43 - Yukina Hyuga VS Kurenai Yuhi

Yukina's eyes narrowed as she spotted her opponent entering the field. "I'm going," she announced, moving purposefully towards the stairs. As she descended, whispers from the audience drifted to her ears.

"She's adorable!"

"And so beautiful!"

"Incredible that she's qualified for the Chunin exam at just nine years old."

As Yukina reached the bottom of the stairs, Chiba called out, "Yukina, watch out for illusions!"

Yukina paused, turning back with a puzzled expression. She nodded, wondering, 'Is this Yuhi an illusion specialist? How does Chiba know?'

The moment Yukina stepped onto the field, the crowd erupted.

"Who's that cute girl?"

"You don't recognize Yukina Hyuga?"

"Of course I can read her name on the screen. I meant, who is she really?"

A knowledgeable spectator chimed in, "She's the Hyuga clan's eldest daughter, Lord Shinsuke's biological child. A prodigy who graduated from the ninja academy at seven and is taking the Chunin exam at the same age. They call her the 'Hyuga Family's Once-in-a-Decade Genius.'"

"Regardless, that girl is adorable!"

The chatter continued as the young ninjas' eyes fixed on Yukina's delicate features. In the stands, Mugi, one of Kayami Hyuga's teammates, turned to her friend. "Kayami, you heard them call Lady Yukina a once-in-a-decade genius. Who do you think is better?"

Nozomi Sato nodded eagerly, also curious about Kayami's response.

"Lady Yukina, of course," Kayami replied without hesitation.

Mugi sighed, shaking her head. She believed Kayami to be the strongest among the Genin, perhaps even surpassing some Chunin. In her mind, only the legendary Kakashi could pose a real challenge. 'Does Kayami admire Yukina that much?' Mugi wondered, a twinge of jealousy in her heart.

On the field, Yukina approached Kurenai, her face an expressionless mask despite the audience's scrutiny. Kurenai, in contrast, fidgeted nervously under the collective gaze.

Yukina studied her opponent. 'Those red eyes... are they the source of her illusions?' She lowered her gaze slightly, avoiding direct eye contact.

The proctor's voice rang out: "The match begins!"

Kurenai, startled into action, immediately leapt backward. 'The Hyuga excel at close combat. I must maintain distance!'

But Yukina was already in pursuit, her palm striking out with precision. Kurenai barely managed to block, feeling chakra surge through her arm, leaving it numb.

'The Gentle Fist technique,' Kurenai realized, panic rising as Yukina's other hand connected with her lower abdomen.

Yukina, who hadn't activated her Byakugan, thought, 'She must be an illusion-type. I'll overwhelm her before she can cast anything!'

Her palm struck Kurenai's abdomen again, but something felt off. 'No resistance? A clone?'

Suddenly, "Kurenai" exploded into a whirlwind of green leaves, enveloping Yukina. 'An illusion,' Yukina realized, her heart racing. 'But when did she form the hand seals?'

From the sidelines, Chiba watched as Yukina flailed at empty air while the real Kurenai caught her breath nearby.

'Kurenai's talent for illusions is remarkable,' Chiba mused. 'Such skill is rare outside of clans with inherited techniques. To think she can cast without hand seals at this age... she rivals even Itachi in potential.'

He frowned, recalling his recent studies in the library. While he couldn't learn advanced techniques, understanding their principles could provide a crucial edge in combat. But illusions remained a glaring weakness in his arsenal.

"Yukina's in trouble," Hirohiko murmured beside him.

Chiba nodded grimly, his mind racing. Illusions, manipulating the opponent's mental energy, could turn the tide of battle in an instant. Despite Yukina's superior physical skills and chakra reserves, a simple C-rank illusion had left her vulnerable.

'I need to learn how to counter illusions,' Chiba resolved. 'I'll ask Kushina as soon as this exam is over. Without a defense against them, I'm at a severe disadvantage.'

As Kurenai drew a kunai and approached the still-disoriented Yukina, Chiba's worry deepened. 'Come on, Yukina,' he thought, surprising himself with the intensity of his concern. 'Don't lose!'