7 - Duties of the Paladin

In the open field, Forseti and Skorch faced each other, assuming stances that mimicked combat, although they were merely sizing each other up.

Though Forseti was a novice in paladin combat, he had diligently practiced. Moreover, paladin fighting techniques were inherently strategic, surpassing most other martial systems.

Thus, in terms of posture, Forseti appeared notably more "professional" than Skorch, who had never practiced before, exuding a readiness for action.

Observing this, Skorch couldn't help but pause in astonishment. "When did you learn to fight?"

Forseti remained silent, gesturing for Skorch to begin.

Skorch composed himself and lunged like a bear without any finesse.

Forseti swiftly dodged and countered with a punch aimed at Skorch's midsection.

Skorch neither dodged nor seemed aware enough to evade, taking the hit squarely.

Despite Forseti's precise strike, there was a stark contrast in their physical builds—he was akin to a monkey, Skorch to a wild boar. Thus, Forseti's punch, though well-placed, yielded minimal effect. Skorch winced but retaliated with another bear-like charge, almost unfazed.

Forseti was taken aback, dodging again.

This exchange continued—Forseti agile and Skorch lacking technique.

However, Forseti's attacks barely affected Skorch, failing to land any decisive blows.

After some time, Skorch seized an opening and collided into Forseti!

Dizzying impact!

Internally, Forseti cried out as if struck by a mountain, seeing stars, collapsing to the ground, nearly losing consciousness.

"How's that? I told you, you can't beat me," Skorch said, helping him up. "But seriously, where'd you learn those moves? Pretty slick."

Forseti remained silent, catching his breath.

Moments earlier, he had assumed multiple stances and landed several hits on Skorch, to no avail. Ultimately, he lost combat effectiveness due to a stray blow from Skorch.

Indeed, strength and physique were foundational in close combat; skill played a secondary role.

Speaking of which... Was his petite frame truly suitable for wielding a paladin's hammer? Perhaps a rogue assassin or similar role might suit him better.

Regrettably, he hadn't a choice—the Saint of Kings had designated him a paladin. As an ardent paladin enthusiast, Forseti clung to this profession fervently, unwilling to abandon it.

Seemingly, his physique necessitated utilizing his youthful agility for now, with hopes of achieving a balanced physique and versatile skillset in the future.

During dinner that evening, Forseti couldn't help but increase his appetite, eating heartily.

Improving strength required not only physical exercise but also a nutritious diet. Unfortunately, due to the family's new herbal shop, the Peters favored light fare, lacking in meat and robust flavors.

As he ate heartily, Forseti's unprecedented appetite drew Uncle Peter's disgruntled gaze, causing him to abruptly halt his indulgence, wiping his mouth. "I'm going to work on a healing stone."

"Why's Forseti eating so much today?" Auntie queried suspiciously.

"Probably just a growing boy," Peter remarked. "Is there any more stew?"

"No... I'll make a bit more," Auntie acquiesced.


Forseti was fashioning a healing stone in the apothecary when El entered, holding a dark-gold coin shaped like a button, handing it to him. "Here, your pocket money for the next two months."

Forseti received one rune coin every two months as pocket money. Runes constituted Asgard's premium currency, with one rune equating to one hundred large gold coins or one thousand small gold coins.

He'd calculated that one large gold coin approximated a hundred grams of gold, nearly 7,000 USD from his previous life, thereby valuing a rune coin at roughly three million soft sister coins—a staggering sum by any measure.

Yet in Asgard, it constituted ordinary teen pocket money, accounting for living expenses deducted by Uncle Peter and meal costs.

"Thank you, El," Forseti accepted the money.

"You should save some; it's a good habit," El advised with a smile, preparing to resume her work on medicines.

Forseti hesitated briefly. "Um... Could you teach me the 'Greenhilde Pharmacopoeia'?"

Greenhilde's Pharmacopoeia represented Asgard's paramount herbal compendium, essential for aspiring Alchemist.

"Of course, but it's a challenging text. I haven't finished it myself, so prepare yourself," El cautioned.

Forseti nodded resolutely. "I'm determined to become a great Alchemist."

El stared at him for a moment, then chuckled, patting Forseti's head. "Seems my little brother's growing up."


The following day, Forseti retrieved the healing stone from the furnace, carrying money and the Saint of Kings to the town's Tailor Shop, specializing in garments.

The shop's proprietor, a middle-aged man with a balding pate and a few sparse tufts of hair, greeted him lazily.

"Boss, I need a cloth bag," Forseti requested.

"Pick one yourself," Boss Taylor replied, indicating a selection.

Forseti browsed and selected several one-shoulder messenger bags to try accommodating the Saint of Kings.

He purchased a cloth bag specifically to house the holy book for easy carrying.

Typically, paladins carried holy texts slung from chains, initially Forseti's plan. Yet he reconsidered, finding it ostentatious and unsuited to his current status.

After perusing, he settled on a light-yellow cloth bag, querying its cost.

"Two hundred and sixty-nine," Boss Taylor quoted.

Forseti gasped inwardly, despite the reference to small gold coins.

So costly!

Yet he favored its style and robust fabric, capable of serving as body armor or stab-resistant attire on Earth.

Resolving to purchase it for the Holy Light's sake, Forseti clenched his teeth, producing a rune coin for payment. "I'll take it."

He pocketed the change and left with the bag on his shoulder.

Arriving home, he stood before a mirror, adopting various poses in an attempt to resemble a paladin more closely.

Yet, alas, he still appeared more akin to a thief or novice—perhaps even a street vendor.

Forseti sighed, examining the Saint of Kings once more.

Why not... invest further?

Through the bag, he counted seventy-three large gold coins and one small gold coin acquired earlier.

Yes, how could he grow stronger without investment? How could he exemplify the paladin's pursuit of justice and fairness?

Trembling, Forseti withdrew twenty to thirty large gold coins and placed them on the appraisal table.

Unexpectedly, the gold coin emitted a radiant glow: "If evidence of wrongdoing is found, fulfill your duty as a paladin."

Evidence of wrongdoing? What?

Puzzled, Forseti read further:

Guilty Verdict: Theft

Tracking Difficulty: Easy

Requirements: Apprehend the thief, retrieve stolen goods, draft the Book of Apology, obtain the Book of Appreciation from the victim, and present at least one of these to the appraisal table. Donation post-verification.

Reward: Justice Reward (random rank one to three goods).

Failure Penalty: Failure to complete sanctions upon crime dissipation results in a deduction of 10.00 piety (negative piety permitted)...