Chapter 57

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However, due to the appearance of Lin Xiu, many high-level equipment and blueprints appeared in this trial,Almost all by Lin Xiu!These good things naturally have nothing to do with Common Lords, only the strong have enough resources to buy and exchange,Then the result is that the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker!The situation caused by the strong being too strong is what it is now. A group of strong people must do their best to compete for the rookie king.Naturally, no one can stop and take care of Lord Common!They are facing this problem now, and it seems like a good thing that the probability of passing the trial is high.But all of them are stunted lords, going to the battlefield of chaos is no different from dying!But if you are afraid of death and withdraw when you can clear the level, you will be extremely unwilling!Pain and joy, making a group of Common lords hesitate,However, the voices of the Common people are destined to be drowned out, and no one pays attention to their choices!In the Black Snow Territory, Murong Xuan couldn't help opening her mouth when she heard the notification sound.But in my heart I was secretly delighted, this dog man,I really didn't look away!Everyone thought that his potential was exhausted, but who would have known that this was just the beginning??Today is like hanging up, the customs clearance time is getting shorter every time!"Before I asked me how long it would take for Han Zhengyu to clear the level...Could it be that he deliberately controlled the time??""If you shoot with all your strength, it will be faster!?"An unbelievable idea suddenly appeared in Murong Xuan's heart, her face turned red with excitement,His eyes flickered, but he was thinking of something unsuitable for children.There are not a few lords who are shocked at this moment, in a certain blue sky White Cloud-like territory,The silver-haired Leng Shuyao couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile,Completely gave up on the extravagant demands of the rookie king!"Powerful lord, take a look~"The mysterious businessman arrives as scheduled, always very quickly,I don't know how they are related to the monsters of the abyss, Lin Xiu always feels that this special race may be more terrifying than the abyss!Thinking in his heart, Lin Xiu came to the edge of the territory,He looked at the backpack opened by the mysterious businessman."Only three?"After seeing it, Lin Xiu was a little disappointed, there were only three items this time!There is also a blue-framed white paper on attributes, which is another blueprint of a book of knowledge!The price has risen from the initial 3,000 gold coins to 50,000 gold coins.Lin Xiu was the first to take it down, the book of knowledge at level 4 can add 20,000 experience points,Upgrading to another level can almost be worth brushing a wave of abyss trial monsters.After taking the blueprint of the Book of Knowledge, there are still two items left,A Blue card, and a clod-like pattern.[Birth soil (1 cubic)][Soil containing magical power, with many uses][Price: 1 million gold coins]"It turned out to be Xiyang!!"Lin Xiu's eyes widened suddenly, as if he had won the lottery,This thing is an incredible treasure!Xiyang, Legendary is a heaven-defying treasure from the nine heavens,It has a wide range of functions, and can be transformed into magic armor in battle.As strong as Legendary gear!Auxiliary can be used to cultivate spiritual grass and plant elixir, the effect is stronger than the top spiritual soil!As materials, it can be used to refine many powerful equipment magic weapons. It is said that adding a little breath to the magic weapon or equipment of the artifact level will improve the quality!More importantly, this thing has the feature of automatic growth,Put a little bit of soil there and don't worry about it, it will automatically increase. The more the soil, the faster it will grow.It is the Divine Grade material that all lords dream of!Although it has the attribute of automatic splitting, its value is still unimaginably high.After all, no one would think too much of this level of material, let alone sell it!It's useless for Lin Xiu to buy it temporarily, but it's not a waste to use it to plant spiritual grass for A Hua.As a plant hero, Ah Hua's body is still the ginseng fruit tree in Legendary,Give her the breath soil, and the cultivation speed of the spiritual grass will definitely go up to a higher level!"Powerful lord, goodbye by fate~"The goods were sold out again, and the mysterious businessman returned satisfied with his backpack.Lin Xiu also returned to the lord's mansion, not in a hurry to synthesize the book of knowledge,Play another wave tonight, the book of knowledge will be cooled down,When the time comes to use and resynthesize, you can directly use it twice.There are a lot of congratulatory voices in the chat channel, as well as many worried words from Lord Common,Although Lin Xiu felt a lot of emotion in his heart, it was impossible to sacrifice his own interests to make way for them!Besides, even if he has a heart attack, it's useless to let Lord Common kill more monsters.Because of the Han Zhengyu of Guanri Sword, it only takes ten minutes at most to clear the level!He can be Madonna, but he can't prove his ambitions!Out of sight, out of mind, Lin Xiu simply closed the chat channel,Looking at Lilian's vision while doing nothing, she and A'hua set out to find the trace of Taixuanguo in the morning.I haven't come back yet.The field of view is shared, and you can see that the two are still sprinting in the forest,It was obviously beyond the viewing range of the watchtower, but Lin Xiu sensed that it was still within the attack range of the arrow tower.I felt relieved immediately.Ah Hua's thick roots turned into two thick thighs, striding wildly like a titan,Lilian turned into a deer and lay directly on a branch of A'hua's body.Ah Hua's transformed face and nose fluttered as if she was sniffing something, and she changed direction from time to time and ran away.The ground rumbled and shook, and sometimes some ferocious beasts were frightened and fled.Obviously frightened by this giant.Ah Hua is in a happy mood. In the past, in order to plant some land and raise some rations, it can be said that she was careful and cautious.He didn't dare to reveal his own body, and he had to always pay attention to covering up the aura of the spirit grass for fear of attracting some vicious beasts.But now he can show his body and run unscrupulously, and the beasts he encounters can only run away.Don't mention how refreshing this difference is!"It's coming soon, I smell the breath of Tai Xuan Guo․]!"Ah Hua sensed Lin Xiu's arrival, and couldn't help saying excitedly,That guy can be said to be her old enemy. The two have fought many times in hundreds of years, but they can't help each other every time.With the backing of the master this time, the centuries-old struggle must be ended!"That guy also noticed me, so he ran like hell!"Ah Hua was very excited, although every time in the past it ended with the failure of Taixuan fruit,But she didn't dare to hunt down, after all, the difference in strength was not too great.How can it be so cool today?"Come on, if you need support, come to me at any time!"Lin Xiu encouraged,"I'll give you a big gift when you come back in triumph!""Thank you master!"A'hua's heart jumped for joy, and the whole tree's spirit seemed to increase a little bit.Retracting his vision, Lin Xiu lay leisurely on the sofa on the third floor of the Lord's Mansion,Started to study the knowledge of spiritual herbs seriously, these are the habits and differences of some spiritual herbs that Ahua gave him,Although the number of spiritual herbs involved is not large, only twenty or thirty types,But as a plant hero and good at farming, she also has her own unique views on this aspect,Lin Xiu has benefited a lot from studying hard, laying a solid foundation for future alchemy.Lin Xiu's leisure is not good, but he doesn't know that the other lords are miserable at the moment,The wailing of the chat channel will not change in any way. Faced with the choice of quitting after clearing the level,All the lords have ten thousand resentments in their hearts!Since the wailing of the weak cannot solve the problem, then they can only rely on themselves!In addition to the abyss monsters, there will be many native beasts in the trial land.Without the enemy lord, simply start sweeping the surrounding area,After all, fewer monsters in the abyss are killed, which means less time to clean the battlefield.They also have more time to hunt and kill the native beasts!In this way, there was a vigorous wave of mopping up the natives in the trial land,In the past, each session was basically focused on resisting trial monsters, and the search for natives was basically within a few kilometers of the territory.But now, Lord Common was forced to reverse the priority,Anyway, the trial will be over in a few minutes... Just leave some rough-skinned and thick-skinned units to delay for a few minutes, and it will be over.The large army simply marched towards the depths of the trial ground, with the main direction of sweeping up the natives!In this way, let alone, many lords have gained a lot!No one knows the origin of the place of trial, and no one can tell how many years it has existed.Among them, the indigenous people have relatively few contacts, but according to records, they also exist.There are even intelligent creatures in Legendary, a magical race that can communicate with humans!There are also many fierce beasts that exist in the form of tribes, ranging from dozens to hundreds,Many are not even weaker than a wave of abyss trial monsters!In the past, every human race focused on resisting the monsters of the abyss, and the exploration of the trial land was also a little bit,This year is different!When countless Common lords marched towards the depths of the trial ground, what happened to Wang Zhu was inevitable!In a certain shabby territory, a young man looked tangled for a while,Finally, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind."Damn it! These bastards won't give me a way out"The boy's face was livid and helpless, and he took out a piece of architectural blueprint with a firm expression.[City Wall - Level 2 Green Excellent Blueprint][After using it, you can build a second-level Green city wall, which can resist the enemy's attack][The more gold coins and materials are consumed, the stronger the defense will be]"Build, spend all gold coins!"A trace of pain flashed in the boy's eyes, but he had no choice but to fight,Since you can't get any benefits from the trial, then just go out and give it a try!It's done, successfully pass the customs and become a lord,If it fails, then resign to fate and quit the trial and return to the rear!All the gold coins and materials in the backpack were consumed, and a section of the city wall was erected.The young man was reluctant to take a look at the Lord's Mansion, and led all his troops towards the distance.He is going to find the native beasts and kill them to get enough income!There are not a few lords like him, each of them is like a worker who has left his hometown,Although there are all kinds of worries in my heart, there is no other way.After a while, someone in the chat channel finally couldn't help showing off his achievements."f**k, brothers are still defending Gil City! I found a Mithril mine outside the leader, I'm so rich!!""Mithril Mine!? Damn, envy!""The natives are so fat. Nima killed a level 20 thick-skinned wild boar not only costing ten gold coins, but also gave a bunch of materials!""Hahaha, I found a fine iron ore, send it!""Lords of the plant department, let me tell you a secret! Our leaderThe main mansion can run away and directly find a native tribe to settle down, and the natives will help block the monsters from the abyss when they come!"**666, learned it!""Indigenous tribes usually have bosses. The bigger the tribe, the stronger the bosses and the more good things!""Damn it, you all secretly got rich and now you're talking about it?"As one lord shared his harvest, more lords couldn't hold it anymore,One after another began to show off their gains, and luckily found mines one by one,You only need to kill those who keep the mine, and you can get endless gains!Gather a whole mine and sell it after leaving the trial ground to get enough gold coins,Then buy equipment, buildings, etc.,Even if you go to the place of trial, you can also have a certain amount of self-protection power!There are also plant lords who are constantly operating, relying on their buildings to stand up,He even ran away with the Lord's Mansion on his shoulders!Misfortune is being brought to the east, looking for an aboriginal tribe to settle down and planning to let the aboriginals help kill the monsters of the abyss!With such a big family, talents will always emerge in endlessly,Just seeing Lin Xiu is also an eye-opener!However, it is the lucky ones among the crowd who can have enviable gains after all.Most of them are still fruitless, and even sadly cannot beat the natives and are hunted down to death.Those who have to escape back to the territory and choose to quit the trial are considered lucky.But human beings are like this, they only remember to eat but not to fight,What you see in your head is the harvest of others, and the end of death and tragedy,Naturally, I don't have time to show off in the chat channel, what happened to me specifically,Then only you know.But in any case, after all, they found another way out for the Common lords,Whether they can get through is their own business.The chat channel is very lively, and sometimes some lords exchange experiences with each other on it,It can be regarded as the last All People cooperation.Time passed slowly like this, the twelfth wave of monsters came,The fourth day also came to an end.In this wave of battles, Lin Xiu's arrow tower has finally risen to level 250,Introduced the fifth super evolution![The Arrow Tower breaks through the level limit for the fifth time and triggers super evolution. Please choose the direction of evolution within ten seconds:][+150%)[2. Rate of fire growth increased by 50%][3. Blinding - 20% (Li Nuozhao) will cause blinding effect to the enemy when attacking]"Evolution Three!"There is nothing to hesitate, Lin Xiu has already made the arrow tower into a support type,Just stack all kinds of buffs desperately, even if you can't kill the enemy, you can still disgust the enemy to death!At the end of a wave, the arrow tower has risen to Iv263,The first Thunder turret has finally been upgraded to Iv239, and it will trigger super evolution once again!Lin Xiu couldn't help but look forward to it, the lord level has also risen to Iv45,Tomorrow, you will definitely be able to upgrade to level 50,At that time, the sixth talent can be unlocked!The only pity is that as a Novice lord, the upper limit is only level 50,You need to leave the trial ground before you can continue to break through.This wave, the mysterious businessman did not produce any good things,Lilian and A'hua didn't come back at night, they were still chasing after Taixuanguo,That thing ran so fast, Lin Xiu shared the vision of the two of them and followed it for most of the night,In the end, I do not know when or fell asleep.On the fifth day, dark clouds cover the top,After the light of the blood moon disappeared, it was obviously daytime, but the light was not dimmer than the night.Lin Xiu looked up at the sky, Lilian and A'hua had already chased for more than 50 kilometers away,That Taixuanguo was so tenacious beyond imagination that he was still running away at high speed!Looking back, the thirteenth wave of abyssal monsters arrived as scheduled,Lin Xiu stared closely at Black's vortex, this time the monster was a kind of magic wolf,The size of the wild wolf is far larger than that of Common, and it is two meters long!Black hair like steel needles, scarlet eyes and salivating mouth,Sen Leng's teeth speak for their ferocity!Thirty-level abyssal demon wolves rushed in like a tide,The huge size brings extreme oppression, and the number of purgatory-level difficulty makes it look like a vast ocean!However, Lin Xiu didn't set his sights on them, but just looked around at the Black vortex in four directions!Following the attack of the demon wolf, four tall figures came from the darkness in a short while!.Become A Member At Patreon For Access Upto 100 Chapters Ahead. 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