Chapter 24 : Sister, Watanabe is here to propose marriage to you!


The Senju clan is very busy today, with carriages coming and going in a long line on the street.

As the little princess of Konoha, Tsunade is the focus of everyone's attention wherever she goes. If nothing unexpected happens, the Fourth Hokage will definitely be her or Nawaki. Therefore, it is impossible for her birthday party to be held in a low-key manner. All the prominent ninja families and senior leadership teams in Konoha will come uninvited to celebrate her birthday.

"Lord Mito, congratulations to little Tsunade for growing another year older. Konoha now has a successor!"

A white-haired old man said with a broad smile, and two members of the Hatake tribe followed him respectfully, holding gift boxes in their hands.

"We, the Hatake clan, have prepared some small gifts. I hope Master Mito will not mind."

Mito looked a little helpless: "Chief Hatake, you are spending too much money."

"Of course I should, hehe..."

This kind of favor between ninja clans could not be shirked, Mito glanced at Tsunade beside her, and Tsunade spoke up: "Thank you, Hatake-senpai."

Then a member of the senju clan came forward to take the gift box, simply registered it and put it in the corner of the yard, where the number of gift boxes had already piled up like a small mountain.

Just after dealing with the Hatake clan leader, the Nara clan leader came over to congratulate him.

"Mito-senpai, your granddaughter is getting cuter and cuter as she grows up. She has the demeanour of Master Hashirama..."

Tsunade looked out the door with a wandering gaze, and absent-mindedly listened to the pleasantries exchanged between her grandmother and the clan leaders of various tribes. Occasionally, when she received a hint from Mito, she would say a few words of thanks.

'Why hasn't that guy come yet?'

Tsunade felt inexplicably irritated. She didn't like such occasions where she was the center of attention. She thought it would be better for the two of them to have a big meal at Watanabe's house, where they would be comfortable and relaxed.

However, her identity meant that she could not keep a low profile.

In the following time, major ninja clans such as Sarutobi, Hyuga, Inuzuka, and Yuhi came forward to congratulate one another. Even the Uchiha clan, which has always had a sensitive relationship with the Senju clan, came to the scene and presented valuable gifts.

Danzo's arrival made Tsunade focus a little more, after all, he was the one who once posed a threat to Watanabe.

Danzo had just been suppressed by Mito not long ago. Mito not only ordered him to apologise to Watanabe in person, but also forced the Root that he directly led to disband. But at this moment, standing in front of Mito, Danzo still had a respectful attitude, and there was no resentment on his face.

' You bully the weak and fear the strong. I can tell at first glance that you are not a good person. '

Tsunade instinctively disliked Danzo. Even after receiving hints from Mito, she always treated him coldly and never said "thank you" to Danzo.

This made Mito and Danzo feel a little awkward, so they just kept on exchanging a few polite words, and finally Mito casually sent the man away.

"Sister." Nawaki suddenly leaned close to Tsunade's ear and asked, "When will my brother-in-law arrive?"


"He's Watanabe, not your brother-in-law!"

Tsunade was so embarrassed that she smacked her stupid brother on the forehead.

"oh oh..."

Nawaki covered his forehead in pain, feeling wronged. His sister never hit him before, but now she is using violence against him for another man. If this isn't a brother-in-law, then what is he?

He continued to ask, "Why hasn't Watanabe come yet?"

"Who cares? He can come if he wants!"

Although she said this, Tsunade was actually getting impatient and felt that Watanabe didn't pay enough attention to her, otherwise he would have definitely arrived as early as possible.

Nawaki rolled his eyes and ran out the door: "I'll go take a look outside!"

Tsunade was about to call out to her silly brother when a familiar voice came from the side:

"Happy birthday, Tsunade."

Tsunade turned her head and saw a blue-haired boy and a white-haired old woman. The smile on the blue-haired boy's face was sunny and handsome, but it was still far inferior to Watanabe's.

"Chief Kato, this child must be your eldest grandson." Mito greeted and talked to the white-haired old woman.

The two men are of similar age, but their appearances and figures are very different. Patriarch Kato is already a dying candle in the wind, while Mito is as bright and young as a young girl.

"Yes." The Kato clan leader smiled and replied, "His name is Kato Dan, and he was in the same class as Tsunade in the Ninja School."

"Tsunade, this is a gift I carefully prepared for you. I hope you like it." Kato Dan handed over the gift box in his hand, trying to make his tone sound gentle.

Tsunade hesitated for a moment, took the gift box, and said thank you lightly.

Seeing this, Kato Dan's smile became even brighter.

He just scanned the hall and didn't see Watanabe.

' If Tsunade and Watanabe really are lovers, there is no way Watanabe would not attend her birthday. 'Kato Dan thought secretly.

' But Watanabe is definitely not here. It seems that Tsunade and I still have a chance... '


Suddenly, a scream was heard outside the courtyard, and then Nawaki rushed in in panic, shouting breathlessly: "Watanabe, Watanabe is here to propose to you!"


The originally bustling hall suddenly fell into silence.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Utatane Koharu, the Uchiha clan leader, the Hyuga clan leader, the Senju elder... and all the people who were seated all looked stunned.

Who is it?

He actually proposed to Tsunade? ?

Tsunade is only thirteen years old!

This is no longer the Warring States Period of early marriage and early pregnancy. Are you sure you won't be hung at the entrance of the village by Mito with a diamond chain? !

Especially Kato Dan, who just thought he had a chance to pursue Tsunade, was so confused that his head was buzzing.

The next moment, the chiefs of all tribes looked behind Nawaki, wanting to know who was so bold as to do this.

In this tense atmosphere that seemed ready to explode at any time, Watanabe, wearing the burgundy suit bought for him by Tsunade, holding a giant gift box that was bigger than him, cursed in his heart, and appeared silently.

One minute ago.

Watanabe arrived at the Senju clan's territory and soon discovered something was wrong.

The roadside was filled with carriages printed with the emblems of the major ninja clans, making the already narrow street completely crowded.

"Why are there so many carriages from other ninja clans in the Senju clan's territory?"

"Are they coming to Tsunade's birthday as well?"

Watanabe made a guess.

He knew that Tsunade was of noble status, but he didn't expect her to be so noble. It was just a birthday, but almost all the ninjas of Konoha swarmed over.

The closer they got to Tsunade's house, the denser the carriages parked on the roadside became. Watanabe's guess was confirmed, and he felt a little uneasy.

The giant cake he was holding was so big that it was not hard to imagine that when he walked into Tsunade's house with the giant cake in his arms, he would definitely attract strange looks from people of all tribes... Just thinking about that scene made my scalp tingle with embarrassment!

Watanabe was thinking about how to give the cake to Tsunade in a low-key manner. When he looked up, he saw a familiar little boy at the door of Tsunade's house.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

