Dungeon (Conclusion) - Flesh and Light

(POV: Blaze) [He's the principal, for those who forgot]

I was walking around restlessly, my thoughts filled with prayers of the students' safety.

The current situation was known to no more than 10 people, including the workers keeping an eye on the dungeon. The dungeon dive of the other students was underway, and the locked gate was covered up.

Five students, the most promising ones, were trapped in a locked gate. First year students beating D-Rank dungeons was a rare sight to behold, and the number of times first-years had cleared C-Rank dungeons could be counted on one hand.

It has been about 5 hours since the team went in, but the locked gate had not reopened, there was no way to tell if the students were alive or dead, but I still hung on to the thin string of hope.

Each tick of the clock made me more anxious, echoing in my restless mind.

As if answering my prayers, a low hum resonated from the dungeon entrance, a sound that sent a jolt through my body. Relief washed over me, so intense it almost made my legs buckle.

My heart skipped a beat, I ran towards the gate, standing right in front of it, Mean right behind me.

We were holding our breaths as we waited for something to happen.

In front of the gate, the silhouette of a person formed. The person started walking out of the gate, his steps sluggish, yet confident.

His figure was completely shrouded in black due to the bright light of the gate, hence we could not determine who this student was.

"Man... that was an experience."

That voice... it was most definitely Sukuna, the first-year ranked 1.

His face was filled with exhaustion, but a strange glint flickered in his eyes, a glint that gave me a sense of unease.

We ran to him, trying to support him. But he raised his hand, stopping us.

He walked into the sunlight, spreading his arms wide, he smiled, as if enjoying the light in all its glory.

"Ah, light feels best in the flesh! Wait no, here it would be appropriate to say, flesh feels best in the light!"

Sukuna exclaimed, his voice carrying a mixture of relief, fulfilment, and disappointment.

I was really happy so see him safe, but there were four others still stuck there, possibly dead.

The best way to figure that out would be to ask Sukuna himself.

"Hey...Sukuna?" I asked, my tone a little embarrassed as I felt like I was interrupting something.

He turned to me, his face carrying confusion, but soon, as if he understood my point, his expression morphed into one of realization.

"Right, the others are alive, they'll follow soon enough." He said, his voice showing no emotion.

I was ecstatic, and prouder than ever. Five first years had not only survived a B-Rank dungeon, but also beat it and come out safely.

It was a historical event.

Sukuna fell down onto the grass, taking a deep breath, all his injuries, which were mostly minor cuts and scratches, healed.

Blaze's eyes widened in disbelief. Sukuna's minor wounds were visibly disappearing before his very eyes. A chill ran down Blaze's spine. This changed everything.

"Wait! You can–"

"Yes, and please keep it a secret, until the Tournament at least."

I nodded. He'll use it in the Tournament, no doubt. A flashy display to secure sponsors and build a fan base.

I understand that, so I'll keep it a secret. But reporting it to that person was mandatory.

A frown creased my forehead. How could I navigate this situation – respect Sukuna's wish for secrecy while fulfilling my duty?

"And I suppose you'll report it to 'that guy'?" said Sukuna, his voice carrying a bit of dissatisfaction.

"I have to follow the rules." I said, closing my eyes, in response to which he let out a sigh.

He paused before continuing..

"Also, keep this event a secret." He said, his voice becoming serious.

My eyes opened, darting to find his own as I almost lost my composure for a second.

I was surprised, usually, in such situations, students would go and make the whole event public, gaining attention from the highest in the hierarchy, multiple interviews in the news.

"Why?" I asked, my tone becoming graver, mirroring his own.

"It would be bad reputation for the Academy."

That was true, but that does not give me permission to play with someone's success.

I looked at him, his eyes were not showing any signs of wavering in his decision. I sighed, my hand pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Fine, but only if the others agree." I said, giving in.

He did not respond, but closed his eyes, resting after a long journey.


A shorter chapter, closing the dungeon arc.

Not too important, honestly.

now, gimme POWER STONES