[Ogre King]
The Sulfuron Warhammer seemed to resonate with divine flame power, intensifying the flames on the warhammer as fire surged through Forseti's veins.
Constructed primarily from Uru, the warhammer, despite its considerable size, was surprisingly light, weighing less than 100 pounds.
Forseti swung it a few times, then tapped the palm of his left hand and opened the Codex to the schematic page.
[Completion: Beyond]
[Item Level: Level 8]
Not only had the quality surpassed expectations, but the item level had also ascended from the seventh stage blueprint to the eighth. Forseti nodded approvingly.
"Thank you, Eitri."
Eitri grinned and waved a hand. "Haha, for dwarves, crafting mighty weapons is our proudest achievement."
With the warhammer complete, Forseti didn't depart Nidavellir immediately. There was still a spaceship awaiting modification.
Returning to his chamber, Forseti scrutinized the Sulfuron Warhammer before opening the Codex to [Enchant: Tibu's Blazing Rune] and applying it to the warhammer.
Gripping the handle with his left hand, brilliant flames burst forth from his palm, enveloping the warhammer in a swift, complete enchantment.
Empowered by Tibu's Fire Rune, the flames swirling around Sulfuron's Hammer burned even hotter.
Yet, the true marvel of Tibu's flaming rune lay in its unique capability to transform weapons into a fiery state.
Forseti gripped the warhammer's handle, and with a thought, it transformed into a blazing flame, shaping itself around his palm.
Fire, by nature, was shapeless, and in its new form, the warhammer's fiery manifestation flowed with boundless flexibility.
Satisfied with this, Forseti could not help but lament that despite attaching Tibu's Flaming Rune, the Sulfuron Warhammer hadn't ascended to the next level, remaining an eighth-level weapon.
Considering the circumstances, ascending another level to the ninth, alongside the Orange Hammer, Sávrass, seemed improbable.
As Forseti toyed with the fiery warhammer's form, his brow furrowed as if he'd uncovered something.
Could he integrate the Sulfuron Warhammer in its flame form into his body?
After a brief hesitation, he resolved to try.
He carefully drew the flame in, allowing it to slowly meld into his arm, then quickly expelled it to confirm his ability to control it.
Satisfied with the initial results, Forseti grew bolder, fully integrating the Sulfuron Warhammer's flame form into his body.
Distinct from other flames, those formed by the Sulfuron Warhammer held unique characteristics, markedly noticeable within Forseti's body.
Although uncomfortable—a foreign entity invading his body—Forseti refrained from dispersing the Sulfuron Warhammer to other areas, confining it to his arm.
The weight of his arm increased significantly, and its movement became cumbersome, inflamed and reddened with intense heat.
Nonetheless, Forseti felt a surge of strength within his arm, surpassing its former capabilities akin to an Uru-armored arm.
The practicality of Tibu's Blazing Rune astonished Forseti, leaving him to ponder over the magic imbued by Tibu.
Eager to explore further, he accessed the Codex and entered King Gordok's training ground.
Previously, Forseti had challenged King Gordok and his ogre brethren several times, each ending in defeat.
Not due to inability to defeat the ogres—Forseti could easily defeat them—but due to the stipulation that only King Gordok could be slain, with others left alive, lest the tribute reward be rescinded.
The strategy seemed clear: swiftly dispatch King Gordok within two strikes, before the other ogres could intervene.
Nevertheless, as a sixth-level BOSS, King Gordok posed a formidable challenge, requiring more than two moves for victory, at least previously.
Now, armed with the Sulfuron Warhammer, Forseti believed his strength had significantly augmented.
"Ah ha ha..."
Upon entering the training grounds, the seven ogres bared their fangs in their characteristic grin, wielding colossal weapons and charging towards Forseti.
Seizing the opportune moment to exact vengeance, Forseti did not hesitate to initiate his onslaught.
In an instant, his wings of holy light burst into a golden arc, propelling him before King Gordok, where he unleashed a powerful swing of the Sulfuron Warhammer.
Justice Hammer!
King Gordok raised his greatsword to parry, but the impact of the warhammer sent flames and holy light exploding forth, hurling King Gordok's massive frame backward.
"Your Majesty!" The other ogres responded, readying to defend their king.
Forseti charged once more, swinging the warhammer anew.
This time, King Gordok failed to deflect in time, the warhammer crushing directly into his arm holding the sword, causing him to cry out in agony.
As the other ogres closed in, Krush, the ogre mage observer, unleashed a lightning bolt that struck Forseti's back.
Ignoring the jolt of electricity and evading the ogre guards' assault, Forseti pursued King Gordok relentlessly.
Unable to retaliate, King Gordok's agonized cries intensified as his arm bore the brunt of the warhammer's blow.
Forseti closed in again, bringing the Sulfuron Warhammer crashing down upon King Gordok's forehead, ending the battle.
Oddly, and with uncertain design, the moment King Gordok fell, the charging ogres abruptly altered their stance, dropping to their knees in unison.
Simultaneously, they hailed Forseti: "Hail to the King!"
Forseti blinked, realizing the ogres had anointed him their new ruler.
"The one who slays the king becomes the new king," Krush, the observer, explained.
Forseti nodded, then refocused on King Gordok's spoils.
King Gordok possessed two sets of rewards: one for the standard challenge and another unique reward.
An impressive forging blueprint, [Forging Blueprint: Brutal Blade], and [Ogre King].
[Ogre King: You are now the Ogre King. When entering the training space, you can summon a random ogre to aid in battle.]