Tournament (Part 3) - Bargaining

"Strength isn't just about power; it's about the ability to inspire unwavering loyalty."

(POV: Ryomen Sukuna)

The standings in the Tournament are just as I expected.

Alexia was eliminated earlier than her other friends.

Anny was eliminated before the quarter finals, and Johan in the quarter finals.

Ryogaku won in the quarters and is facing against Eva in the semi-finals, which will be held soon.

Eva is quite easy to get, I just need to think about Nect, about how to get her on my side.

As for Eva, I'm doing that right now.

I was standing in a deserted place in the stadium, a running track which is currently closed because the Tournament is underway.

In front of me is standing Eva Helion, and indifferent beauty herself.

Looking at her, she is probably the most pretty person I have seen in my life...lives, her face has a luster, which makes it look as if she is shining.

Her black hair cascades down her shoulders akin to a waterfall, silky and flawless. Her chin was held high, confidence radiating from her aura.

Her gaze was piercing, she was observing my every move as if trying to decipher my thoughts and motives.

Despite her beauty and confidence, there is a sense of detachment in her. She has not spoken to people ever since her family was killed, creating a void between herself and the world.

Her charm is undeniable, but what sets her apart is her mysteriousness and strength.

Eva Helion is not to be underestimated.

"Ryomen Sukuna," she finally speaks, her soft yet cold voice breaking the tense silence. "Why have you called me here?"

"Eva Helion," I started, my voice filled with amusement. "Come under my command."

Her brows furrowed, whether in anger or in confusion, I couldn't tell.

Calming down quickly, she asked in a slightly irritated voice, "Why should I?"

This was exactly the question I wanted. "Don't you want to kill 'that man'?"

Her expression changed into one of anger for a fraction of a second, before going back to the indifferent face she presented to everyone.

Me knowing about her family's massacre was not a surprise, she probably assumed that World Nobles would have access to that information.

Her eyes glinted with contemplation. A World Noble as support would result in easier information gathering.

"After all, you only know about 'him' vaguely, don't you?"

Our gazes met, staring into each others' eyes, fighting for control.

"It is not only information you get," I said, a smirk forming on my face. "I will also personally train you."

She did not respond, still thinking about the deal.

"In return I want your eternal servitude, following every single one of my commands without fail." I said, the smirk on my face widening.

Her brows furrowed as she thought about the cost, the consequences.

But I knew that she would take my deal, after all, avenging her family is the only thing she wants with her life.

"And don't worry about me doing anything to you, I'll treat you like family."

I emphasized the last word to get my point across.

She was still hesitant, so I said the final words...

"You mother's corpse, diced into pieces," I could see her clenching her fists. "Wouldn't you like to do the same to him?"

Her lowered head rose, her eyes, filled with determination, locking with mine.

"I accept."


My aim for this Tournament was not winning it, heck, I don't even need to blink to kill everyone here, I just wanted to scout for good team members.

Ryogaku and most others have a firm sense of justice, which will get in my way.

Eva, for example, is a really good teammate.

She adores my strength, assisting her in revenge will make her completely loyal to me.

She is not constrained by morals, I heard that she once slaughtered people in slums to get information on 'that person', as she calls the guy who massacred her you-know-what.

But still, she accepted way too fast, I guess I underestimated her Sasukeness.


I found that Eva's technique isn't invisible slashes like me, its ice.

Yeah real coincidental, she's Uraume.

Anyhow, she sends out thin, clear and transparent sheets of ice shaped as a crescent, which can slash even metal, but they melt soon after, so no one ever noticed them.

One way to improve this is to compress more ice into the slash, so that it takes more time to melt, hence going farther.

Or learning to send slashes in all directions, as she can only send these ones in front of her.

I look at my phone and DAMN there's 53 missed calls.

23 from dad and 30 from mom.

I guess I'll call one of them, they're probably together.

I called and the phone rang, it rang for 20 seconds before they both picked it up.

There was silence for about 5 seconds.

"Did you get kidnapped again?"

I asked, my voice filled with sarcasm.

I heard them inhale loudly and...


My ears hurt now.

I heard two loud voices and some mixed in the background.

The loud ones are probably my mom and dad, while the ones in the background, probably maids.

Even though I wasn't on speaker, the students around me seem to have heard that, and were now whispering amongst each other.

But yes, it indeed is my birthday, seems like I had forgotten.

I usually dislike going to parties because all nobles are dumb, so my parents usually celebrate my birthday with me among ourselves and the servants.

They said that they were proud of how good I'm performing at the Tournament, then my mom went into a dramatic flashback about how they were so scared when I had no mana.

After a few minutes and tears, they told me to come to their mansion as soon as the Tournament ends.

I cut the call and leaned back on the...roof?

I was sitting on the supporting beams of the stadium's roof.

Suddenly, I felt my instincts screaming at me, something dangerous was approaching.

I shot up and stood in an alert position on top of the beams.

Looking down, I saw a little girl sitting on a bench.

Wait...that was Nect Arine, the mana dump.

I had mistaken her enormous quantity of mana as a threat to myself.

She was currently alone, no one to save her, hence, it would be the perfect time to invite her to my team.

But, I will not do so, since I have not even built a first impression yet.

Inviting her to my team on the first meeting would seem...weird.

Anyways, I jumped down, landing in front of her with a loud THUD, the ground slightly cracking from the force.

She squealed as she fell backwards, on to the ground.

"You okay?" I asked, going towards her and offering her a hand.

She stared at my hand for a few seconds, her eyes widened, before breaking out into a smile and taking it.

She got back up and jumped on my shoulders, her chin now resting on my head.

I was frozen in spot by the attack I could not predict, now she was bouncing on my shoulders, seemingly having fun.

Her ginger hair fell onto my face as she said in a weirdly childish voice. "You didn't already die...are you strong?"

The reason she asked this is because most people fall unconscious as soon as they go around her.

I was emitting my own Cursed Energy pressure to combat her mana pressure, which both cancelled each other out.

A visible ripple formed around us, but she seemed to not notice that.

I pushed her with my hand, trying to get her off me, but it didn't work as she just held me tighter.

"Rude," she said, her voice laced with fake anger, even though she is the one who got on top of me without permission.

I didn't want to cut off her limbs to get her off, that would make me an enemy in her eyes.

I reached my hand out, patting her head, which was on top of my head.

"I'm the strongest."

I said, my voice carrying no doubt or uncertainty, as if just stating a fact.

I could swear I heard the 'eyes glinting' sound effect you hear every time a kid finds something interesting.

Her hands grabbed my throat as she leaned backwards.

"Oi oi oi chill, trying to strangle your new friend already?"

Her grip loosened, as she jumped off my shoulders onto the bench, standing on it.

Standing on the bench, her eyes were exactly at my level, and I could see a mischievous glint in them.

"You wouldn't be strong if you died just from that," she declared, no sense of apology in her voice.

"Oh don't worry, you'd never be able to kill me," I said, a smirk playing on my lips as I eyed her up and down.

"You wanna give it a try?" she half-screamed, her mana pressure spiking. I responded in kind, a smirk playing on my lips as our energies clashed.

She was left awkwardly standing with her finger shoved into my face.

She quickly retracted it and put her hands onto her waist.

"Ha! You are quite good, I have deemed you worthy of being my friend," She said, facing the sky.

"Don't you wanna say that mana pressure is the only thing you know?" I mused, my tone mocking as I leaned in closer.

Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth...a little too wide. Before closing it and replacing her expression with a nervous smile.

"Of course you would not be able to understand my greatness, after all my techniques are beyond understanding of you mortals," she hurriedly stated, her voice going so fast that I was barely able to make it out.

I stared at her as she maintained her nervous smile.

Sighing, I said, "We have a match soon, get ready, I'll talk to you later," she didn't respond, her expression uninterested as she stared at me.

Sighing, again, I said, "I'll treat you to cake."

Her demeanor immediately changed and a huge grin formed on her face, "As you say, best friend."

Saying this, she ran off somewhere through the door.

I had a little assessment of Nect Arine, and I can conclude with clarity that she'll be a pain in the ass.

Anyhow, her mana is so high that she probably doesn't even need techniques, but if I succeed in getting her to work for me, I'll leave no room for her to idle around.

I looked at my phone, which had a single message from a person named 'Bob'.

The message said...

"Report on Eva Helion"


I had to go out for some work today, hence a late chapter :<

I'm sorry


gimme power stones if you want MORE chappies