
Asgard collapsed.

Thanos reappeared before Jane Foster using the Space Stone, taking the Reality Stone, and keeping his unspoken promise to ensure Jane Foster's safety.

After acquiring the Reality Stone, Thanos glanced at the shattered Asgard, said nothing, and vanished through a portal created by the Space Stone.

Forseti sat among the ruins of the Golden Palace, crestfallen. Hela tried to console him, but he remained silent, lost in thought.

Even with the full power of Asgard, they couldn't stop Thanos. Although Asgard didn't suffer as heavy casualties as in the original saga, Forseti felt it was a complete failure.

Would Thanos now proceed to gather the six Infinity Stones and execute his finger-snap that would erase countless lives?

Forseti had considered using the Reckoning against Thanos, but he knew it wouldn't work. The Reckoning relied on countering the enemy's aggression, and currently, Thanos showed no signs of outright hostility. His only aim was to secure the Stones and depart swiftly, minimizing conflict.

Faced with limitless power, the Reckoning was inadequate. There remained only the Holy Shield.

Could protecting those closest to him with the Holy Shield be a viable strategy? Though Forseti had yet to master the technique, over a hundred spell fragments in his possession should suffice for shielding his loved ones.

Yet, he hesitated to rely solely on this strategy.

But it seemed there was no other recourse. While mastering the Divine Shield might offer a breakthrough, it hinged on acquiring the Ashbringer.

Thanos remained two Stones away, and with his efficiency, Forseti wouldn't have the luxury of crafting the Ashbringer in time.

Just as Forseti resigned himself to this realization, a golden-red portal materialized, and a man in a crimson cloak emerged.

"I am Stephen Strange, the new Sorcerer Supreme," the man declared, fixing his gaze on Forseti from the outset.

Forseti's expression shifted at the sudden appearance of Doctor Strange, as if struck by a revelation.

Doctor Strange continued, "I am aware of the imminent universal crisis. In fact, we may be on the brink of total annihilation."

"Total annihilation?" Forseti frowned.

"Yes, the complete obliteration of the entire universe, leaving no survivors, not even microbes," Doctor Strange affirmed.

Forseti was taken aback. Thanos intended to halve life, not exterminate it entirely. Why did Doctor Strange foresee universal extinction?

Thor interjected, "So why have you come here?"

"To save us," Doctor Strange replied. "Using the Time Stone, I have glimpsed 14 million possible futures, and in all but one, we fail."

Hela queried, "What is that one outcome?"

"I do not know its specifics; it remains nebulous and fraught with uncertainty," Doctor Strange conceded, "but there is a glimmer of hope."

After a pause, Doctor Strange returned his focus to Forseti and said, "The fulcrum of this crisis lies with you, Sun God."

"With me?"

Doctor Strange nodded. "Indeed. Certain details elude me."

Forseti fell silent for a prolonged moment, then resolved, "This is our sole chance."

"What must I do?" Doctor Strange inquired.

"Accompany me to Nidavellir. Utilize your Time Stone to expedite the creation of an artifact," Forseti instructed.


"Where is this?" Thanos gazed around, bewildered. Before him stood a structure resembling an altar.

Intending to return to the Dark Quadrant using the Space Stone, he inadvertently arrived in an unfamiliar realm—barren, desolate, devoid of even a solitary insect.

However, appearances were deceptive. Just as Thanos prepared to employ the Space Stone anew, a spectral figure cloaked in black materialized before him.

"Thanos, son of A'lars," the cloaked figure intoned, identifying Thanos outright.

"And who are you?" Thanos inquired.

The figure offered no response but divulged, "Seeking the Infinity Stone, are you not? Here lies one of paramount significance—the Soul Stone."

With those words, he guided Thanos toward the altar.

Thanos expressed mild surprise, "Oh? And what is required of me?"

"You need not offer any recompense," the figure revealed unexpectedly. "You need only pledge to slay a particular individual, and the Soul Stone will be yours."

"Who?" Thanos queried.

"The Sun God of Asgard, Forseti Garrison," the figure disclosed calmly.

Thanos fell silent, contemplating.

Indeed, he had entertained thoughts of eliminating Forseti...

Yet Forseti's might presented a formidable obstacle. Annihilating him before securing all six Infinity Stones would prove no mean feat. Thus, during his recent visit to Asgard, Thanos refrained from action—his primary objective had never been assassination.

"And why should I kill him?" Thanos inquired involuntarily.

"It is an act of vengeance. The specifics elude me; I am but an observer," the cloaked figure replied, "Once you secure the Stone, my involvement ceases."

"Can you fulfill this task?" the cloaked figure queried.

Thanos responded without hesitation, "Indeed."

With that affirmation, the earth trembled slightly. A brilliant beam erupted from beneath the altar, extending toward Thanos.

Gazing upon the spectacle, Thanos observed within the luminous beam a vibrant yellow gemstone, emanating curious energy undulations—a fitting complement to the other four gems adorning his gauntlet.

Grasping the gem, he embedded it into the gauntlet.

Now, five Infinity Stones adorned his gauntlet; only the Time Stone remained.

"The Time Stone yet eludes me..."



The forge of the Dwarves blazed, yet an arcane emerald aura enshrouded it, imbuing its contents with a time flow divergent from that of the external world. Within this sphere, King Eitri and Forseti toiled, their actions accelerated manifold compared to the norm, a thousand times faster, a millionfold.

As viewed from outside this temporal anomaly, their motions appeared blurred—frenetic, almost.

Observing from without, the world seemed frozen, paused in an almost tangible stasis.

Doctor Strange stood sentinel outside this temporal field, clutching the Time Stone, maintaining this time differential.

"It nears completion!" Eitri exclaimed exultantly, as the Ashbringer prototype materialized before them, its distinctive luminescence and warmth palpable.

Forseti, too, sensed his heart quicken.

Though aided by the Time Stone, the existence of substitute Uru-Vibranium ingots was undeniably advantageous.

After years of Dwarven research, they had at last succeeded in melding Vibranium with Uru, forging the perfect metal foretold to deliver them from calamity.

And the Uru-Vibranium alloy crafted by the Dwarves proved an ideal stand-in for Elementium ingots. Such an outcome was hardly unforeseen. After all, Vibranium and Uru were premium alternatives to Elementium and Aojin. The sole fortuitous element lay in their fusion ratio.

The manifestation of the Ashbringer now seemed but a matter of time.

Yet at that juncture, Forseti glanced upward. Just beyond the temporal barrier, a faint azure light flickered into being, slowly expanding...
