Dungeon (Part 5) - Showtime

(POV: Johan Lieb–I mean, Johan Wolff)

In the huge throne room, chaos ensued.

I punched another monster's chest, killing it and sending its corpse flying into the horde. Through the last few days, I had felt myself getting stronger every time I fight.

I no longer felt scared. Initially, my heart had threatened to burst from my chest, but now, I was exhilarated.

I dropkicked a four-legged creature resembling a weird, underdeveloped cow. It flew into the monsters behind it, knocking them down.

Jumping into the group, I landed on a monster's skull, crushing it along with another one beneath it.

It was weird, when we started, we had to individually chase monsters out of the group to kill them.

But now, we could take on multiple of them at once.

Honestly, I can't tell if we're becoming stronger or the monsters weaker.

"LOOK OUT!" I heard a shout, it was Ryo, warning me of...something.

Before I could react, I felt something heavy jump on my back and push me onto the floor.

I heard a few cracking sounds inside me and a mild pain assaulted my body.

The monster was slashed and kicked away by Ryo, who went straight back to killing others.

"Ah! my back." I complained, as I got up and stretched my spine, getting a POP sound when my bones cracked, a feeling of relief went through me.

You know when you've been sitting for hours, after which you get up and crack your spine? The feeling of eternal peace you fee–ah shit.

A little goblin tried to jump on me, so I swatted it away.

I went back into battle, punching any monster that came in my way.

With each punch, I could feel myself getting stronger, the mark on my chest burning hotter every time.

But, the burning of the mark was not painful, it was soothing, as if it was encouraging me to continue the bloodshed.

Looking at the girls, I saw that Anny was sweating hard, she was exerting herself a lot, putting enhancement spells on us, occasionally firing big spells, and protecting herself from monsters simultaneously.

Alexia seemed no less stressed. She was also exerting herself quite a bit, focused mostly on healing our injuries.

But it was her fear and hesitation that proved to be quite a big disadvantage.

And that bastard Sukuna knows nothing about prep talks.

'Show the world how hot and tasty you can be,' he says. Okay I admit that it helped at that time, but looking back at it that was just weird.

I feel kind of guilty leaving the boss for him, but we our doing our best, if we are struggling with the mobs, we would probably die in seconds facing the boss.

Amidst the chaos, I noticed a shadow looming larger and larger until Sukuna landed beside me. My heart skipped a beat—his entire left arm was gone, and he was bleeding profusely.

Fear gripped me, but looking at his smiling face gave me a sense of safety.

If he was so injured, what would happen to us? He was the strongest in our group by a huge margin.

Regardless of the life-threatening injuries on him, and the fact that he was facing the boss alone, he had a smile on his face, as if he was enjoying every moment.

I tried to go to him to help him, but before I could, his voice rang out.

"Kill everything you find, that's the best you can do to help," He said, his voice coarse due to blood in his throat.

Even though he said it not too loudly, we all heard him clearly.

We exchanged anxious glances as we all looked at him and nodded.

He bent down, putting his remaining hand on the floor.

"Cleave: Spiderweb"

Suddenly, the whole floor of the room was cut in a web-like shape.

Starting from right under Sukuna's feet, the ground started falling down.

My eyes widened at the display of power.

Collapsing the colossal room just by two words was a feat even extremely powerful hunters were not able to accomplish.

The whole floor, along with everything and everyone on it, started falling down.

But, the fall was longer than I expected, it was as if we were falling into a bottomless pit, the environment getting darker and darker.

How did he know that there would be something like this under the room?

Ryomen Sukuna is really an enigma I just can't figure out, but that doesn't stop me from catching up to him.

A grin formed on my face as I spotted the bottom of the pit.

I coated my legs with mana, expecting a hard and painful landing.

"It's show time!" I whisper-shouted, which was drowned in the sounds of falling debris.




(A little while ago)

(POV: Ryomen Sukuna)

Sukuna backed off from the boss and observed that he could no longer put Cursed Energy into the, now half, knife.

"Seems like you got moves, budget Ainz," Sukuna said.

His words were filled with amusement and the ever-present smirk on his face was not wavering in the slightest.

He looked at the skeleton to see it standing up with a long sword in its hand. He knew that this monster was going to be big trouble.

A Necromancer good at hand-to-hand? That's too overpowered, well like he's one to complain.

Meanwhile, the undead was also wary of him, it felt a big threat from that knife, so it had to put a lot of mana into his sword to reinforce it and cut the knife down, but as a result, the sword got bent and cracked.

Sukuna threw the broken knife at it, while it threw the bent sword at the knife. Both the weapons met in the air, creating a loud sound.

Sparks flew in the air as the weapons met, creating a momentary flash of light.

By the time the weapons clashed, the skeleton was already far away. It started firing spells at him.

He started running towards it in an unpredictable motion, so as to not be an easy target for spells. Though, this did not work, due to his low physical abilities, his running speed was pretty slow.

'Need to find a cure for that,' thought Sukuna, noticing his severe lack of physical abilities.

The skeleton pointed its finger at him, firing a line of flames akin to a laser straight at his heart. Sukuna dodged and ended up with only a little burn to his arm, which was quickly healed.

The skeleton kept firing all kinds of spells at him, multiple kinds of fire spells, ice spells, and even earth spells, single-target, or area-of-effect, most of which did minimal damage to him, but they were quite annoying to dodge consecutively.

The skeleton had already deduced that it would lose in a hand-to-hand fight, and hence was maintaining distance.

Sukuna swiped his hand vertically, the slash he sent cut the humerus of the left arm of the skeleton into two.

The whole remaining arm fell on the floor, making a CLICK sound as it landed.

'Isn't this... too easy?' Sukuna thought.

He was half-expecting Dismantle to not work, but it somehow cut clean through the bones.

The bones fallen on the floor began to disappear, they were slowly turning into pure mana, a sizzling sound erupting from them.

The mana flowed right back into the skeletons body, meanwhile, its slashed bone started glowing with a faint white light.

Less than a second later, its whole arm was completely regenerated.

Seeing this, Sukuna's smirk only widened, he started running towards it, sending multiple slashes onto the bony bastard.

He was trying to make it focus on healing and close the distance, pulling it into close quarters.

The plan was going quite well, but the skeleton, as if finally noticing, stopped running away and instead, started to fire stronger spells more frequently than before.

Sukuna noticed that the closer he got to the skeleton, the more frequently the attacks came.

Sukuna grimaced as all of his attacks were immediately regenerated, he needed to find a weakness.

The monster's spells rained down, getting harder to dodge each second as the boss gained confidence in its victory.

Suddenly, a memory flashed in his mind, a memory of a friend boasting a near-invincible character in a game.

This memory sparked an idea in his mind. A grin spread on his face, a plan forming as the gears in his mind turned.

The skeleton king unleashed another barrage of spells, even more devastating than before.

"Exploiting a bug, huh?." Sukuna said out loud, his tone filled with mischievousness.

He charged towards the king, a move that surprised it greatly.

Not wasting any time, it deployed its most ferocious attack yet, a huge fire spell, so destructive that it took half of the mana he currently had.

Sukuna, however, did not try to dodge the incoming fire spell.

The fire burned at an immensely hot temperature, a huge wave of bright orange and red taking up Sukuna's view.

Sukuna channeled Reverse Cursed Technique as the wave of fire hit him, propelling him across the room.

As he was flying, he turned towards the boss and shouted...


He tried to put up a middle finger but realized that his hand was gone, well, maybe next time.

He landed safely in the middle of the horde, scanning the battle field near him, he saw Johan close by, the other three fighting a little farther away.

"Long time no see." He muttered, his voice audible only to himself.

This was his final action, his unorthodox plan. If it didn't work, he was screwed.

The twisted smile never left his face.


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