Chapter 1: So It Ends Here.

"Isaac,your breakfast is ready." Said a feminine voice from outside a room.

"Coming mom." Said a black haired teenager who was still in bed. He had green eyes and his hair was short and messy. He was handsome,some would say he was cute though.

'What time is it.' As the teenager named Isaac checked the time he found it was 08:36. 'Shit,I overslept.' Isaac hurriedly woke up and dressed up for school,fixed his room and was ready to leave.

"Sorry Mom,gotta go,love you,bye!"As he said that he was about to open the door when he suddenly felt someone gripping his shoulder tightly.

'Bloody-'.Before he could finish that line of thought.

"Where are you going." The one holding his shoulder was a black haired young adult who seems to be in his early twenties,he was handsome and had a straight face as of right now he was wearing a black Nike T-shirt and Denim pants. He had a golden watch with diamonds on it as well. You could tell that the guy was rich at first glance.

"School Idiot,now let me go" Isaac answered only to see his brother grin widely.

"But it's Saturday lil' bro,or do you have classes today." The black haired man answered. Isaac was dumbstruck and just stood there.




'It's Saturday.' It the finally registered in his mind. 'Shiiiiit!!' Isaac thought.

"I don't get why you are a genius at school,must be the anime you love watching" Answered the man who seems to be Isaac's brother.

"Cut it out you two."Said a matured looking woman who would make men go crazy the moment they layed eyes on her,she wore red dress with an apron.She had light brown hair that reached her lower back with green eyes.(A/N: Don't want to explain figures now,I think it would be wierd.)

"I think he's not prepared for the day,aren't you supposed to go on a date or something" Said a brown haired girl who had black eyes.

She was beautiful like her mother albeit looked young, probably between age 9-11.

Isaac was dumbfounded yet again.

'How did Laura figure that out.'Isaac began asking himself. 'Meh,she wouldn't answer me anyway.'

"Oh yeah,I forgot about that" Isaac's brother said.

"Would you guys stop messing with me."Isaac said and everyone started laughing. "Mom!!"

"Fufufu, don't be angry now,Isaac.

We're just teasing you."The woman answered as she served everyone breakfast."And you should go change"

Although it seemed as if Isaac was angry they all know he was having fun.

Terrance and Isaac would always make fun of each other until the other gave up or changed the subject.

Isaac even smiled when everyone else was laughing.

"You gotta be careful though,Girls are complicated ." Isaac's brother Terrance answered. He was serious this time as if his previous self was but an illusion

"Don't try and ruin my son's mood,he needs to think positive." Answered his mother

"I know bro."Isaac answered.

'I guess have everything a teenager would want. Money,Family. Although my father is a bastard.'

Later that day


A girl seemed to be waiting near a shop. It seems they are selling manga there. She was beautiful with C-cup breasts and curves that would make anyone daydream on the spot. She had beautiful orange hair that flowed down to cover those curves and her face radiated purity. She had blue eyes that seem to shine like jewels. Her demeanor was that of an innocent being that knows no darkness.

"Hi there,It seems you made it early huh." Said a black haired teenager with green eyes like Jades that seemed to contain the essence of nature. If you were to see Isaac with his family you could tell that he is different.He seems to be calm showing a gentle smile that could deal a critical blow to a girls heart.

"Let me guess you overslept." Said the girl with a pout that Isaac found cute.

"I have to be in top condition,a girl like you deserves the best right?" Isaac said trying to appease the girl infront of him who seemed to be angry. She did come down though.

"Humph,anyways can you buy me the new Naruto Manga that just came out." The girl said,she was now having sparkles in his eyes.

"Um,Chloe we're on a da-"Isaac said before he was swiftly interrupted.

"Pleeaase."Chloe said with puppy eyes that rendered him speechless

'Why are you looking at me like that,how is that even possible. I can't...resist. No stop it!!'

"*Sigh*Okay." Isaac said after giving up I wanna know what happens next, It's about to end soon.

"Yay."Chloe celebrated her victory against her boyfriend.

They bought the manga and spent to time together after that,things young teenagers would do on dates. Isaac did notice Chloe was sad,though she tried to hide it. It kinda bugged him,she was his childhood friend,he knew a things that could make her sad were a few.'Who made her sad,when I find them!'.

"What's wrong Chloe?" He asked while sitting on a bench,the two were cuddling.

"Huh,what do you mean?" Chloe asked, seemingly confused.

"Don't play dumb,I know you in and out. Something's wrong." Isaac said now he's eyes seemed a bit cold. Chloe looked down when she saw this.

"It's my stepmother,she....." She didn't seem to wanna continue.

"If you don't wanna talk about it,it's fine am hear anytime"

"I am Sorry...Do you mind if I stay with you from now on."

"Uh!" Saying he was shocked would be an understatement. 'It's that bad huh.' He kissed her on her forehead though the girl in question didn't even blush

"Why not,but does that mean we're engaged. Should I buy a ring?"

"M-maybe" Chloe answered while blushing a little.

"Let's go get you some new clothes while I call my parents."

"Um." She nodded, then started heading to a mall. On their way Isaac felt a tug on his trouser. He turned around to find a kid who was a bit dirty,she was at least 5 years old. Before the could say a thing she looked at his eyes and what he saw was anxiety. That made him...

"Can I help kid?" Isaac asked as his usual stoic expresion softened a bit Same could be said for his partner as she was visibly sad.

"C-c-can I have money please." The girl said. Chloe was searching her bag only for Isaac to stop her.

"Isaac?" She was confused now at her boyfriend's actions. The kid however was looking down as if expecting harsh words.

"Come with us kid we were heading to the mall,I'll get you whatever you want."

It made him feel a bit sorry for her though he didn't show it.

"Really?" She looked hesitant to come with them

"If you don't wanna I'll give you money instead,your choice."


Chloe almost had tears in her eyes at this point and she was surprised when he kissed her with more passion than usual. Of course the kid saw nothing

"Let's go."

She was still surprised after that,although they had done so many times in the past three months this was different. 'You're still a huge softy after all.' She couldn't help but smile.

They spent time shopping with the little girl they learned was Anna. They were about to leave but as they passed by the fountain he heard sounds that sounded like a ticking time bomb. He Immediately look for it only to find a device with a timer saying it showing 0:06. He started going away from the fountain while dragging the two girls away

"Guys I think I saw a bomb!!" He shouted so everyone could hear but they all thought it was a prank

'Shhhiiiitttt!!' He covered the two and protected them with his back. He knew the timer was up and without delay


Everyone started panicking, he couldn't hear clearly as his ears were ringing.

'I have to get them away from here if it's the last thing I do!!' He got up even though his body protested. 'I think someone's calling me.' He started walking,after ten seconds


"WHAT IS GOING ON!!" Chloe panicked seeing Isaac bleeding

"UWAAAAAAAA!!!" Anna was scared, It was understandable but.



Everyone was running like headless chickens. Some already dead, everyone panicking,mother's protecting their children but alas...


Isaac was still trying to calm down though he was running with girls in hand. '7...8...9...10'


The boy kept moving while keeping track of the explosions. But not everything goes according to plan


Call it fate or karma but that explosion occurred near the windows. Chloe shielded Anna from the shards that plunged themselves inside her back

"FOR CHRIST'S SAKE,WHY!!!" Isaac screamed only to cough out blood, he dragged both of them until they were a safe distance away from the sight. With the last remaining strength he had he called his mother and passed the the phone to Anna.

"Wait Sir-" Anna said as she started crying seeing the sight infront of her. They are kind people they can't die like this,not for her lowly self

"My mother will pick you up,tell her that you were sent by me."


"Call me Isaac,this is Chloe. You wanna know why,it's because I wanted to do it simple.I can't just abandon you like that,how would you feel if I did."

Anna was silent,she couldn't say a thing

"Am not saying do something as reckless as I did, not...forget....treat you want to be treated,think in the their perspective....Alright." He still held Chloe's hand.

"Um,Okay Isaac." She nodded. Isaac started feeling light headed.

[*Hello,Isaac where are you*]

"Mom, am at the mall I.....might not....make it"

[*Isaac what's wrong!!?*]

"Suffered heavy wounds I don't think the ambulance will make it on time,now...urgh." Isaac fell to the the ground while supporting Chloe it seems they both reached their limits. He gently put her down

'I have to make this quick,God.....Help me out here. Owww for Christ's sake that hurts'

"Chloe wait a little longer.....Mom I want you to help this kid please *Cough* *Cough* I Love you." He could hear his Mom sobbing though she's trying to be strong.

[*I-I..Love you too*]

'Goodbye,M-Mom.' His body gave up but In his last moments he saw Chloe with tears struggling to hold on to her consciousness. Isaac held her hand tightly.


"...Chloe" He put a lot of effort into saying that but his conscieness was fading

"I...Love you" She said so with tears flowing down her beautiful face

"Love you too" He said so with a smile forcing her to do so as well. He hugged her closer.

Anna couldn't help but feel sad

"Make me proud....Anna"

'I...Failed.... Pretty bad....Mom....Chloe....Terry.....Laura'

'Forgive me'




Isaac's House



We see the beautiful lady on her knees,It was Isaac's mother.On next to her a phone and knife on the floor

',no,no,no,Noooo!!MY SON!!'

"Isaac!!" She was clenching the dress she wore,Her heart aching

"Mom!!" She turned around to see her Children

"We're leaving,NOW!!"


Hi Guys am new here,I just got bored and thought of writing a new fanfic. Now I know what you're thinking,what is this about. You'll see. Hope you like it

Warning:There will be a lot of changes in plot but am gonna write DxD and a whole other Anime,This is not Multiversal traveling story.There will be a harem just not too many people, probably.Am not too sure myself.

Thank you