Talent Potion (Part 1)

Due to its proximity to Thunder Valley, the stone house boasted thick walls and roof, each about 30 centimeters thick, crafted from solid rock spewed by Shilut. These defenses ensured safety even during severe thunderstorms.

After completing construction—a three-room abode with a hall—Forseti promptly returned to Asgard.

In the ensuing years, he dedicated himself primarily to perfecting the production of the Talent Mixture.

Ranked seventh in the Sanctuary evaluation system, the Talent Mixture stood as one of the most potent potions Forseti knew, yet its creation posed extreme challenges.

Forseti had invested heavily in herbal knowledge, directing nearly all his learning towards perfecting the mixture. Summary language, martial arts, and other unrelated pursuits were set aside. The pharmacy remained closed as Forseti focused solely on expediting the Talent Mixture's creation.

He periodically visited Thunder Valley to scout the Thunderbolt fruit's distribution, ensuring swift acquisition when the time came.

After years of preparation, Forseti, on his fiftieth birthday, resolved to commence the Talent Mixture's creation.

Seated before the mirror, Forseti, having just shaved, reflected on his years of toil—a daily routine of studying pharmacology, practicing pharmaceutical skills, and concocting potions like the burning ointment and sundial. His efforts had left him somewhat isolated, but he found solace in the progress made.

His unkempt appearance had become a norm, a testament to his dedication. Yet, the results justified his sacrifices; he now felt fully prepared to craft the Talent Mixture.

Following his shave, Forseti showered and began the first step: grinding Uru into powder.

Though ostensibly simple, grinding Uru—among the universe's top metals—proved arduous. Uru's resilience made it impervious to most forms of damage, requiring Forseti to employ a light red diamond spar. Though brittle, this spar's extreme hardness allowed it to grind Uru effectively.

Moreover, the light red diamond's featherweight texture ensured easy separation when mixed with water.

The Talent Mixture necessitated minimal Uru powder, a fraction of a gram—easily sourced from his father's relic's small Uru fragment. Even so, obtaining microscopic Uru powder demanded an entire day's labor.

"Finally done," Forseti sighed, weighing the Uru powder on a precision magic scale from Norvi. Satisfied with the sufficient weight, he set it aside.

With night falling, Forseti grabbed a bite and rested.

The following morning, he ventured to Tialfi's residence.


In the distance, dragon roars echoed—a stark reminder of dragons' formidable nature. Despite Tialfi's years of efforts, attempts to tame the dragon—through both gentle and forceful means—remained futile.

Tialfi emerged from his home, visibly singed from recent dragon flames. "Ah, Forseti... Here for dragon blood?"

"Yes, officially this time," Forseti confirmed.

Over recent years, Forseti had made periodic visits, collecting small samples for testing. Dragon blood's efficacy in the Talent Mixture varied with the dragon's age; young dragons yielded potent results, making Tialfi's dragon an ideal source.

Though young, Tialfi's dragon posed challenges. While honing his pharmaceutical skills, Forseti had endeavored to foster the dragon's growth.

Over years of effort, the dragon's blood replacement ratio had gradually risen, stabilizing in the past year.


With the dragon restrained, Forseti drew a few drops using an immortal steel dagger, collecting the blood in a crystal vial. After sealing the vial and invoking a healing spell, holy light bathed the dragon's wound. In moments, the young dragon's injury healed, its weariness replaced by renewed vigor as it resumed its struggle—a familiar sight after each bloodletting.

"Tialfi, are you still determined to tame it?" Forseti inquired.

"Absolutely," Tialfi affirmed, though his expression betrayed the difficulties he faced in the endeavor.

Forseti offered advice: "Should the dragon mature without being tamed, handling its dragon flames will become increasingly challenging. Consider giving up if progress stalls."

As if in response, the young dragon exhaled a jet of flame, its fury escaping the confines of its restraints.

"By the way, Tialfi, recall a pair of young dragon siblings—one that fled?" Forseti recalled.

"I didn't release it. It fled when we gathered at the meeting point, chased away by the Light Elves," Tialfi recounted, his voice tinged with apprehension. "That dragon's different, a formidable creature destined for greatness."

He added grimly, "When fully grown, it'll ascend to a high-level giant dragon, a truly fearsome entity."

"I'm curious about its appearance," Forseti mused.

Tialfi cautioned, "Best not to encounter it. Giant dragons traverse the cosmos; the odds of an encounter are slim."

With dragon blood secured, Forseti returned home.

"Bzz!" Shilut greeted him eagerly, munching on stones, waving a cheerful welcome.

Years had transformed Shilut. No longer a mere sapling, he stood over a meter tall, all teeth grown in. Despite these changes, he remained mute.

Forseti gently patted Shilut's forehead before heading to the pharmacy. He began processing materials, starting with the dragon's blood.

**Dragon Blood: 107% Young Dragon Replacement**

Identified as optimal for the Talent Mixture, the 107% replacement ratio aligned with previous findings—the ideal age bracket for maximum efficacy.

With materials preliminarily processed, including the dragon's blood, Forseti commenced the next steps in his three-room stone abode. These preparations were crucial; once the Talent Mixture was mixed, its shelf life would span a mere seven days. Timing was critical, as traveling from Asgard to Thunder Valley alone required several days. Any delay risked nullifying the potion's potency.

After completing initial processing, Forseti called Shilut. Passing through the Sanctuary's back door, they journeyed to Vanaheim, making way for Thunder Valley.