Ria Star

**[Forging Blueprint: Silence Fang]**

**[Standard Item Level: Level 6]**

**[Explanation: ...Upon impact, it can momentarily freeze the opponent's magic power, preventing spellcasting.]**

**[Main Materials: Black Iron, Shadow Stone, Purple Lotus]**


Luck hadn't been on his side recently, but obtaining the blueprint for Silence Fang was a consolation. In the early days of Warcraft, this one-handed sword had been a graduation requirement for defensive professions.

The required materials were fairly standard and would serve future Paladin knights well, especially in tandem with the Dragonman's Shield.

Exiting the Sanctuary space, Forseti heard a knock at his door.

*Knock, knock.*

Opening it, he found Beta Ray Bill and Ander standing there, both looking excited.

"Ander's Holy Light infusion is complete!" the horse-faced Thor announced. "Forseti, it's time to make him a true Paladin!"

The speed of Ander's progress exceeded Forseti's expectations. He had anticipated it would take nearly 20 years, perhaps at least 15, but in reality, it had taken just over 13.

In those thirteen years, Ander had not only mastered the foundational principles of Holy Light evokation but had also developed a natural affinity with its power.

Now, all that remained was for Forseti to bestow upon him the Holy Deed, and Ander would become a full-fledged Paladin.

Forseti retrieved the sacred book and handed it to Ander. "This is your Holy Deed. Inscribe your name on the first page with the Holy Light."

Ander received the book eagerly. "Finally, the moment has arrived!"

His excitement was understandable. Though ten years was a mere blink of an eye for the Protoss, enduring more than a decade of daily meditation had been a form of spiritual torment.

Opening the book's first page, Ander inscribed his name solemnly with the Holy Light, thus completing his transformation into a true Paladin.

The three celebrated with a barbecue.

"Forseti, in a thousand years, how many Paladins do you think the Silver Hand will boast?" the horse-faced Thor inquired.

"A thousand years from now..." Forseti gazed up at the starlit sky.

They were in the late 13th century AD. A thousand years hence would be the era of the Avengers and the Infinity War, roughly seven hundred years into the future.

"Perhaps throughout the entire universe?" Ander suggested optimistically.

"I hope so..."

The next day, Forseti and Ander returned to Asgard.

"Ander, take some time to relax, but don't neglect your Holy Light infusion. Another Paladin will be joining us soon," Forseti instructed.

"Will they be Asgardians too?" Ander asked.

Forseti nodded. "Certainly, unless I encounter someone of exceptional talent, I intend to recruit exclusively from the Aesir and Vanir."

After two days at home in Asgard, Forseti returned to the teleportation hall.

"Where are you off to?" Heimdall inquired.

"For Ria, the home planet of the Kronans."

The Rainbow Bridge shimmered, whisking him away to Ria, a planet dominated by mountains—the ancestral home of the Kronan people.

While most inhabited planets were vibrant and green, Ria was predominantly gray, its landscape defined by rocky mountains and deserts.

Upon arrival, Forseti surveyed his surroundings and spotted two Kronans a few dozen meters away.

Clearly startled by the sudden appearance of the Rainbow Bridge's light, the two Kronans exchanged glances, visibly unnerved.

They eyed Forseti warily. One of them, without hesitation, turned and fled.

The other Kronan called out after him, "Wait, you fool!"

Forseti's magic cloak billowed behind him as he floated up and swiftly intercepted the two ponderous stone beings, blocking their path with a gentle command, "Halt."

The Kronans halted immediately, the one who had attempted to flee dropping to his knees with practiced ease, as if expecting this encounter: "Honorable Aesir, I am your humble servant."

Though Kronans were generally not known for their intelligence, familiarity with the Rainbow Bridge had evidently taught them to recognize an Asgardian. Most individuals capable of independent use of the Rainbow Bridge were powerful Gods, and thus, not to be trifled with.

Forseti regarded them sternly. "Answer me truthfully, and you may go free."

"Yes." Both Kronans knelt, resembling large boulders on the ground.

"Among the Kronans you know, who is the most ruthless and dangerous?" Forseti inquired.

He had come to the Kronans' homeland specifically to obtain Mountain Blood—the essential ingredient for creating the Dragonman's Shield. The substitution for Mountain Blood was found in the Kronans' bodies, more precisely, in the mighty Kronan heart.

However, Forseti was still a Paladin. Though his standards might not be lofty, he couldn't simply slaughter intelligent beings at will. Hence, he needed to locate a morally reprehensible Kronan to assist in his quest for justice.

"The most ruthless?" One of the Kronans hesitated.

"The most evil and powerful," Forseti clarified.

"Marco the Marauder!" the other Kronan interjected promptly. "Marco is a bandit who burns, kills, loots—all manner of wickedness. He has never even spared newborns. He is also formidable, possibly the strongest warrior in the West... Honored God, will you punish this villain?"

Forseti remained silent, pressing onward, "Where can I find Marco the Marauder?"

The Kronans gestured toward a mountain range. "Beyond those mountains lies Marco's domain. There are at least a hundred bandits under his command. They extort all who pass, demanding exorbitant tolls. My cousin's uncle was robbed, stripped of even his coat..."

Forseti turned toward the indicated mountain, then took flight, covering the distance swiftly.

Given Ria's vast mountain ranges, it took some time to ascend the peak. Eventually, he spotted a narrow path leading forward.

As he walked along the path, the ground trembled faintly.

Several burly Kronans wielding weapons appeared—a formidable sight. Their substantial rock-like bodies caused the ground nearby to quake slightly.
