
"The day when the seal of protection broke down, Alsana came to the capital city for a second. The feeling scared my heart; even my unborn child felt her terrifying presence, but there was someone else there." Dia explained herself while Mercy's throat was in her arms, and his chest was an inch's distance from her glaive.

"Alsana had something to do with Arya returning well and alive from the mountain on that very day, and the third person with them that I felt near the town... was you. I put Father Alone to guard the surroundings, looking for you, but he vanished two days ago along with his henchman." Dia's green eyes met Mercy's emerald ones; her once unique look made her more menacing now.

"I am not working with her. I don't know what you are talking about. Just let me off. I can't breathe properly." Mercy tried to resist Dia's hold, but her grip tightened further.