, if I win, you have to treat us to barbecue for a week! How about that?" Chiba proposed, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"That's a deal!" Hirohiko supported the idea, his stomach already rumbling at the thought.

"We must win, Chiba!" Yukina added eagerly, dreaming of barbecue.

"One meal!" Kushina countered, pretending to check her wallet. "If you win, it's barbecue. But I'm short on cash right now!"

"What? Stingy—" The trio protested in mock offense, their voices filled with laughter.

The evening breeze carried warmth and the remnants of the day's rigorous training, signifying their hard work and camaraderie. As they walked towards the ramen shop, the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, a fitting end to their day of intense training and bonding.