There lay an inconspicuous island in the vast Pacific Ocean. This new island was not a miracle of nature but a testament to the craftsmanship of the sun god.
For Forseti today, creating an island in the Pacific Ocean wasn't difficult—he merely had to become a giant and mold the earth beneath the sea.
Building a city, however, was a more complex endeavor. After shaping a solid, flat island with his bare hands, the industrious Asgardians set to work, busily constructing their new home.
"From now on, we shall reside in Midgard!" Thor grinned, elated to be living on Earth with Jane once more.
"I miss the thrill of slipping through the back door..." Loki sighed unexpectedly, leaving many puzzled.
"Back door?" Thor inquired.
Loki smirked, "You probably didn't know, but Asgard has a back door to the other realms. It's my favorite place."
Thor's eyes widened. "There's such a place? Why didn't you tell me?"
"To tell you would be to tell the world," Loki shrugged.
Heimdall turned to Forseti, "We could also recreate the same Asgard as before, across the universe."
"True," Forseti nodded, then added thoughtfully, "But that might invite new dangers... No one favors an isolated and powerful Asgard, not even in the universe."
Heimdall hesitated. "Did you foresee something?"
Forseti shook his head. "It's just a vague feeling. There's a universal law of balance, and its workings may be more active than we think."
But ultimately, his preference for Earth was the primary reason.
Thus, he chose to rebuild Asgard on Earth, similar to the movies.
The difference being that in the films, New Asgard was in Norway, where Odin passed away. Presently, New Asgard was an island he created himself in the Pacific Ocean.
"However, Earth seems troubled," Heimdall noted suddenly, gazing into the distance. "You may need to journey to Hong Kong."
Forseti frowned. "What's happening at the Sanctum Sanctorum?"
Hong Kong, at the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Darkness tore through the bustling city, flames erupted from fissures connecting to otherworldly dimensions, and the solemn Sanctum Sanctorum suffered damage.
Mages stood ready, with their leader Stephen Strange gazing into the dark chasm in the sky, anticipating an encounter with an unknown and terrifying entity.
"Dormammu, we've already discussed terms," Doctor Strange intoned calmly.
There was a voice from the darkness, sounding somewhat surprised. "I thought you were dead..."
Doctor Strange replied, "Now that you know I'm alive, will you keep your promise to leave Earth?"
"I'm astonished you returned from death. However, the Time Stone should indeed vanish. We sense an irreplaceable loss in the universe," Dormammu stated slowly.
Doctor Strange fell silent.
At that moment, a holy light suddenly pierced the darkness-shrouded city.
Forseti appeared at the dark rift, wielding the Ashbringer, and confronted the eyes ablaze with purple flames. "You're correct that the Time Gem is gone. But that doesn't grant you the right to touch Earth, Dormammu."
"I remember you," Dormammu's voice darkened, recalling that Forseti had destroyed one of his clones.
"You seem to have a good memory, despite being beyond the flow of time," Forseti remarked.
He didn't fully comprehend Dormammu, a being outside the laws of time, but that didn't shake his confidence in defeating Dormammu. At least outside the Dark Dimension, Forseti could render Dormammu unfit to negotiate.
Dormammu sensed this power and found himself unable to manifest further hostility under the formidable edge of the Ashbringer.
"Are you protecting Earth, Aesir?" Dormammu inquired after a pause.
Forseti replied calmly, "The Aesir have always safeguarded Earth."
"Very well," Dormammu said curtly, then retreated with his darkness. Instantly, the shadows receded like a tide, and the city sky cleared once more.
Forseti dropped to the ground. "Stephen, what just happened?"
Doctor Strange remained silent, observing a green-robed mage nearby who stared at the sky in disbelief, chasing the receding darkness.
"This is impossible..." the green-robed mage murmured.
"Mordo, this isn't like you. We fought side by side, and now you side with darkness," Doctor Strange addressed him.
Master Mordo gritted his teeth. "You and the Ancient One are well-versed in these 'forbidden arts'!"
"Knowledge is power, but it must be used wisely," Doctor Strange retorted.
Forseti understood that Mordo's summoning of Dormammu likely caused his reappearance, but he refrained from inquiring further about the Sanctum Sanctorum.
"From now on, Asgardians will dwell on Earth, correct?" Doctor Strange asked.
Forseti smiled. "Indeed, so I don't anticipate many demonic incursions here in the future."
Doctor Strange nodded, then unexpectedly remarked, "Perhaps it's time for the Sanctum Sanctorum to transform into a more unified organization of mages."
"... The Kirin Tor?" Forseti blurted.
Doctor Strange frowned. "Is that the name you have in mind? It sounds fitting."