Chapter 36 : Hinata Zero


Uchiha Chiri turned her head and her eyes rested on Watanabe's polite face.

'There's something wrong with this kid!'

If someone had told Uchiha Chiri before today that there were students in the ninja school who could withstand her illusion head-on, she would never have believed it.

But this kind of thing just happened, and she still hasn't reacted to the situation.

"You're welcome. You did a great job."

Uchiha Chiri returned to her usual cold expression, responded to Watanabe, and returned to the judges' seat.

Gekko Hayabusa and other ANBU ninjas were busy in the back recording the scores of each candidate. The uproar in the audience became more and more enthusiastic, like an overwhelming tidal wave, everyone was amazed at Watanabe's performance just now.

"Chiri, thank you for your hard work."

The Nara clan leader, the Hatake clan leader and others all expressed their condolences to Uchiha Chiri, and even Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and nodded at her.

"I thought no one could get full marks in front of you, but I didn't expect Chiri to be so tolerant of these little guys."

The clan leaders felt that the reason why Watanabe was able to get full marks was due to the mercy shown by Chiri, but it was also closely related to his own strength.

If you think about it carefully, this is a very normal thing. How could the future son-in-law of the Senju clan be mediocre?

Chiri raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not tell everyone that she had just used all her strength to perform the illusion.

'Why doesn't my illusion work on him?'

Afterwards, Chiri became more and more uneasy, as the problem just exposed was actually very serious.

Illusion is what she is best at. If illusion is ineffective against the enemy, it is equivalent to cutting off one of her arms.

She stared at Watanabe in the training ground calmly, and decided that she must find out why he was immune to her illusion.

After more than ten minutes of busy work, Gekko Hayabusa, Chiri and others finally calculated the results of all the candidates. A total of 85 people were eliminated in this round of illusion test, and Watanabe got full marks without any controversy.

"Watanabe, you got a perfect score on the illusion test?!"

After Jiraiya and Everyone woke up, they were shocked to learn about Watanabe's results.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so capable."

Jiraiya suddenly felt that Watanabe was unfathomable. He was once an unknown last-place student in the class, but he suddenly turned around and became an amazing figure above him.

Higurashi had mixed feelings and he couldn't tell whether he was envious or jealous.

He tried his best and could only take four steps, but Watanabe could take ten steps. The gap between the two was huge.

'Is his name Watanabe?'

Hyuga Zero secretly looked at Watanabe who was communicating with Jiraiya and others in front, and recalled the conversation with her father last night. A firm look flashed in her two white eyes.

'You won the illusion test, but I will definitely win back in the combat test.'

'Except for Tsunade, there is no way anyone my age can beat me!'

Hyuga Zero was full of fighting spirit and regarded Watanabe as an opponent she must defeat. After all, this was her only chance to escape from the cage.

"The actual combat test will begin at 12 noon. Each person will have four combat opportunities. Each win will earn you 25 points. Those who lose three games will be eliminated..."

Gekko Hayabusa explained the rules of the Combat test to everyone. After the first two rounds of the test, there were less than a hundred candidates left.

"Watanabe, you have to work hard. Your current grades are very good. If you can perform better in actual combat, you may have a chance to be accepted as a disciple by the Hokage."

During the half-time break, in the ramen restaurant, Jiraiya cheered Watanabe with a smile, sincerely hoping that he could achieve his goal.

Higurashi's smile was a bit forced. After two rounds of tests, his scores had been far behind others and he had almost no hope of becoming the Hokage's disciple.

Orochimaru remained silent the entire time and ate noodles quietly.

"It should be no problem in actual combat. I have been sparring with Tsunade for some time, and my strength has improved a lot compared to before."

Jiraiya was quite sincere with himself, so Watanabe revealed a little bit to him so that he wouldn't be too surprised in the afternoon.

"No wonder Watanabe suddenly became so powerful, it turns out you have Tsunade helping you." Higurashi said sourly.

Watanabe admitted generously: "Yes, Tsunade has been a great help to me."

"Tsk tsk." Jiraiya also began to feel jealous: "This is the charm of rich women. I also want to pursue one. Hyuga Zero from the next class is very good and looks pretty..."

"Who is talking about me?"

A soft voice sounded, and Jiraiya was startled out of nowhere.

The four turned around and saw a girl with beautiful features and white eyes standing behind them. She was quite thin.

"Are you talking about me?"

Hyuga Zero blinked and curiously asked Orochimaru who was closest to her.

Orochimaru thought for a moment and calmly replied, "Jiraiya said you're a rich woman and he wants to pursue you."


Jiraiya spat out a mouthful of noodle soup and nearly choked to death.

Hyuga Zero smiled softly while covering her mouth. At the same time, she looked at Jiraiya with interest: "white-haired boy, you are Jiraiya, right?"


Jiraiya coughed to cover up his embarrassment and laughed it off: "We were just joking, we didn't mean anything else."

"Are you kidding? You don't want to pursue me?" Hyuga Zero asked puzzledly.

Jiraiya's heart was moved by her question, and hesitantly asked back: "Can I...pursue you?"

"Hehehe, of course not!" Hyuga Zero smiled brightly and beautifully.

Jiraiya: "…"


Hyuga Zero suddenly changed the subject, his eyes fell on Watanabe, and said shyly: "If it is Watanabe-kun who pursues me, I might consider it."

Jiraiya: "…"

He really wanted to curse, 'why do young rich women keep sticking to Watanabe? You guys should at least look at me!'

Watanabe reminded her: "Zero, this is the first time we've spoken to each other, it's inappropriate to make such a joke."

Hyuga Zero said naively, "What does the first time we talked have to do with my admiration for Watanabe-kun? I think Watanabe-kun is different from the others."

Watanabe frowned. 

'Shouldn't a young lady from a wealthy family be as cold and arrogant as Tsunade? Such a direct way of speaking is really a bit difficult to deal with.'

"Give up, Watanabe already has a girlfriend, there's no way he'll pursue you." Jiraiya waved his hands weakly, retaliating against Hyuga Zero for the blow he inflicted on him.

"Ah, such a pity." Hyuga Zero's expression changed from innocence to regret.

Watanabe couldn't figure out her intentions and he could only respond in silence.

"Watanabe-kun, can I ask you a favour?"


Hyuga Zero said embarrassedly: "Watanabe-kun is so powerful. If I meet Watanabe-kun in a Combat test, I will definitely lose miserably."

"So I would like to ask Watanabe-kun to show mercy. If we encounter this in the afternoon, please be gentle, Watanabe-kun, and at least don't hurt me too badly..."

Watanabe raised his head and saw only shame and shyness on the other person's beautiful face, as if she was really afraid of getting hurt in actual combat.

'There is something wrong with this girl. There is definitely something wrong with her!'

