65 - Fierce Fight

The arena fell silent as Chiba's fist connected with an almost invisible, rotating force. His eyes widened in shock as his entire body was flung backward, tumbling through the air like a rag doll.

"Crack! Crack!"

Gravel pelted against the semi-circular blue barrier, ricocheting off the *Revolving Heaven* with sharp reports. Chiba's airborne form burst into a cloud of white mist, slowly dissipating in the afternoon sun.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, the real Chiba twisted in mid-air, desperately raising both arms to shield himself. Chunks of rubble pelted his body, each impact sending jolts of pain through his limbs.

With a final, resounding "Thud!", Chiba crashed to the ground. Debris rained down around him as he rolled several times before coming to a stop, his chest heaving with ragged breaths.

Kayami Hyuga halted his rotation, the blue Chakra barrier vanishing like mist in sunlight. His feet had carved a massive pit in the arena floor, destroying several puddles in the process. Rivulets of clear water trickled into the newly formed crater, creating a soft, almost mocking melody in the stunned silence.

The spectators sat in shocked silence, their eyes wide and jaws slack. Was this truly a battle between Genin? The question hung in the air, unspoken but palpable.

From the ordinary citizens to the seasoned Jonin, from the anxious participants to the stoic proctors, all stared at the scene before them in utter disbelief. Their minds raced, trying to process what they had just witnessed.

'A feint attack with water bombs? An earth wall defense against Kayami Hyuga's blindside assault? Then a shadow clone's diversionary attack, followed by a full-body strike? Even using the debris from the shattered earth wall as projectiles?'

'How can a seven-year-old child conceive such complex tactics? To utilize ninjutsu so efficiently and coordinate it so effectively... This boy is extraordinary!'

'And Kayami Hyuga, who countered every attack, defended flawlessly, and nullified all of Chiba's final desperate moves. That spinning defense... Is that a secret technique of the Hyuga clan's Gentle Fist style?'

'If this is the caliber of the Hyuga clan's genius... it's terrifying!'

Even Shinsuke Hyuga, known for his impassive demeanor, couldn't hide the flicker of surprise that crossed his face. His mind whirled with questions and realizations.

'When did this boy master the *Revolving Heaven*? I only explained the concept to him days ago, and he's already perfected it?'

Shinsuke's gaze softened as he thought of his late sister. 'Your son is nothing like you, Sara. He is a true prodigy. You can rest easy in the afterlife, knowing that he is destined to become the brightest star in the Hyuga constellation. He may even surpass my own daughter.'

In the participant's viewing area, Yukina's usually expressionless face betrayed a mix of surprise and reluctant admiration. "Big Brother Kayami... he's mastered it? The *Revolving Heaven*?" she murmured, her eyes wide.

Her gaze shifted to Chiba's prone form, worry etching lines on her young face. 'Chiba... are you alright?'

Beside her, Hirohiko's eyes flickered with rapid calculations as he observed Kayami Hyuga. 'So this is the true strength of a Hyuga prodigy,' he thought, his mind already formulating potential counter-strategies.

From her position among the spectators, Kushina Uzumaki leaned forward, her fiery hair matching the intensity in her eyes. 'To think he could actually counter Chiba's assault,' she mused, a mix of pride and concern warring within her. 'This Kayami Hyuga truly deserves his reputation as the strongest Chunin candidate.'

Her fists clenched involuntarily. 'Chiba, you must be careful now. The real battle is just beginning. Whatever happens... don't you dare lose!'

Near the arena's edge, Minato watched the unfolding scene with a critical eye. 'A ninjutsu specialist versus a taijutsu prodigy,' he analyzed. 'Chiba, your combination attacks were truly impressive. To seamlessly transition from clone techniques to elemental ninjutsu, all while maintaining such precise chakra control... I can see why Kushina speaks so highly of you.'

His brow furrowed as he continued his assessment. 'However, your opponent is formidable. The Hyuga clan's physical techniques are unparalleled in Konoha, and they naturally counter ninjutsu specialists like yourself. That barrier technique... it must be one of the Hyuga clan's secret arts. An absolute defense, capable of repelling even long-range ninjutsu.'

Minato's eyes narrowed as he watched Chiba struggle to his feet. 'Further combat would only waste chakra and stamina. You've already secured one victory in this exam. Surely you understand that these tests aren't just about raw courage? Sometimes, the wisest course of action is a tactical retreat.'

On the elevated platform reserved for Konoha's elite, the Third Hokage's weathered face broke into a wide grin. "Hehehe, this Chiba has grown tremendously. Kushina has taught him well," he chuckled, his eyes twinkling with pride. Turning his attention to Kayami, he nodded approvingly. "And young Kayami is no less impressive. The Hyuga clan has produced yet another extraordinary talent!"

Beside him, the legendary Sannin watched the battle with varying degrees of surprise and intrigue. The combination of ninjutsu and taijutsu they had just witnessed had shattered their preconceptions, particularly regarding Chiba.

'To coordinate ninjutsu and taijutsu so seamlessly at such a young age... this boy is undoubtedly a rare talent,' Orochimaru mused, his serpentine eyes gleaming with interest. "The strategic application of techniques in battle is crucial. The ability to adapt and combine different ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu often determines the outcome of a fight, sometimes meaning the difference between life and death."

Tsunade nodded in agreement, her arms crossed as she analyzed the fight. "In terms of tactical thinking and adaptability, this Chiba outperforms not just his fellow candidates, but even many seasoned Chunin. I doubt many Jonin could have devised a better strategy on the spot."

Jiraiya, uncharacteristically serious, added his own thoughts. "True, but let's not overlook Kayami Hyuga. His performance was equally impressive, if not more so. He maximized the strengths of the Gentle Fist style and the Byakugan to counter every move Chiba made."

The three shared a look of understanding. 'These two... their futures will be bright indeed.'

Down in the arena, Chiba slowly pushed himself to his feet, wincing as pain lanced through his body. Every spot where the gravel had struck throbbed in protest of the movement.

'Even with the chakra returned from my shadow clone, I've used up more than half my reserves,' he realized, his tactical mind already assessing his situation. 'A Hyuga who's mastered the *Revolving Heaven*... I should have anticipated this possibility. Kayami is hailed as the Hyuga clan's genius, and he's from the main family. Of course he'd have access to their most powerful techniques.'

Chiba raised a hand to his face, wiping away a trickle of blood. Despite blocking with both arms, some debris had found its way past his guard, leaving shallow cuts across his cheeks. These superficial wounds were the least of his concerns, however.

His gaze dropped to his right hand, the point of impact for Kayami's strange, rotating force. The skin was red and abraded, and a dull, throbbing pain pulsed with each heartbeat. 'Using this hand for direct attacks is out of the question,' Chiba concluded. 'But if I can endure the pain, I should still be able to form hand seals. I need to come up with a new strategy, and fast!'

Across the arena, Kayami Hyuga was conducting his own assessment. He frowned as he examined a small cut on his right hand, a souvenir from a piece of gravel that had slipped past his *Revolving Heaven*. 'My rotation was too slow,' he berated himself. 'I can't afford such mistakes against an opponent like this.'

Though anger and killing intent simmered just beneath the surface, Kayami forced himself to remain calm. His eyes darted to where Minato stood at the arena's edge. 'A famed Elite Jonin of Konoha,' Kayami mused. 'They say his speed is unmatched. If he suspects my true intentions, he'll intervene in an instant. If I'm to eliminate Chiba, I'll need to act swiftly and decisively. I can't afford to give anyone a chance to interfere.'

Kayami's gaze locked onto Chiba, a sneer twisting his features. "Ready to admit defeat?" he called out, his voice dripping with disdain. In his mind, darker thoughts swirled. 'Worthless insect. I'll crush you beneath my heel and be done with it. Your very existence is an affront to the Hyuga name!'

'It's time to end this,' Kayami decided. 'I'll use *that* technique!'

With fluid grace born of years of rigorous training, Kayami stepped forward. He sank into a low stance, one arm extended forward while the other swayed behind him in a classic Gentle Fist pose.

Chiba's eyes widened in recognition. "This is-!" he exclaimed, a chill running down his spine. As Kayami assumed his stance, Chiba felt a strange sensation, as if an invisible Trigrams array had sprung to life beneath their feet.

'Damn it all!' Chiba's mind raced. 'If Yukina knows this technique, of course Kayami would too. I can't let him complete it!'

Without hesitation, Chiba's hands flew through a series of seals. He slammed his palms against the ground, channeling his chakra into the earth. "*Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique!*" he cried.

Just as Kayami was about to launch his attack, the ground beneath his feet suddenly gave way. A shallow pit formed, throwing off his balance and disrupting his carefully prepared stance.

Kayami stumbled, his momentum abruptly halted. 'Ninjutsu again?' he thought, frustration building. 'This pest just won't give up!'

Seizing the momentary advantage, Chiba's hands blurred through another set of seals. "*Water Release: Wild Water Wave!*" A torrent of water burst from his mouth, surging towards the off-balance Kayami.

"Futile!" Kayami snarled. Despite the unstable footing, he managed to slam his foot down, using the force to propel himself high into the air. The wave of water passed harmlessly beneath him, splashing across the arena floor.

But Kayami wasn't content with mere evasion. Mid-leap, he curled four fingers like a tiger's claw, thrusting his palm towards Chiba. "*Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!*" he roared.

Chiba's eyes widened in alarm. He threw himself to the side, feeling the displacement of air as Kayami's attack missed him by mere inches. The ground where he had been standing erupted, debris flying in all directions as a palm-shaped crater formed in the earth.

'He's even stronger than Yukina,' Chiba realized, his heart pounding. 'And faster too! I need to keep him at a distance!'

His hands came together once more, forming yet another set of seals. "*Water Release: Water Arrow Technique!*" Three arrows of condensed water materialized, shooting toward the airborne Kayami with deadly precision. Unlike his previous water techniques, these arrows were faster and possessed greater penetrating power, ideal for the current situation.

Kayami's face twisted into a contemptuous sneer. "Give up!" he taunted. "Your attacks are all within my field of vision!"

Even as he spoke, Kayami's hands moved with blinding speed. Four kunai appeared between his fingers, launched in a single, fluid motion.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three of the kunai intercepted Chiba's water arrows mid-flight. The resulting explosions filled the air with a fine mist, obscuring visibility for a crucial moment.

Chiba's instincts screamed a warning. He leaped backward, his eyes searching for the fourth kunai. A soft "thud" reached his ears as the missing weapon embedded itself in the ground before him.

His gaze dropped, and his blood ran cold.

"Tch!" The explosive tag wrapped around the kunai's handle was already beginning to burn.

Time seemed to slow as Chiba's mind raced, searching desperately for a way out of this deadly predicament.