Chapter: Nidavellir, Land of the Dwarves
"Mjölnir, the hammer itself, of course I can lift it," Horse-Faced Thor declared.
"How were you able to lift it?" Odin asked with intrigue.
Horse-Faced Thor shrugged. "With my hands."
Odin fell silent for a moment before saying, "Hela, hand him Mjölnir."
Hela passed Mjölnir to Horse-Faced Thor, who caught it effortlessly, swinging it twice like an ordinary hammer.
"I placed an enchantment on Mjölnir. Only those with exceptional integrity and near-perfect character, whom I deem worthy, can lift it," Odin explained with a smile. "I thought such individuals were rare."
Odin himself wasn't particularly known for his moral high ground, and the rationale behind enchanting Mjölnir in such a manner remained a mystery.
Forseti was curious about this, but hesitated to inquire further.
Perhaps buried deep within Odin's heart were mixed emotions.
"No doubt, Bill, you are a noble warrior," Odin commended, looking at Horse-Faced Thor with admiration.
Praised so directly by Odin, Horse-Faced Thor felt slightly embarrassed, showing a hint of shyness as he scratched his head. However, his equine features made this expression somewhat tragic, almost pitiable to behold.
"While you prove worthy of Mjölnir, it remains my daughter's weapon and cannot be given to you," Odin continued. "Instead, I shall commission a new war hammer as a token of appreciation for your noble character."
"Thank you, Your Majesty," Horse-Faced Thor acknowledged gratefully.
Odin gestured, and Mjölnir flew back to Hela. "Bill is now a friend of Asgard and a respected warrior. If such warriors can emerge, surely the Korbinites are a noble race."
"Asgard is obligated to seek justice for the Korbinites. I will demand compensation from Surtur," Odin proclaimed.
Horse-Faced Thor interjected, "Surtur is a demon without moral scruples. He will never agree to compensate us!"
Odin smiled knowingly. "Whether he agrees or not is often inconsequential to the act of compensation itself."
He turned to Hela. "Daughter, it falls upon you to handle Muspelheim. If Surtur refuses to compensate the Korbinites, show him our resolve."
Hela hesitated. "Surtur's power..."
"Haha, fear not. Surtur will not dare to act rashly unless he seeks confrontation with me," Odin chuckled.
"Yes, Father," Hela acknowledged.
At that moment, Horse-Faced Thor spoke up. "As a warrior who has battled against the flame demons of Muspelheim, I and my comrades from korbin are willing to contribute our strength."
Odin nodded. "First, accompany me to Nidavellir."
"Nidavellir?" Forseti queried.
"The realm where our war hammers are forged. Before we can forge a new hammer, we must gather sufficient Uru ore. Dwarves are not known for their generosity with materials," Odin glanced at Forseti. "Forseti, you shall accompany us as well."
Forseti was taken aback but nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty."
For a moment, the following day...
Odin led Forseti, Horse-Faced Thor, and a group of valiant warriors through the Rainbow Bridge to Nidavellir, the realm of the Dwarves among the Nine Realms.
Nidavellir itself was a unique neutron star. For the Dwarves, this neutron star served not only as a forge for crafting magical weapons but also as a source of light and heat for their daily lives.
Surrounding the neutron star were vast reserves of potent metals, forming a city of steel where the Dwarves made their home.
With the Rainbow Bridge's radiant beam, Odin and his entourage materialized at a steel pier in Nidavellir.
"Your Majesty Odin," the Dwarf guards stationed there saluted, kneeling before them, though they towered slightly above Odin and his company.
"Yes," Odin acknowledged with a nod.
Forseti surveyed their surroundings, marveling at the sights of Nidavellir.
Steel, fire, and the clang of hammers filled the air — these elements defined the atmosphere.
Dwarves were born smiths, regarding craftsmanship as their faith and livelihood, surrounded daily by forges and anvils.
The grand city of steel resembled a colossal smithy.
Leading the way, guided by the guards, Odin and his group proceeded towards the Iron Palace of the Dwarf King.
"Sindri, it's been a while! Haha!" Odin greeted with a smile upon entering.
Dwarf King Sindri approached, his thick beard failing to hide the smile of familiarity. "Your Majesty Odin."
Odin clapped him on the back, introducing, "This is Forseti, warrior of Asgard, renowned for defeating Laufey's son, Byrest."
"Ah, I've heard the name. You're not even a hundred years old," Sindri remarked, looking at Forseti.
"Yes," Forseti confirmed.
"What a remarkable young one," Sindri commented.
Dwarves boasted a lengthy lifespan, where even a hundred-year-old would still be considered a youngster by Dwarf King standards. Not to mention, those like the Dwarf King and Odin were elders by comparison, with Hela once referring to Forseti as a "child."
Turning his attention to Horse-Faced Thor, the Dwarf King raised an eyebrow at his distinctive appearance. "Bill, guardian of the korbins, a noble warrior," Odin introduced. "Remember the enchantment I placed on Mjölnir?"
"Of course. Mjölnir is my masterpiece," the Dwarf King replied, his bushy beard twitching with a smile.
"Bill has proven himself worthy to wield Mjölnir," Odin informed.
The Dwarf King looked genuinely surprised. "Truly?"
"I was skeptical at first, but he managed it — truly remarkable. Hence, I wish to commission a new war hammer for him," Odin explained.
The Dwarf King nodded. "Our standard terms apply. You must gather sufficient Uru ore yourselves, paying us one-tenth in the highest-quality Uru as the forging fee."
"I understand. Yet, this tradition seems rather stringent. Could we not reconsider?" Odin questioned, somewhat displeased.
"No, this is an ancient Nidavellir tradition, one we must uphold," the Dwarf King replied firmly, showing no sign of yielding to Odin's request.
"Very well," Odin conceded.
"Etri," the Dwarf King called to a younger dwarf who bore a striking resemblance to him, minus the beard.
"Father," the younger dwarf, Etri, approached.
"This is Forseti. He will accompany you to gather Uru ore," the Dwarf King instructed.