70 - The End Of The Revelation

The Third Hokage exhaled a cloud of smoke, his eyes narrowing as he studied Chiba's face. "What's troubling you, Chiba?" he asked, his voice gentle but probing.

Chiba's eyes widened, realizing his mask had slipped. He quickly schooled his features into neutrality. "No! Nothing..." he said, perhaps a bit too hastily.

A moment passed, and then Chiba spoke again, his voice softer this time. "It's just... my father is not a traitor, not a sinner. That's... that's great."

His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotion. The Third Hokage, Kushina Uzumaki, and Shinsuke Hyuga exchanged glances, their silence speaking volumes. Kayami Hyuga, standing to the side, seemed lost in his own world, his eyes unfocused as he grappled with the truth that had just shattered his long-held beliefs.

Kushina's gaze flicked between Chiba and Kayami, her brow furrowed in concern. She marveled at the stark difference in their reactions. Kayami, unable to reconcile the new reality with his years of misplaced hatred. And Chiba, showing a maturity beyond his years, accepting the truth without bitterness or resentment.

'He's really something special,' Kushina thought, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Shinsuke's eyes lingered on Chiba, a mix of emotions playing across his face – guilt, admiration, regret.

The Third Hokage cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. He turned to Kayami, his voice gentle but firm. "This is the truth of what happened, Kayami. Tokuma Taki was not your enemy. There is no reason for hatred between you and Chiba. Your father, Iroha, was a great ninja – a hero who gave his life to protect our village."

Kayami's head snapped up, his eyes wide and vulnerable. "Is it... is it really true?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His gaze darted between the Third Hokage, Shinsuke, and finally settled on Chiba.

"Between me and him..." Kayami's voice trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

The Third Hokage sighed, recognizing the struggle in Kayami's eyes. "I know this is difficult to accept, Kayami. But think about it – your fathers were close friends. They would have wanted you two to get along, to carry on their legacy of friendship and loyalty."

Shinsuke moved then, kneeling before Kayami. He placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, his touch gentle. "Everything that happened... it's my fault," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry, Kayami. And Chiba, I'm sorry to you as well."

Chiba watched this exchange, a slight frown creasing his brow. He could see the pain etched in Shinsuke's features, could almost feel the weight of guilt pressing down on the man's shoulders. 'Two close friends, dead because of him,' Chiba thought. 'No wonder he carries such guilt.'

A realization dawned on Chiba then. Shinsuke's kindness towards him, the open invitation to visit when they first met – it wasn't just gratitude for saving Yukina. It was because of who his father was. The son of a lost friend.

Chiba felt a twinge of... something. Not quite disappointment, not quite relief. Just a quiet acceptance. He was used to being an outsider, after all. His previous life hadn't been so different in that regard.

His thoughts drifted to his father – this man he'd never known, who'd died a hero. Chiba felt a surge of sadness. He thought of the characters he'd admired in the Naruto story – the Third, the Fourth, Itachi. His father, it seemed, was cut from the same cloth.

Shinsuke's apology hung in the air, and Chiba realized everyone was looking at him, waiting for a response. He shook his head, words failing him. What could he say?

Shinsuke, noticing Kayami's continued struggle, sighed heavily. "Lord Hokage," he said, "perhaps we should continue this another time. The Chunin exams are still ongoing, and both Chiba and Kayami are participants. I can explain more to Kayami later, when we have more time."

But Kayami surprised them all. "No," he said, his voice stronger now. He looked directly at Chiba, his eyes clear for the first time since the revelation. "My perception of you was wrong, Chiba. I apologize for that. But..." he paused, his jaw set stubbornly, "given what I believed at the time, I don't think I was wrong to want to... to act as I did."

Chiba raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching. 'This guy... always so intense,' he thought, not sure whether to be amused or exasperated.

Kayami turned to Shinsuke then, his demeanor softening slightly. "Lord Shinsuke, when the Chunin exam is over... could we talk? I want to hear about my father. About who he really was."

Shinsuke's eyes widened slightly, a glimmer of hope shining through. 'He's starting to understand,' he thought, relief washing over him. He nodded, a small smile forming. "Of course, Kayami. Anytime you wish."

Kayami took a deep breath, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. But as his gaze fell on Chiba again, a frown formed. He still couldn't shake the feeling that Chiba was... lacking. Ordinary. Not worthy of being Yukina's teammate, certainly not worthy of inheriting the legacy of a hero like Tokuma Taki.

If Chiba could have read Kayami's thoughts in that moment, he might have been tempted to prove his worth then and there.

The Third Hokage observed this silent exchange, noting the lingering tension between the two boys. The killing intent was gone, yes, but in its place was a palpable dislike. He sighed inwardly. 'These two... I fear they won't be friends anytime soon.'

Aloud, he said, "Well then, the Chunin exam awaits. You should all return to the test site now."

"Wait!" Kushina's voice cut through the air, sharp and determined.

All eyes turned to her, surprise evident on every face.

Kushina stepped forward, her eyes blazing. "Now that the truth is out, we need to clear Chiba's name. These rumors have caused him nothing but pain and isolation. It's not right!"

Chiba felt a warmth spread through his chest at Kushina's words. He knew she was speaking up for him, fighting for him. It touched him deeply.

"It's okay, Kushina-sensei," he said softly. "Really, there's no need to-"

His words were cut off by a resounding "Boom!" Kushina's fist connected with the top of his head, sending him crouching to the floor, a large red bump already forming.

'Ow! What was that for?' Chiba thought, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

Kayami and Shinsuke took two simultaneous steps back, their eyes wide with fear. 'Scary...' they both thought.

Kushina wasn't done. With another "Boom!" she slammed her hand on the Third Hokage's desk, sending papers and pens flying. The Hokage himself leaned back in his chair, nearly dropping his pipe in surprise.

"Lord Third," Kushina growled, leaning in close. "You knew about Chiba all this time. How could you let him suffer like this? How could you-"

She stopped abruptly, feeling a tug on her wrist. She looked down to see Chiba holding onto her, his eyes meeting hers with a determination that took her by surprise.

"It's okay, Kushina," he said, his voice steady. "Let my father continue to protect the village and his partner, even now."

The room fell silent, everyone staring at Chiba in astonishment.

"But..." Kushina began, her anger deflating in the face of Chiba's resolve.

"Kushina-sensei," Chiba said, his gaze never wavering, "I'm living well now. Really."

And he meant it. Despite the looming threat of war, despite the challenges he faced daily, Chiba felt content. His strength was growing, he had people who cared for him, who he could trust completely. It was more than he'd ever had in his previous life. He was grateful, and he didn't dare ask for more.

"Chiba..." Kushina murmured, her expression softening.

The Third Hokage watched Chiba closely, a newfound respect glimmering in his eyes. 'This boy... he has wisdom beyond his years,' he thought.

Chiba smiled then, a genuine, warm smile. "Come on, the Chunin exam is waiting. I'm going to become a Chunin, Kushina-sensei. And don't forget, you promised me barbecue!"

Kushina looked at him for a long moment before her own smile broke through. "I won't forget, you little meat slave," she said, her tone affectionate.

Their eyes met, and they shared a smile, an understanding passing between them. In that moment, despite all the revelations and tensions of the day, there was a feeling that, somehow, things would be alright.