63 - Random

"Water Release: Water Bullet Technique!" Mizutani shouted, his hands forming intricate seals before he spat out a volley of water bullets from his mouth.

Almost simultaneously, Shirakawa Haru's fingers danced through her own set of hand seals. As she pressed her palms to the ground, she called out, "Water Release: Water Formation Wall!" Immediately, a barrier of water erupted from the earth, standing tall and imposing between the two combatants.

The arena echoed with the muffled sounds of impact as the water bullets collided with the wall. "Thud! Thud! Thud!" Water splashed everywhere, the bullets shattering against the liquid barrier.

As the water wall began to collapse, two kunai knives shot out from behind it, whistling through the air straight towards Mizutani. His eyes widened slightly, pupils contracting as he realized the impeccable timing of the attack. The continuous water techniques had left him unprepared, and these kunai were interrupting his attempt to form the next set of hand seals.

'This Shirakawa Haru... she's more skilled than I anticipated,' Mizutani thought, gritting his teeth as he was forced to dodge sideways. With two swift movements, he narrowly avoided the kunai.

But as the blades flew past him, Mizutani's eyes widened further. Fluttering behind each kunai was a paper tag, stretching out straight in the wind.

From the sidelines, Chiba observed the battle intently. "It's over," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes," Yukina nodded beside him.

Hirohiko simply grunted his agreement. "Good," he said tersely.

Chiba's mind raced, analyzing the fight. "Mizutani's reaction was a bit slow after all," he mused, recalling their earlier battle. "They're both ninjutsu-type ninjas specializing in Water Release. They chose to keep their distance, trading blows several times. But because of his previous fight with me, Mizutani isn't in peak condition. His water techniques, like the turbulence and clear waves before the bullets, lost their potency against Haru's defenses. Even his last water bullet technique could only produce three projectiles, and none of them hit. Haru allowed her water wall to fall deliberately, setting up this trap."

He paused, considering Haru's performance. "She's a very calm ninja. Despite her youth, she's proficient in Water Release. She might be equal to Mizutani at his best, but right now, he's clearly outmatched."

Suddenly, the arena was rocked by twin explosions. "Boom!" Fire and smoke erupted as the explosive tags on the kunai detonated, blasting Mizutani off his feet. He hit the ground with a sickening thud, his body limp.

'Damn it! I lost!' Mizutani's thoughts were a maelstrom of pain and frustration. He clenched his eyes shut, his teeth grinding together as much from the physical agony as from the bitter pill of defeat. The explosion had been too close; his ears rang, and the earlier concussion left him dizzy and disoriented. He knew he could no longer compete – to continue would risk his life.

Across the field, Shirakawa Haru gazed at her fallen opponent. A slight smile played across her lips, but there was little joy in her expression. The outcome had been clear to her halfway through the fight; victory was expected, not celebrated.

The remnants of their water techniques pooled in the low-lying areas of the arena, forming small, shimmering puddles. Minato Namikaze, nodded to himself as he observed the aftermath. 'The chakra reserves of these two are impressive, and their Water Release techniques are very proficient. They have the strength of chunin. There are some promising seeds here.'

Stepping forward, Minato checked Mizutani's injuries before making his official judgment. "The second round of the Chunin exam, fourth match – Shirakawa Haru is the winner!"

As the medical team rushed to carry Mizutani to the infirmary, Haru made her way back to the participants' viewing area. The arena buzzed with discussion, both among the contestants and the general audience.

"This is so unfair!" one voice protested. "Mizutani wouldn't lose so easily at full strength..."

Another replied, "It's just how the rules work."

"Poor Mizutani," a third voice added sympathetically.

The Chiba trio kept their distance from the other groups, forming their own small cluster as they silently watched the proceedings.

"Yukina, Hirohiko," Chiba said suddenly, "you should understand the real intention behind this rule."

"Of course," Hirohiko nodded, his expression serious.

Yukina's response was more detailed. "We must consider using the most efficient way to defeat our opponents. A battle shouldn't consume too much energy. It also tests our mentality. We might have to move on to the next match immediately after one ends. Teacher Kushina always says that no matter when or where, we must calmly and objectively judge the strength of our opponent, the pros and cons of the situation, and maintain a clear head."

"And never set limits on yourself," Chiba added, earning nods of agreement from his teammates.

Their conversation was interrupted by an angry outburst from the audience. "This is outrageous!" a man bellowed, drawing all eyes to him. It was Mizutani's father, his face red with fury. "My son hadn't recovered properly! If he'd been at full strength, he never would have lost!"

Mizutani's mother hurriedly pulled him back into his seat, offering apologetic smiles to those around them. Though silenced, Mizutani's father let out a derisive snort, his dissatisfaction palpable.

Chiba glanced over, his lip curling slightly. 'Is this guy really a chunin?' he wondered. 'Can't he see the true purpose of these rules?'

His attention was drawn back to the arena as the big screen began to rotate once more, preparing to announce the next match. The first name appeared: Kayami Hyuga.

"It's Kayami!" The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the contestants.

All eyes turned to Kayami, who stood alone with her arms crossed. Her brow furrowed slightly, fingers tapping impatiently against his arm. When he saw his name, he let out a cold snort and cast a sidelong glance at Chiba.

His gaze was a complex mixture of impatience, anger, killing intent, and a hint of hidden hatred. Chiba, hardened by his training, met his stare unflinchingly. The air between them seemed to crackle with tension.

Both of them turned to watch as the second name began to appear on the screen.

'It must be me,' Chiba thought, his grip tightening on the railing.

'It has to be Chiba Taki,' Kayami silently demanded, his hand anxiously tracing the outline of a weapon beneath his sleeve.

The entire arena held its breath as the second name solidified on the screen: Chiba Taki.

A wave of whispers swept through the crowd.

"Kayami and this kid? Now that's a match!"

"Kayami better teach that brat a lesson!"

Yukina and Hirohiko exchanged worried glances. In the field, Minato Namikaze's brow furrowed with concern. From her place in the audience, Kushina Uzumaki clenched her fists, a mix of anticipation and worry playing across her features.

The stage was set. Kayami Hyuga versus Chiba Taki. The air thrummed with anticipation as the two opponents prepared to face off, their long-simmering rivalry about to explode into all-out combat.